Alpha 7 - FAQ and Feedback: New building tools

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Oct 18, 2017.

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  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    Quick list:
    - Switch Mirror Plane between "center" and "edge"
    - 90° Textur Rotation
    - Medium and large painting area for texture and color tool.
    - Cubic block-selection: copy, paste, cut and delete an area in all three dimension!
    - Save block-selections to a repository and use them anywhere
    - Insertions preview
    - Rotate to-be-inserted parts
    - Added 45 new textures (19 Metal, 15 Concrete, 7 Alien, 4 Wood)
    - Replace textures and paint on a whole structure



    A. How does switching the mirror plane work?
    1. Open Build Helper menu (n)
    2. Select checkbox "SYMMETRY PLANE" and select the axis (XY, XZ, YZ)
    3. Click on a block with LMB = sets mirror plane to CENTER
    4. Click on the same block again = sets mirror plane to EDGE
    > Swap CENTER-EDGE by mouse-clicking the mirror axis
    > Deactivate mirror plane by selecting the NONE radiobutton

    B. How does 90° textur rotation work?
    1. Apply textur to the block
    2. After having applied the textur, "apply" it again
    > Rotates texture 1x 90°

    C. How does M- and L paint/textur area work?
    1. Equip either tool (color or paint - works the same)
    2. RMB to open the selection menu
    3. Click the checkbox on the bottom: S = 1 Bloc, M = , L=
    4. Select an apply textur/color
    > Note: Works with "apply to full blocks"

    Functionality note: The area-color/paint does work like a spray can! This means it has a certain "spray cone" size, depending on the area selection (M or L). When you pull the trigger, "raycasts" are sprayed inside this cone, coloring or texturing any surface they can hit. Like with a spray can, the painted area is larger if you are farthe away - even if you use the same area size - and it fully depends on your position realtive to the painted structre when spraying!

    D. How does the REPLACEMENT textur/color feature work?
    1. Equip either tool
    2. Open selection (right mouse button)
    3. Check box "REPLACEME MODE"
    4. Select a color or texture as replacement
    5. Shoot at the color or texture on your building that should be replaced.

    > All textures/paints that are identical to the one you were shooting at, will be replaced with the textur/color you selected!

    Note: Does currently not work with paintable devices




    A. How does the Cubic Block selection work?
    1. Open the Build Helper menu (N)

    2. Click onto your building with left mouse button > A blue honeycomb box will appear, either
    a. showing an axis cross with a small single arrow and double-arrow on each axis. This means you will MOVE your selection
    b. By clicking on the BLACK CENTER DOT of your selection you can switch to SCALE. This will change the axis to show small single-block and double-block elements to increase or decrase the size of your selection

    Both modes are also available with the MO and SC buttons in the Build Helper menu!

    > Usability
    - Click the small single block = add +1 block area in this direction
    - Click and hold double-block and drag in this direction = adds block areas as long as you hold&drag the mouse
    - Click the small single-arrow = move the entire selection +1 to this side
    - Click and hold on the double-arrow and drag the mouse = moves the entire selection as long as you hold&drag the mouse

    >> You can always close the Build Helper menu (N), reposition your view for a better view and hit N to proceed with the area selection process!
    >> To remove the selection, hit the "REMOVE SELECTION" (Re) button in the build helper menu

    3. Use one of the buttons:
    COPY (Co) = makes a copie of the highlighted area
    PASTE (Pa) = insert the last copied element (or Blueprint Part) at the point of the current highlighted area
    CUT (Cu) = makes a copy of the highlighted area and afterwards deletes its the selections content
    DELETE (De) = deletes the selections content

    4. If you want to save a selection for later use, use the "Blueprint Parts" feature.
    - SAVE TO LIST (Sa) = Make an area selection on a structure and click the button. Give your selection a name and click OK. This will save the highlighted element to the BP Parts list for later use.
    - REPLACE (Re) = Select one of your bp parts on the list click OK to overwrite the part
    - COPY TO SELECTION (Co) = Highlighte area will jump to the position where you copied that BP Part from
    - SHOW BP PARTS = Highlights ALL the BP Parts of your list on the building/structures they were copied from - at the same time.

