A quick summary of thumbs up voters / viewer percentages for Alpha 12 feedback threads

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Ambaire, Aug 4, 2020.

  1. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    If we run a survey just on CPU, for people that are 100% happy with it and think its perfect, the numbers are so low, its astonishing it even made it into the game.

    If you add the folks that will accept it, half broken or half unbalanced, as it will always be, it jumps to about 20 to 30 %, its incredible that 70% or more of all Empyrionites that have ever posted about CPU, HATE it.

    Absolutely incredible.

    I dare Eleon to run a full and fair survey about CPU alone.

    I dare them to use these much more unbias set of questions.
    As the last thread was two options that both included liking it, and no option for not liking it, really funny that one and that really shows that even the devs know CPU is inherently flawed in so many ways that they will never, ever, no matter how many years they have, balance CPU to work fairly for everyone.

    Question set....All very simple YES or NO questions.

    Do you love CPU. Y / N ?
    Do you think CPU is pretty average.
    Do you think CPU is below average.
    Do you absolutely hate CPU.

    I dare for that survey to be run here and on Steam, and lets do the results then, Im betting more than 70% file into that HATE CPU category.

    Instead of CPU restricting every block in the game and crippling your flight controls, you could have had new flight controls, with new REAL classes of ship, with REAL special abilities, instead of CPU, and how many think thats a bad idea now vs CPU after the mess CPU has created.......

    I double dare the survey creator to ask that question also.

    Would you like some new flight control set,and new ship classes with real special abilities ?

    Example SV drop ship with 4x thrust boost to any thrusters pointing downwards, rule built into starter block for that class.......

    The mind boggles at the sheer amount of new toys we missed with the CPU decision, worst in this games history.

    New toys, vs, restricting old ones.......Cant boil it down to E=Mc² any more than that, its as simple as it gets !

    I mean, who does that.
  2. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    just turn it off if you don't like it? it's an option. you dont have to play with it if you don't want to..

    also, you refer to what you read in the forums about CPU.. People that don't like it complain here on the forums, people that like it are out there playing with it, that's a huge bias you might want to take into account :)
  3. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Well I could say the precisie same thing about those that dont like it mate.

    The point is, thousands buy this game, of that we will take a guess at 20% visit the forums, of that 20%, 70 % hate CPU, its pretty much like that.

    And the excuse, oh likers are playing it, well what do you think others are doing, the non likers, I would argue the same thing.....
    Its a defense that makes no logical sense mate.
    But if you go off just the numbers, well now that paints a very distinct picture, and you can google this and check these forums out anytime and add these posts up for yourself, I last did that about just over a month ago or a touch more, I poured over multiple web sites to do that, not just here and Steam, places like rededit , and the numbers are shocking, the bulk of Empyrions community do not like CPU, those that ''tolerate'' it have many many complaints in threads about its imbalances, and try and count how many state they really like it and think its close to flawless, perfect for the game, almost none.

    So I stand by what I said, its based on 2 months of full on research, on multiple web site / pages, but I can admit when Im wrong, like the 1.0 tag thread, I was wrong about that, the devs explained it, made more sense , so I researched that too and I discovered they were right, I was wrong.

    But this, this is CPU, CPU is generally disliked. Its not even remotely hard to show heaps of evidence for that.
    CPU divided our playerbase like no other update in Empyrions entire history.
    It destroyed our workshop, leaving 65,000 broken builds.
    To this day most are still broken.
    It restricted building to a set of dev rules, forcing the workshop to now have an over abundance of small rectangle ships.

    And we cant even get a simple grav gen for SV's, something people have been asking for, for over 5 years......but we get CPU.....
    It does not break the game, Ive tested the grav gen on SVs so many times to know thats complete BS.

    But hey, lets put CPU rules on everyone........cos everyone like more building restrictions over new toys, new classes, new devices, and new flight controls, yea what a choice, lets take the road of restrictions over the road of freedom in building new classes and a ton more options, including new workshop categories for all the new class of ship.
    Some ting you will never see with CPU, like ever.....

    I will never like CPU while this game has no other flight controls or real class of ship, new starters could be added tomorrow with no real major issues.
    I love the game and would never bad review it, but I cant lie about CPU its such a drag.


    There you go, thats what CPU says to you, now comply sheeple.
  4. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    my point was; nobody has a clue what the numbers are on likers or haters. there has been surveys under a small portion of the players and a small portion of the players voiced their opinion. absolutely no point in throwing with imaginary numbers.

    the rest of your post is about the CPU itself and I think you'd be better of putting that in the CPU feedback topics.

    and than in caps saying you have to build this way.. no you really dont have to.

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