Separate names with a comma.
Come check our my server, you're welcome to play alone, and record, or co-op, or pvp in limited areas. The server is not very busy, but always...
Glad to help, I had the same exact problem, drove me crazy.
I have a question about Wipe playfield context menu item. Will this wipe *everything*? is it possible to wipe everything but player structures...
I had the same issue, not sure what it was. If you have multiple servers on the same machine, it will get confused for some reason, either not... Join us on our server, I'll give you a hand and...
Hello All! I am the rodent, aka r0d3nt, RDNt, and other names. I'm an avid gamer, and I like hosting game servers and infrastructure. I'm an old...
I would really like an IRC mod for EGS. So that a server or EAH could connect and link channels on the game server, to IRC network channels....
I did setup a 2nd server to test settings and bugs. This way I won't have to restart the main server to test things for whatever reason.
Finally got EAH working right. Wooo! progress! regular 4-6 players throughout the day, all systems nominal at this time.
Latency, and RAM. Those are you 2 major concerns. 550mb per user connected is required for ram.
Advertised the group in another facebook group. Looks like some more players are interested. =)
the Death Announcement mod works really well. I sincerely wish there was an easy to to announce players connecting and or joining/leaving the...
Changed more zones from PVP to PVE per player requests. I think the idea is that we'll have only a couple zones where it will be no holds barred...
Preemptively banned several reported griefers and exploiters reported in the forums.
Starting to make some minor tweaks to the default multiplayer scenario for the server. Instance is too easy, increased difficulty. Researching...
Server is running well, some new players. Myself and coadmin hid some public loot out in the solar system for new players to get a leg up. Just...
Added DMM player death notification mod. wooo!
I added a Discord Server for players:
Name: US | RDNt Cluster | Empyrion Public Server | 1GB | PvE/PVP Slots: 32 EAC: Active _________________________ Server Location: USA, Detroit...