
Discussion in 'The Hangar Bay' started by idealius, Oct 8, 2015.

  1. idealius

    idealius Ensign

    Sep 30, 2015
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    So I soon realized after 8 hours into the game that I would be doing a lot of running around the globe.

    So I made this autohotkey run script by piecing together code bits from Google.

    How it works:
    Press caps lock to toggle it. It will auto-run, and auto-manage your sprinting intervals.

    How do I use it?
    Google autohotkey and install it, Create a new file with the '.AHK' extension and copy and paste the below code into it. Save, then double-click it.

    timecounter = 0
    walkorrun = 1
        SetKeyDelay, -1
        if( CapsLockDown )
            Send, {Blind}{w DownTemp}
                    ;TrayTip Hi, %timecounter%
            if walkorrun = 1
                Send, {Blind}{LShift DownTemp}
                if timecounter > 50
                    walkorrun := !walkorrun
                    timecounter = 0
                Send, {Blind}{LShift Up}
                if timecounter > 80
                    walkorrun := !walkorrun
                    timecounter = 0
            SetTimer, W_Caps, OFF
            Send, {Blind}{w Up}
        CapsLockDown := ( CapsLockDown ? 0 : 1 )
        timecounter = 0
        walkorrun = 0
        SetTimer, W_Caps, 40
    How does it sprint at intervals so that you reach your destination quickly. There is a "charge" to the sprint. One can take advantage of it so that right when it starts to drain the sprint meter you switch to walking.... long enough to get another charge. From what I noticed it's a little over 4 seconds running followed by 5 seconds walking/standing, then repeat. Sprinting constantly will drain your meter faster so over time intervals work better...

    Is this script worth it?

    Absolutely! If you are the type of person that uses cruise control on your real life vehicle while you're driving around town... then you are the type of person that will love this script!

    Is it perfect? No.

    Is it still worth it? Yes!

    It doesn't always shutoff when you hit Caps-lock, the button I use for auto-run. Random guess I would say 1 out of 10 but having it not turn off in successive button presses will also happen

    Are there other negatives? Yes. But, do they outweigh the effectiveness of the script to work on your posture while your player runs across the globe....?


    Enjoy the script.
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2015
  2. adriel

    adriel Lieutenant

    Nov 3, 2015
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    Thank you very much. Hopefully the devs will implement something that allows you to do this in-game without 3rd party tools. My hand is currently in immense pain from holding down the w key for 6 hours yesterday. I set up joy2key and my xbox360 controller so hopefully that will help some, but even with a controller, there should be some way to lock run on or off.

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