Alien Containers & Loot Handling Examples

Discussion in 'Knowledge & Info' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 19, 2020.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Those containers should offer something SPECIAL that is not to be found in standard loot containers. They should NOT be used in excess, so please keep their count low — half a dozen red alien containers in even a large dungeon or poi is just too much. ;)

    Think of the Alien containers as gratification for an achievement. Players coming to your POI should not simply run into these, but have to actually „do“ something. Like clearing an area in a dungeon = container should wait at the „end“ while the type of containers should scale while the player progresses ( grey > entry area; yellow > first half; red > last chapter; purple > dungeon done)

    ALSO think or that with the Reputation the player can basically scout any faction poi (Except the legacy POI), so if you use yellow containers and up, consider moving them to not so obvious places or behind mechanisms that reveal them when the player is actually fighting the POi (eg. behind shutter, doors and other with codelocks)

    Specific guidelines

    Do NOT use ANY alien container in standard and Small POIs (small drone/ship/broken-parts-wreckages, tribal huts and houses/workshops) or civil poi or Poi that spawn in big numbers. Use (new) container and Cargo Models as well as the tribal deco blocks instead

    Suggestions for the ‚lowest usecase‘
    1. Grey/Standard : larger standard poi that do not have own turrets and low troop defense, like tribal settlements (the large one-baseplate Poi) some of the larger wreckage-poi (abandoned reactor, tanks, Titan parts etc). The poi should have AT LEAST troops to its active defense or spawn them by sensor (even when only defended by spiders or other animals that guard the Loot!). If the POi does not have this minimum defense, it is strongly recommended to add some of the latter (everyone can expect that the wildlife will ‚live‘ in wreckages...and not the friendly ones). Grey containers are fine for hiding those for the player to find in an easy spot when he is actually paying attention to his surroundings (even in low-guarded/unguarded Poi). INSTEAD OF a grey container, think about if it cannot be better replaced with standard container models and other lootable blocks and devices!
    2. Yellow/rare: Poi should at least have outside turrests (active defense) and small troop presence (like most small militarized zirax poi). The yellow Alien containers are good to use in small numbers for dungeons when the player „cleared“ a certain area (some in-between gratification for the progress he made) or a harder-to find place in the dungeon/Poi process (behind a trapdoor the player has to find)

    3. Red/very rare: larger, stronger defended militarized POI or Alien emplacements that are quite a challenge to survive (floating abandoned struct, large zirax radar station, dronebases, larger military stations with lots of turrets and troops to the in- and outside). Note: some of the Alien Poi (abandoned group) offer one red container as loot because these poi are limited in numbers! Rule of thumb: if you can clear the Poi basically while sitting in a hv or Sv = no red container. MAX OF red containers in ANY POI, even most difficult is suggested to be ~4

    4. Purple/extremely rare: only for very large, heavily defended or time-consuming dungeons = each poi that needs quite some time investment to be cleared (abandoned mine, orbital mining ship,...) Please only ONE of those per Poi ever!

      Special note: NEVER use the ‚Special/Event Container‘. This is only for Events, not for any other POI in the game. Instead use an Alien container.

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