A Use for Beds in Multiplayer

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by nschmidtty, Nov 2, 2022.

  1. nschmidtty

    nschmidtty Ensign

    Nov 2, 2022
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    Beds are currently useless in Empyrion multiplayer, but a small tweak would simultaneously make them useful while also making it easier to play with a larger group of friends.

    Currently, a problem with playing a multiplayer Empyrion game with your friends (especially when you're all busy adults with full schedules) is scheduling. Say you're exploring an asteroid field in a single CV with your three friends but have to log off for the day. Now, say that one of your friends can't log on with the rest of you the next time you play. As a result, you can't move your ship because, if you do, you'll strand him in space (and possibly without a suit) when he logs back in. So you're stuck for that session with little to do, or you just can't play again until everyone logs on.

    I think an easy fix for this is allowing players to claim a bed and, when they log into the game, giving them the option to spawn at their claimed bed rather than at their last location. This functionality would allow you and the rest of your group to keep playing even when one of you can't make it, or has to log off early or join late. It'd be really useful to me and other thirty-somethings who want to play with our friends but can't find always find a good time for everyone.
    DiMithras likes this.
  2. Searcher

    Searcher Lieutenant

    May 17, 2022
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    it would be also nice to lie in a bed when you're sick and wait for others to heal you or at least to bring you soup lol
  3. Searcher

    Searcher Lieutenant

    May 17, 2022
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    i mean literally hunger and sickness stats could freeze while you're lying in bed so that others could go out and bring what you need to fix your stats

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