Alpha 8 "Mod" : PATHFINDER

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Philipp, Oct 14, 2020.

  1. Philipp

    Philipp Captain

    Aug 30, 2016
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    Because there are several players that i know that still like to play Alpha 8 (and me too), i'm currently working on a Alpha 8 "Mod" named "PATHFINDER".
    This one will only work with Alpha 8.7.1, so if you're not interested in that version anymore, this might not be interesting for you at all.
    I just wanted to post this here, too, because maybe there is someone who would like to play a new Alpha 8 mod.

    What will this mod be about?
    The idea about this mod is to make a unique random adventure, that you can play as a new challenge for Alpha 8.

    - You will start on one of four planets. You won't be able to choose your starter Planet, this will be random.
    - Then you will need to find your way through a big universe, with a final goal that you have to reach.
    - Each planet will be more random than in the original game.
    (For example: If you find a desert planet, it might got no water at all or much more water than original. It could be littered with Zirax POI's, or with Traders. It can have a lot of ressources, or nearly no ressources at all.)
    Two planets of the same kind, will look much more different than in the original game.
    - Every few planets, there will be a one-way jump. You won't be able to go back, until you reach the goal of PATHFINDER. Also you will need to make a decision, where to go next.
    - Completely revised config and Trader files.
    It won't be a easy way. Pathfinder will be for advanced players.
    - Instances and new POI's for special challenges.

    Why Alpha 8?
    Alpha 8 was the last version without the logistics system. Also it runs better on older pc's and it is closer to the original Empyrion gameplay, than the current versions.
    Besides that, Alpha 8 runs very stable and got only a few bugs.

    What about the name "Pathfinder"?
    Pathfinder was a big update for the game "No Man's Sky". It made things more random and added a couple of new features (the same thing that this one will do for Empyrion).

    When will this Pathfinder be released?
    If people in this forum are interested, i will keep posting updates here, too.
    I started working on this one about 2 weeks ago and I'm planning to release it november this year.

    Sorry, but who are you?
    I did some Empyrion mods and scenarios between Alpha 3 and Alpha 10. I also made some tutorials, created and reworked POI's and helped to find alot of bugs.
    cmguardia and ravien_ff like this.

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