A12 Insane Radiation and liberty degrees

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Gorodoff, Jun 16, 2020.

  1. Gorodoff

    Gorodoff Ensign

    Jun 16, 2020
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    Not only radiation generation has been doubled on objects, not only new objects generate rad and mix it sometime with heat, not only armor rad protection has been reduce leaving you fewer choices on mods, my toon got repeating radiation burns being far from any radiation sources.

    So I manually reverted version 9 to version 8 thru the V9 config but rad burn from nowhere was still on.

    And guess what if you turn heat and rad option to off, enter godmode and leave it... you get a rad burn...

    Liberty degrees

    This game is a pve, pvp, sandbox game... uh, sorry, my fault, as pvp is harcoded to play fields, it is a pvp sandbox.

    Very great sanboxes are those who has high liberty degrees.

    I have now to throw away all my ships and bases to welcome my new heat and rad compagnion

    If the reduction of liberty degrees tendancy continues, we will all drive the same ships config at the end, bye bye innovation and liberty

    Apart from this, new features from A12 are great

    So it let me hope ...

    Maybe one day I may EVEN drive hv to mine on planets and sv to mine in space and leave cv to what they are for me: big capital ships mobile support bases
  2. Vermillion

    Vermillion Rear Admiral

    Jul 15, 2018
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    You get a radiation burn whenever your body radiation level changes while above 1.0 Rads. As long as your rads are above 1.0 you will continue to get radiation burns because the source of the radiation burn has not been fixed. Take a shower or use a decontamination kit to remove your body radiation.
    Disabling radiation in the game options will only prevent you from gaining radiation, it won't get rid of the radiation you've already accumulated.
    Even on the highest radiation impact levels, it takes 2 minutes of constant irradiation to reach 1.0 body radiation.

    The only devices that emit radiation are Fuel tanks, Generators, Pentaxid Tanks, Warp Drives and CV thrusters. Standing next to a generator or thruster will obviously cook you in a few seconds, not because of radiation but because of temperature. You are standing next to an active miniaturized nuclear reactor. But passing in front of one of these while over 1.0 Rads without enough protections will still trigger a radiation burn if you haven't treated your body radiation.
    These blocks and devices all emitted radiation and heat before, but it was increased and the natural protective value of armors against temperature and radiation was reduced, while armor boosters were massively buffed so that your choice of boosters actually made a difference.

    And what the hell is a "liberty degree"?
    ravien_ff likes this.
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    PvP can be set in both the gameoptions file and in the individual playfields. Servers have full control over what, if any, areas of the game are pvp.

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