Separate names with a comma.
Yeah, pretty much jibes with what I was observing, I'm hoping someone had a definitive answer. Not a big deal, just a question that pops up in my...
Hmm interesting. I checked all the cargo boxes using the dropdown list for this one but none accepted any input. It's a shame, my Dual...
I'm familiar with the Factions list, but that's pretty much on the Starter planet & moon; like harvesting a tree is GOOD for Zirax but BAD for...
So, if I'm in a Polaris base and my reputation is Friendly, can you use the Deconstructor or Constructor? How? If you open a cargo box you kill...
I've mined a lot by hand and every time I do I wonder if technique changes the yielded ore, or is it "set" by the deposit. ie: This deposit has...
Hi all! Playing PVE and are just starting to explore other systems. I went to POL territory and found an all metal planet (WOOT!) and ran into...
You keep reminding me of things I wanted to add! ;) When you visit the Traders be SURE to use the Transporter!! It can take you to the Trade...
GREAT tip! This made me think of something I forgot to add to my post about Harvesters and Wood. I do a similar thing with wood. Once you have a...
I've always thought it was a real PITA to wander around aimlessly trying to find this info. I had to craft an Artillery AND a Projectile turret...
Ah-HA! Now THAT'S obvious ... not. Thanks, I tried the two turrets but not the MISSLES. Duh. Appreciate it!
LOL! Can't count the times I stupidly did this, some people never learn ... Last time I was on the moon, but had wireless in my SV and had some...
I found it in the "Burial Chamber" POI as well, my new long range fav. That sucker will take down a Zirac Troop ship, and if it unloads before you...
OK, I'm puzzled. I just returned to Empyrion after a couple month hiatus. I decided for fun to fixup the 556 Destroyed CV in orbit of the home...
LOL, love it. Great idea.
Ahhh. All the Nasties. Now it makes sense. Thanks!
Idle curiosity. Looking at this I see you have a few cores in the toolbar. Ahhh... I GET the rest, as you're building, but what the hell do you...
I've often voiced an opinion that Devs & Creators have to have an inborn slow-to-burn reaction time to "nasty" or "provocative" comments. We tend...
Yep that's what I think happened. Exactly. I put a windows block directly above a repair block and it bitched at me, LOL. Touchy little thing.
Just to throw an "obvious" thing in for players who are just starting out - the Repair Bay block not only must have a clear space around it for...
Thanks, I thought so but didn't want to be a pest. I do that easily enough ... :D EDIT: Reading the Bug Report rules, the game I have this...