What is the frequency of base attacks based on the difficulty settings low/medium/high and how do these settings impact on the base attack chance percentage? I am on my second playthrough and have base attack set to low. My base attack chance is now up to 50% because I have been annoying the Zirax and I am attacked once every couple of game days it seems. I like the idea of keeping base attacks on, but they seem a bit too frequent even on low settings to be something I would consider enjoyable. If I'm being attacked every couple of days on low setting at 50% attack chance what can I expect on medium or high?
Anyone know anything about base attack frequency based on the difficulty setting? Don't leave me hanging guys!
The base attack depends on a number of things as you might have worked out. If your playing a single player game then before you start your game change the difficulty settings and see what your game does. I never really tested this myself. So I can't answer your question. You might find right now many people are involved with E12 and are testing the new version in the Experimental section. That's why someone might not haven't gotten back to you quicker. From what I am seeing in E12 there has been changes to the AI and how the base attacks are working. Hope this helps some what
The actual attack chance and the things that influence it can be seen in your base's control panel in the statistics page by scrolling down the box on the right. It'll give a readout of each thing that contributes to your likelihood of being attacked and how long until the next base attack check. Location relative to zirax territory, faction relations and base size all contribute.
@Vermillion thanks, yes I believe I've got my head around that. I am wondering how the percentage chance of an attack relates to the frequency shown in days before next attack and also how the difficulty setting of Base Attack Low/Med/High impacts on that percentage/frequency. At the moment I am switching between low and high base attack on my playthrough and at the moment haven't noticed any difference in the percentage chance of a base attack nor the days before the next attack. The only difference I have seen so far is where have taken out 2 relatively nearby Zirax structures which has reduced the overall attack percentage by 4% and decreased the frequency from <2 days to <3 days.