Alpha 9 - Excessive glare through blocks, any plans?

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Scoob, Feb 27, 2019.

  1. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Hey all,

    This isn't really a new one, but for some reason it's being quite excessive in my current game.

    Basically, I'm building an underground base, right at the end of a long tunnel I've made under a mountain. I've started walling in the main base area using concrete blocks. However, at dusk I'm greeted by this:

    Vers 9.4.1 - glare through rock.png

    Which is sun glare, even through a layer of concrete blocks and several hundred metres of rock.

    Now, I know in Empyrion being under ground or totally encased in blocks doesn't block the ambient light. It'd be great if it did, but I accept that it doesn't currently. However, this excessive glare through the rock is a bit too much for me.

    I'd like to ask firstly whether there are any in-game settings that might alleviate this effect - it used to be that "max'd" settings made lighting a lot better (less bleed-through) with "artificial" lights, such as those placed by the player, but this didn't impact "natural" lights from the Sun. Secondly, are there any plans to make lighting more accurate when underground or enclosed by blocks? I think this would make the game feel much more immersive if we actually need lights if digging deep - even during bright daylight - or if we're totally enclosed by blocks.

    I'm guessing this is more a Unity thing than a game thing, but I might be wrong. I'd love to know if this is something the devs hope to look at at some point, as full, glaring daylight when under ground...well, it's not ideal.

    Having something to simply remove this "glare" effect when there are blocks in the way would go most of the way to making this perfectly fine for me - I can accept the general ambient light, just not this glare.

    FYI: I love digging out underground bases and excavating wreck type POI's, so this is possibly more important to me than some. Far from a high priorly, I freely acknowledge that, but something I'd like the game to be a little more accurate on if at all possible.

    Anyway, I just wanted to share my feedback on this issue I'm sure you're fully aware of, guess I just wanted to see what your thoughts and plans are on it Eleon :)


    ravien_ff and DeadliestIdiot like this.
  2. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    It makes designing POIs hard, especially things like abandoned bunkers or caves. I can make them look *amazing* at night but it gets ruined during the day. :(

    I really hope this is something that can eventually be fixed and isn't just a unity technical limit.
    Frigidman likes this.
  3. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Yeah, it really does break immersion comparing day / night situations. I'd love it if the "sun" was a proper light source, but I understand that the current shortcuts likely save a chunk of performance. Even if they were to "fake it" like other games do, as long as it's believable I'm good with it.

    In my current game I've excavated what should be long, dark cave with my actual base at the end of it being pitch black. It looks great at night, but pretty bad at all other times.

    Hopefully this can get some work, as it's even more jarring for me that rain falling through the cave roof...and that's bad! lol.

  4. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    My hopes are with Unity 2018 engine.... it appears to have much more robust lighting features.
  5. Scoob

    Scoob Rear Admiral

    Sep 22, 2016
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    Yes, I was hoping the same, though I'm not aware of what 2018 brings to the table, nor which features Eleon plan to exploit. Still, I have hope! :)


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