Separate names with a comma.
And that ship has two of those... Kudos to @vicomt and @oojimaflip it's a pretty stunning ship. (And yet manages to be fairly easy to find...
I'm just impressed your SV there manages to make the biggest hanger doors we have (doubled, even) look barely adequate. It's a pretty sweet build...
The Space Moles' Typhon would probably fit a dozen... at least.
I love having internet... I wish I had it all the time. <.< Anyway, had the chance to upload a CV to the workshop. Been a while since I built...
HAHAHA, I love it! Dr Seuss hasn't crossed my mind in years. Well played. Now I can start my day off grinning like an idiot. :)
My "nothing but the gun" hard (ish) Akua start has progressed to hand building myself a starter SV. [ATTACH] Since this screenshot I add a...
For someone who's been playing this game as many hours as I have, I still haven't been to a non starter planet...
Well, over the last couple days I have been repainting a CV "smuggler freighter" which I originally finished just before the 4.x update that...
Having started this Akua game with nothing out of the escape of except the gun and bullets, I have decided I really like playing scavenger style....
I've resisted visiting in creative mode because exploring blind is part of my motivation to continue playing survival. I don't like having undue...
Despite the months I've been playing this game, I've never left the starter planets, Akua and Omicron. I want to, I've just got a really bad case...
Today I lamemted the fact that the only planet I'd consider pretty enough to make my home is the "easy mode" planet. So... I came up with a way...
Played my first 5.x survival start that didn't die the first night, so yay. I've glimpsed some awesome new POI's but, they didn't save me....
I hate that so much. If its enclosed like that and won't be textured with an orientation sensative texture, I think you can rotate the block such...
The center is in freefall, actually. Knowing the gravity generators have a radius of 40 blocks, I made the station 95 in diameter. Now the grav...
Today I packed up my PC and came to family's place for Christmas... and internet! So I downloaded 5.0... well 5.3 now I guess? Gee those numbers...
It does not effect the voxel grid, nor the arbitrary axis for purposes of say, determining which direction is "forward" on a ship or the correct...
Spot on. It's the area at two gravity generators at 90 degree angles overlap their fields. Feels very natural to walk through. Very odd placing...
I've been workin' on the spaaace station, All the live-long day... [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] That last room? Building that...