Which is what I'm talking about. The Ilmarinen was the first quest POI to get an admin core to preserve the quest, and they took my suggestion to integrate the destruction of the core into the quest... works like a charm. Best of both worlds.
FPS MP games also have no fire zones that nullify game mechanics to kill who ever you want whereever you want, so what?
Unless they can make "unbreakable questlines" there are not many other options. If players blow up stuff randomly and they blow an important container/ block with text/ display with code/ whatever, quest is broken. If all quests should be made very basic and all include the "You have to destroy the core" as objective, this could get repetitive and boring fast. It is like solving a problem by creating another.
That is called anti-grieving mechanic. What does this has to do with anything in SP games? One can not just anti-grieve oneself.