    B. How to copy/cut and paste a higlighted area?
    1. Make an area selection (See D.)
    2. Use the buttons COPY or CUT
    3. Click on the black CENTER DOT to switch between MOVE and SCALE > If set to MOVE, use the single- and double-arrows on the axis to move the selection; See D.)
    4. Click the button PASTE once to fix the insertion point and display the PREVIEW.
    5. click the PASTE button a 2nd time to finally place the part
    > NOTE: This will OVERWRITE anything that lies within the highlighted area!
    > NOTE: As long as you do not hit COPY for another selection, you can paste the copied area over and over again.
    > NOTE: if you use REMOVE SELECTION after the 1st click of PASTE, this will clear the cache and the copied part in the cache is removed

    C. How to insert a Blueprint Part?
    1. Open Build Helper Menu (N)
    2. Select a part from the list
    4. Hit COPY (and set to "MOVE" by either clicking the button on the right or by clicking the black CENTER POINT)
    5. Move the highlighted area to a point where you want to insert the part
    6. Hit PASTE once to fix the insertion point and show the PREVIEW
    7. Hit PASTE a second time to insert the part
    > NOTE: This will OVERWRITE anything that lies within the highlighted area!
    > NOTE: As long as you do not use the same workflow for another BP Part, you can paste the selected part over and over.

    D. How to increase and decrease a highlighted area in size (XYZ)
    1. Click on the black CENTER POINT of the selection to switch between MOVE AND SCALE
    2.Click on the double-blocks on the axis you want to decrease the highlighted aread
    3.. Hold and drag the mouse in the opposite direction

    H. How can i rotat a selection before pasting?
    1. Copy a selection
    2. Move it to the insertion point
    3. Click PASTE once > the ROTATE (Ro) button will light up
    4. Use the rotation arrows to move the part
    5. Click PASTE again to insert the part



    Q: Can i copy parts from a SV or HV and insert to BA or CV (or vice-versa)?
    A: No. The game filters your BP Parts depending on where you mouse cursor points at

    Q: Can i use BP parts from one BA for another BA?
    A: Currently you can use BP parts only at the structure you copied them from

    Q: Will BP Parts be deleted when i leave my savegame?
    A: No. The BP Parts are persistent in this savegame until you delete them manually

    Q: Can i use a BP Part from savegame A in savegame B?
    A: No.

    Planned improvements:

    • Honecomb visual will be reworked (fainter)
    • We plan to allow more than just one 90° rotation for textures
    • We plan to add hotkeys for Copy/Cut/Paste/Delete operations
    • We plan to allow using BP Parts between structures of the same kind (CV-CV, BA-BA, SV-SV, HV-HV)
    • Insertion of BP Parts, which currently relies on the "Copy to Selection" mechanic will be changed to "insert on mouse cursor position"
    • Reverse-selection (inverted selection) is planned

    Known issues
    - Blueprint parts cannot be used in a different playfield
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2017
  2. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    What we really need is a command: replaceblocks <id> pyramids cube

    I have so many designs with pyramids it takes forever to cut and replace it all with cubes. Even better if we could do it with a button in the area of the selection box only.

    Last edited: Oct 26, 2017
  3. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    For my first time trying the copy/paste feature, I tried them without reading the directions and I was really confused by the controls that let you define a selection. I did not succeed.

    So I read these directions, and I was better prepared to try it, but still found it confusing. Part of it is that while in the "N" menu, you cannot move around. I had assumed I could only make/maintain a selection when the "N" menu was active, but eventually discovered I could dismiss it, change my perspective, and then bring it back up.

    Another bit of confusion is the symbols for the controls. I wasn't really sure what the difference between > and >> were. They had me thinking "forward" and "fast forward" which is correct. But one is a button (click it to change by 1 block) and the other is something you grab and drag. I expected them to work the same way since visually they're very similar. What is REALLY confusing is that the only way to make a selection SMALLER is to drag. If you're tapping the > button and go too far, the opposite < button won't make it smaller, but even bigger in the other direction.

    The placement of the entire control itself led to some confusion. When it moves, I think I've moved the selection. But in reality, it is just in the center of the selection, so it moves both when you move the selection AND when you make the selection bigger. I kind of wonder if it might be better for the controls to be on the "N" menu, instead of out in the play area?

    When I finally had my selection defined correctly, I "Cut" it, which worked, but it didn't "Cut" from the other side of the ship. The symmetry plane was active.

    Attempting to paste is really confusing. How do I define where the "Pasted" collection of blocks should land? I think a "Green" border means I can move what landed? How do I commit it?

    Also, the "Paste" ignored the symmetry plane.
  4. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    What happen to the mirror tool? Trying to use it and it no longer is there, instead is this totally new method. I want the mirror tool back
  5. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Its still there...

