Separate names with a comma.
not seeing this till I was looking back to see for another issue... why does a like give me an alert, but a reply to me doesnt? missing so much...
it doesnt get its counter part placed
selecting a ramp C half gets you a ramp D half in game
when mirroring, these dont get their counter part placed
when mirrored their counter parts dont get placed, but the same block.
thought I read that cube quarter glitch got fixed? its still an issue (or again?)
it's hitbox covers the whole block, tested two other lights, they where fine.
also mirror mode doesnt work with upgrading
upgraded some of the new blocks, they transformed into different shapes than their originals. my guess is that all the blocks that get the...
mirroring of painting doesnt go as expected. on cut corners also just to make sure.. still not able to only paint the cut corner B properly.
see screenshot, it has the same texture as the block next to it
issue is only from this side of the door, it is possible to stand on other side and delete through open door.
wanted to delete a block next to a door, door went, not the block. tried on all types of doors, new and old armored and the normal ones, which one...
I accidentally deleted a block I only wanted to delete on 1 side, on the other side this block didnt get placed (good) because a small generator...
also the mirroring of the textures on this block places the textures 90 degrees off on the copied side
dimensions on edge round medium textures are off
can we have another post where we can request new block shapes that we found we need, now we got new blocks to play with? :D in screen shot...
noticed that these symbols are not properly aligned any more.
Creative, when mirroring lights, the ones you place keep the settings, the ones that are mirrored on the other side dont have the settings.
emptying armour locker to player inventory (with arrow to do all at once) doesnt work. shift clicking doesnt work either.