Animation of melee attacks not correlating with the time of taking damage, AKA You cant dodge this

Discussion in 'Backlog' started by tahaan, Jan 7, 2022.

  1. tahaan

    tahaan Lieutenant

    Jun 23, 2021
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    Build: v1.7 3632 (all builds for as long as I have been playing)
    Mode: Survival
    Mode: Any

    SERVER NAME: Any / N.a
    SEED-ID: not available.

    If applicable:
    MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: Yes - Vanilla, Reforged Galaxy, Reforged Eden, and probably others.

    Reproducibility: This happens with all melee attacks, and with some ranged attacks but it is less noticible in the latter case.
    Severity: Critical/Game breaking (but players are so used to it now that I'm tempted to rate it as "normal severity")

    Type: Timing of Melee damage.

    Summary: The Animation of a melee attack doesn't correlate with the timing of taking damage.

    When an enemy attacks a player, the animation plays, eg you see the swipe coming, but there is no chance to jump away beause you take the damage instantaneously. Probably the worst of these being the Horrors. You see the attack coming and you jump, but you die.

    In the case of ranged attacks one place where it is particularly noticible is with rocket launchers, etc, like say if you're trying to take out a sentry gun in a POI. The gun disappears and stops working. A moment later the explosion follows. It really should be the other way round. In the second case it is the player that gains from it because the damage is calculated instantly and the sentry gun is gone before the missile even exploded.

    The slower the projectile, the more noticible, so I suspect it might be there for all weapons.

    The real reason for reporting this bug: It is impossible to dodge an attack that you see coming. So while the timing is an issue, also the damage calculation needs to be based on where the target is and whether they are still in the Area Of Effect at the time when the damage is dealt.


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