2473 - The year, it all began...

Discussion in 'Media - Screenshots, Videos, Streams!' started by Tina Pedersen, May 10, 2016.

  1. Tina Pedersen

    Tina Pedersen Captain

    Oct 6, 2015
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    2473; the year, it all began.

    I remember vividly, standing there in the departure hall when the final instructions were given to the section officers.

    We all just stood there, dressed up from head to toe in the colors of our respective country. Flags everywhere. Speaches, carpets, applauds, everything.

    It felt surreal actually.

    I remember when i was nothing but a kid, the plasma-tellers, utterly filled with news about a new discovery that had finally revealed how to use parts from the wreck they found years earlier, as parts to make space ships on our own.

    No more guessing.
    No more hoping.
    No more dreaming.

    Finally, WE shall become the race of space explorers we had always sought to become.

    And now, i stand here, assigned as an engineer on the MS Titan, a ship, one of many, destined to fly into space, and find what we all think to be nothing less, than paradise.

    No more sandstorms, floodings, or fighting for the food and water that we all need to survive.
    Never again, set foot in the skyhouses, never again, fear for my life, everytime i opened my door.


    The roar of feet, freezing up in the majestic posture of "Attention" as the Prime Lord entered the hall to give her speech. The silence, was deafening as she slowly approached the screen.

    - Soldiers, civilians, young men, young women!.
    The time has come, for humanity to shine.
    The time has come for humanity, to break it's bonds to the planet we call home.
    The time has come, for us to explore the universe, not as a single unit, but as an entire planet.
    Gone are the bonds of borders and simple minded selfish ideas.
    Today, we stand as one, as we depart to the stars. Today, humanity shall take that leap, we have dreamt of since our becomming.

    Long speeches, had never been my strong side, and i had a hard time keeping a stiff face, thinking of my younger sister, who by now, would sit and stare at the plasma teller, wishing she was older so she could come with us.

    - And with these words, i, on behalf of all of humanity, i wish you safe travels, nd may you return as heroes!

    The applaud was deafening, as the screens went black, and each section turned to face the bording gates.
    This is it.
    This is now.

    The applauds continued, the cam droids raced around above our heads as each section marched onboard what was to become our home. Our new world, for an unknown number of years to come.

    "Attention all personell, hyperdrive activation, in 10 seludes. Prepare for jump"

    I rushed to my station, as the announcement came. I had to first check up on the life support status and send the numbers to the bridge, before checking the escape pods.

    "2 Seludes to activation"

    I was behind schedule. Wish the ones who made these checklists, would put some thinking into the time it takes to do each step.

    "1 Selude to activation!"

    Too late. Ok, just need to finish once we are in hyperspace then.

    I strapped myself in good in POD number C729A-168 just as a massive shutter ran through the ship when they activated the ancient device.

    Kept thinking of my bet with Lauren, as to which ship would make it there first. She said, the MS Solstice, was destined to be the first to arrive, because it was roumored to have been blessed by the touch of Li´nar.

    Well, i could just laugh. Who ever gets there first, was a big lottery, and nothing, but pure luck, would determine the winner.

    Suddenly, everything became silent. Not a sound was to be heard, and the instruments on the controlpanel, were all lit up, where they should be flashing.

    A chill ran down my spine as i saw the green light from the core room grow in intensity. This, was not supposed to happen!

    Then, like the blink of an eye, i am inside the POD, screaming towards the surface of a planet.
    It took me a few seconds, to come to my senses, before i started yanking the controls to slow the POD's rapid freefall through the atmosphere.

    I tried desperately to manouver towards a beach, as a beep from the scanner, alerted me of the pressence of an alien resource. That, is when it dawned on me. I am heading to a completely unknown planet, seamingly alone.
    I had just realized this, as a shadow darkened the ground beneath my POD.
    I looked around, and saw the front of the MS Titan, break through the atmosphere, engulfed in flames, heading straight for the mountain range.
    The explosion shook the POD as the MS titan, slammed into the mountain and broke up in 3 pieces, scattered allover the planets surface....
    piddlefoot, tarasin, Waddy and 3 others like this.

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