Alpha 8 - Detector

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 12, 2018.

  1. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    How do you find a Ore deposit or a POI with so much space in between? With a Detector!

    Please note / Disclaimer:
    • The Detector is pretty much NOT a device that will pinpoint the exact location.
    • It is also not a ‘track-all-your-foes-in-a-distance’ radar - it is explicitly only tracking ore deposits (SSOR and Voxel) and POI = Detector
    • The current T1 Detector will give you an approximate direction and a hint how many contacts you can expect when walking into this direction, serving as the most-requested helper for ‘getting a direction where you could run into something interesting’.
    • The Detector currently does NOT work in Space, but on planets only - for players in a suit and HV.
    • The Detector does NOT track deposits or POI that you already know/discovered


    There are currently 2 versions available
    • Handheld for use with the suit, Range: 1000m
    • Vessel-based device for use with HV, Range: 2500m
    Both can be crafted after having been unlocked from the Techtree (level 3 and 5) .

    - GUI -

    p44PC39 (1).jpg

    When you look at your top-right radar map, you will notice additional segments and circles drawn inside and outside of the radar outline.
    • The OUTER segment is showing you WHERE to go. The detector has 4 segments, one in each direction
    • The INNER sub-segments (when highlighted!) will tell you, how many contacts you can expect when going into this direction. Any main directional segment has up to 4 sub-segments.
    Contact-count via sub-segments is displayed as follows:
    • 1 sub-segment: up to 2 objects
    • 2 sub-segments: up to 4 objects
    • 3 sub-segments: up to 6 objects
    • 4 sub-segments: more than 6 objects
    4jz60ef (1).jpg
    Josey Wales likes this.
  2. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I've got an HV with a Detector installed. When I look at the HV's Control Panel, shouldn't a Detector that is installed show up on the list of Devices? I don't see it on my current HV's list and I've double-checked that one is installed and functioning.
  3. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I wonder if it would be handy if the Detector's radius were projected onto the planetary map. Maybe that wouldn't be easy to plot on a sphere. I'm thinking as I explore with an HV that I'm not entirely sure how far I'm seeing. I seem to reveal a radius of one fog-of-war square all around my current square.
    EstebanLB01 and Brimstone like this.
  4. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    I use a technique that I have come to call 'Prairie Dogging'. When in my HVtrying to track down a red zone item, I will stop sometimes and pop out of the vehicle. Now my personal detector will tell me if the target is within 1000 m. That helps close in on things.
    dichebach, Germanicus and zztong like this.
  5. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    The new feature works well enough, but:
    • We need something for an SV and CV - I know you can use a personal detector but the range is too short.
    • Need to have upgraded detectors that extend range/capabilities
    • I'd like to see there to be more of a progression: First there's a radius in which you know something is nearby, but don't know what. Then, closer, you detect where it is, but not whether it is hostile or not. Finally, within some range you can identify exactly what something is.
    • Need a detector in space, mainly to find asteroids.
    • I think ore detection and enemy detection/tracking are two different things and should be separated. The detector that was added should be for enemies and POI only. The existing ore scanner device should also give you detection ability for ore, and you could also get vehicle-mounted ore scanners that are better.
    • Ore detection should show as blue on the minimap instead of red. I can't imagine any type of detector that could not distinguish between the two, it seems like the way you'd detect ore would be entirely different than tracking a drone so surely we should have some idea what type of thing is detected.
    • Personal detector should not just show POI but also show enemies on foot as red dots on the minimap. This may require a higher-level detector. It may have limitations like it shows only Zirax soldiers and not hostile animals. But it seems odd to me I can always detect a drone, even when I'm in a hole in the ground, but have no ability to detect a contingent of Zirax armed with rocket launchers. What is the concept behind the detector? Does it find energy signatures? If so then it should detect soldiers carrying rocket launchers.
    Romongerr, Ronin94 and Redneck Gaming like this.
  6. Mezalf

