Not a bug AI Controlled Space Vessel countdown timer/exploding too quickly

Discussion in 'Archive (Read Only)' started by Automated, Jan 2, 2022.

  1. Automated

    Automated Lieutenant

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Build: V 1.7.1
    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Dedicated Server
    SERVER NAME: Not a Public Server
    SEED-ID: Don't think it's important, but can get if requested

    If applicable:
    MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: No Modified Playfields

    Reproducibility: Always (So Far)
    Severity: Major

    Type: AI Vessels

    Summary: Upon Attacking Space AI Vessels (Moving Ships that attack back) get a message that ship will destruct in 5 minutes BEFORE I even have a chance to explore/loot the ship. The ship is still attacking.

    Description: As Summary states. So far, every space Vessel that I attack explodes before I have a chance to loot the ship. The 5 minute countdown starts before the ship is even disabled. I think it
    may have something to do with blowing out the engines so it can't move. Not sure.

    Steps to Reproduce: (steps to reproduce the issue. This is ESSENTIAL for a bugfix! please list the steps list this for example:)
    1) I would assume just play the game and see for yourself. I was left asking if you all actually test the playability of your game (which I'm assuming you do)

    Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links: Don't need a crash report as the game isn't crashing. Just ships blowing up prematurely.

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