    Symmetry Plane enable

    ... and play around with it some, you can move the plane
  6. ZipSnipe

    ZipSnipe Commander

    May 19, 2016
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    Yeah I finally got it to work, for some reason it just stopped working like normal, thanx
  7. StuntManMike²

    StuntManMike² Ensign

    Oct 31, 2017
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    Hi to all the amazing Empyrion proggies - you are doing a great job!! Thank you.
    I am not having any serious issues! Works all like a charm. And it feels far better than Alpha or Beta

    I am a while with the game now (370 hours on the clock) and I am a happy man :)

    One thing I would like to have - and to my knowledge no other building tool of a game has this is to merge two blocks at the same spot. What I mean can be seen with the glas rails for the stairs - they are reaching into other blocks on the top.

    This way we could increase the number of possible blocks by a huge number. I know this can end in very ugly results, like having a Chair and a Flower Pot at the same spot. But no serious builder would do this on purpose - as it makes no sense. But we could have e.g. a light over a chair or a shutter on either side of a window or, or, or....

    Thank you once more - keep up the great work - you are the best!

    I am currently working on a people mover - thanks to the new copy-paste functionality it is simple:

    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Oct 31, 2017
    zztong likes this.
  8. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    IIRC, 7 Days To Die allowed me to toggle on/off via the UI the placement restriction that allowed two things to exist in the same space. And, again IIRC, to make a corner out of two walls, you had to do this. I might be thinking of the wrong game, but I think it was 7D2D.

    It seems safe to say EGS builders would certainly appreciate being able put anything near a window.
  9. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Really? o_O haven't played 7DTD since A14 (now at A16), but before that this wasn't possible, I'm sure about that. (2300+ hours.)
    Problem is, in 7dtd the World is saved in a Grid as Chunks. One Grid can only be one Block per Definition. Not sure how they could have changed that...

    That is not that I wouldn't like that idea! Especially those huge 2.5 meters (3.5?) blocks for CVs and BAs... where f.e. when you put down two Seats facing each other they are literally sitting 5 meters away from each other with NO ROOM between them... o_Oo_Oo_O
    Last edited: Nov 1, 2017
  10. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I think it was 7D2D. I might be mixing it up with something else, but I can't think of what it would be. Certainly not RimWorld and Medieval Total War, my other two "go-to" games. It has to be a game like 7D2D that I've only really played once. I don't think it was Life is Feudal: Your Own. It certainly wasn't FireWatch. I've not played The Long Dark enough to know. /shrug ... Sorry if 7D2D is a false lead.
  11. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Oh, oh. Maybe it was Conan Exiles? That's another survival/build game that I played for a bit and then dropped.
  12. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    Thanks for adding the replace textures only in selection.

    But we still need: replaceblocks <id> <source_shape> <dest_shape> to replace with different block types. i.e. replace pyramids with cubes
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2017
  13. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    As the Experimental Section got locked and thread will be gone in a while, I repeat that here too:

    Texture-Replace and Color-Replace (and large Selection)

    I am not amused.

    How about enabling this again for SP (FULL texturing and coloring Functions, also enabling LARGE Selection again) and leaving it in MP (IF performance is really the reason behind that castration)
    I mean in my Creative fields I have 40-60 vessels and bases all in short distances; I would never had in a SP game. SP runs always smoother for me than Creative. Still Creative is in no way a problem for me either.
    Do you really think 30 players doing nothing other the whole day as re-coloring their Class 153 Base (like the Nexus-Star base)??

    (btw. that Texture Replace is sometimes still available in Survival (switch to Symbols first then back to Textures) seems then as a BUG ironically...)
  14. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Medium and large painting area for texture and color tool:

    Needs more work. Sometimes it won't paint in the direct center. Seems to vary based on vertical angle. I had issues painting the underside of things.

    I'd like it to paint an evenly square or rectangular area for greater precision along edges. The current spray and pray is just a little too haphazard for my tastes.
  15. Booyaah

    Booyaah Captain

    Sep 7, 2015
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    weekly bump:

    we still need: replaceblocks <id> <source_shape> <dest_shape> to replace with different block shapes. i.e. replace pyramids with cubes
  16. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I speculate that the rotation state of the block to be replaced is not "saved" in the ship dataset, and as such it can't be replicated, so all blocks would have the same orientation. If some pyramids are upside-down and others are on the side, they would just be represented as a set of points in the voxel map. Just a guess.
  17. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

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    Jun 15, 2015
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    "Shapes" are childs of the material and cannot be used with any command we currently have (I am not sure this is possible to add easily)
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