    Mezalf Lieutenant

    Jun 25, 2016
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    Oh, can you make detector for Small Vessel? Hover is weird for searching!
  7. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    If you want to know how far you see mark an explored object on the map and than drive towards it until it renders for you.
  8. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Thanks, but that isn't what I had in mind. When you're looking at the Map and planning a search route it helps to have some idea how far your Detector can see. I know the HV can see 2500m, and things get revealed around 500m, but I can't tell on the map how far 2500 and 500m are. So far it seems like 2500m is about a square and a half. If you were to change to the handheld detector, then its 1000m and 500m.
  9. MrFubar

    MrFubar Commander

    Mar 7, 2017
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    I like the detector but think it could use some slight tweaking. I would love to have enemies/poi show up as a different color than ore on it. Often you are trying to find ore while avoiding poi's or conflict and you can't tell if you are running towards an ore or something you are trying to avoid based on the radar. It makes sense underground ore would show up different than buildings on a radar/detector.

    Second, as many people have mentioned there needs to be a detector for SV, and the ranges of all detectors might need to be increased. I was on my first size 5 planet last night and myself and a friend spend over 2 hrs just flying around trying to find 1 of the 15 zacosiums on the planet before finally finding a single deposit. The detector was not that useful because of its short range we had to just fly randomly and hope something showed up on the detector on a planet that size you need a better way to find things, it takes an hr just to circumnavigate the globe.

    There is a radar deco block for SV that would be perfect for becoming the sv detector, exploring planets on an HV just isnt viable outside of your first starter planet they dont move the same speed as an SV and require much more round about driving making the tedious even worse.

    Last this doesnt have to deal with the detector but pois should show as discovered from longer than 500m I can often see them from much further than that, and having to get within 500m puts you in firing range of things like drone bases or drone depots etc. When i can always see it i want it on the map so i know to avoid that spot in the future unless coming loaded for a fight.
  10. Xathian

    Xathian Ensign

    Jun 7, 2018
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    How does the Detector work? I built one and I'm carrying it but it doesn't ever cause any red markings on the minimap. I am definitely within 1000m because I will end up discovering new objects 500m away without them having first appear on the detector.
  11. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Things that are already discovered are not shown.
    Try a hv, as it has 2500m detection range.
  12. OopsLoops

    OopsLoops Lieutenant

    Nov 5, 2017
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    I think this is an excellent one. I am also satisfied with the balance between the size of the planet and the effective radius distance.
    (Of course it works without any problems)

    I thought this is did not need for SV. I felt it is better. SV can fly and it's given long range sight. and I prefer that the roles of exploration and adventure (including combat) are clearly different between HV and SV.

    The only thing I want is detector for CV. It simplifies the search on the second and subsequent planets and prevents it from becoming redundant.
  13. MrFubar

    MrFubar Commander

    Mar 7, 2017
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    What size planet were you on when you tried the detector? I felt it was just about perfect too until i traveled to a class 5 planet, then it was a different story.

    I don't see the same separation of roles between SV and HV. Right now the HV has the best scouting tool and fighting tools as it can have turrets including artillery plus aimed weapons, its only downside is being land bound so having more trouble with terrain. If HV was lightly armored and lightly armed then it would seem like a scout vs sv, but right now the SV is the lighter armed of the pair and has the problem with detection on very large planets. Even if you sometimes see objectives sooner by being in the air if they don't register on your map it does no good for finding them later.
  14. venturescout

    venturescout Ensign

    Nov 7, 2017
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    I like the destectors they add a new dynamic. I agree with just about everything said above but could it be made so that the radar deco block is used on the hv? I have HVs that are a little taller and while I can add the dectector to most of them, many of them already use the radar deco block. I’m just thinking that, not knowing the entire direction of the dectors in the future, we could combine it with the radar block. Maybe similar to the attena blocks on bases it has different visual options. Just a few thoughts.
  15. OopsLoops

    OopsLoops Lieutenant

    Nov 5, 2017
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    Surely I have only explored one or two planets. I apologize for being my opinion only at that stage.

    However, For HV, its concept different from SV is clearly visible. HV can set clone unit for respawn and medical equipment, and has the performance as a base after BA, CV. I feel this difference favorably, I hope it will become clearer in future. I also want such a difference for detectors.

    I also mentioned that I wanted a detector for CV in the previous post. For exploring a large planet that you say, I think to it is more appropriate to use CV than SV rather than HV.

    This creates stages in game progress and clarifies the differences for each type. For example, in initially to acquire trees as resources with HV with low unlock Lv, mining with drill, and go out into space using SV. Build CV for exploration will be the next step. Detectors for CV create meaning to prepare for exploration of larger planets.

    I think that it is more appropriate than preparing a detector for SV in terms of game progress.
  16. MrFubar

    MrFubar Commander

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Not sure a CV would work for exploring planets, they take much much more fuel to stay in the air in atmosphere, also they are slower than a SV similar to an HV.

    I am fine with the HV being more of a tank, having med equipment, and spawn chamber and turrets etc. It makes sense to make it a tank and APC. It also makes sense in its role for mining. What doesnt make sense to me is for it to be the scout. I think the SV makes the most sense as the scout honestly and it should have the radar.

    HV - Tank, Mining
    CV - Mobile Base, repairs, heavy firepower.
    SV - ???? right now its only advantage if flight speed, which fits perfectly with the scout role or fast attack, it cant get quiet as hard hitting weapons as the HV

    That said the HV getting combat steel and the CV getting a scanner for finding asteroids or other ships in space would make sense.

    I am curious on your opinion once you reach a class 5 size planet because I too thought the detector range was great right up until that point.
  17. Mulac

    Mulac Commander

    Dec 24, 2016
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    Increasing range is bad idea. A longer ranged detector fix on class 5 planets has the opposite effect on a smaller planet. It would break the range balance there. Right now the exsting ranges work fine right up till we hit the big playfields.

    On the whole I am happy that big planets are a problem to search. I am just not too sure about the missing SV detector. The solution really is a detector on a SV. It should be possible to fly search patterns with mounted SV detector. The current problem is the hand held device range restriction on the SV.

    The only thing to add is the effect of playing the game with maximum graphics settings. I see a POI outside of detection range which is not a problem. However once close enough to come under fire. I kind of expect detection and POI to appear on the map. This is only an issue of the hand held unit. It kind of makes sense on foot but not when flying.
    MrFubar likes this.
  18. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    I guess that depends on the scanner. Perhaps a CV scans a planet from orbit or maybe it lands and launches scout drones.
  19. Damocles

    Damocles Captain

    May 3, 2018
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    There is still the problem of the low resolution FoW but a precise detector range.
    This can leave areas unexplored (undetected) that are visibly uncovered by the FoW.

    To solve that, either the FoW needs to increase in resolution, or the detector signal being based on the FoW grid/adjacent grid the source is in, and not the euclidean distance.
    Or the detector range always having a higher radius than the current FoW grid.
    OopsLoops and zztong like this.
  20. OopsLoops

    OopsLoops Lieutenant

    Nov 5, 2017
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    I have not encountered a class 5 planet yet. (Unfortunately almost everything was in class 4) So my opinion is limited to HV / SV (CV)+handheld detector comparison.

    imo, I felt that the expedition speed of SV and HV did not change.

    HV is limited the movement to the terrain. surely, it detector have wide range. but Too many things can not go straight ahead. and also avoiding enemy attacks can not well, and difficult to reach to discovering and dangerous POIs. I never felt to I could comfortably explore anything other than on the water.

    On the other hand, SV (+ handheld detector) is not disturbed by terrain. So I feel that comparing in simple speeds is meaningless.(This is first point in my opinion) Although the detection range is narrow, since the movement is fast, the range that can be searched in units of time is wide. It is also easy to avoid enemy attacks when approaching dangerous areas.
    (I think that this is the performance as a scout (no one said as exploration) of SV)

    Looking at it from another point of view, it seems to me that the wide range of HVdetector is to bridge the handicap that is disturbed by movement and hard to go straight.

    If ignor Its view and give a wide detection range to SV, I worry its will make too easy to explore on a narrow planet. (Oddly, my concern is the same as Mr. Mulac. The most difference is whether SV or CV. And it differs in the following points)

    And this is second point of my opinion, same process should not be repeat during the game. When the player reached the point where CV could be built, I thought to exploration must be suitable for it. At that stage, even if the exploration of a narrow planet ends in a short time, I will not feel dissatisfied and may I can feel improvement. because I think to this is not a problem in CV.

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