Base Size Vs. CV Size

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by Alendi Istari, Aug 30, 2020.

  1. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Wouldn't it be much simpler to just increase the values of BA CPU tiers?
  2. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Agree - bases need a higher CPU cap.

    I have ships that even ignoring thrusters and other ship specific stuff can accommodate more common functionality (equipment, turrets, storage) than my biggest bases and are even physically bigger.

    I dont think it needs a huge increase however, 1.5M would do, but 2M would give alot more breathing room.

    TBH, building a big base that has a big hangar is currently not very practical anyway due to the broken SI system that reduces everything to stone age construction, but I guess it is still nice to be able to build a decent size space station.
  3. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    During the last few play throughs I have done, I have repeatedly run into a question "Why even bother with a base any larger than necessary to build a starter CV? Most of my bases now more resemble boxes with a few turrets on top, a couple of cargo boxes, and a constructor of various tiers. But at a point, once I can build a decent warp capable CV that base is obsolete. I can spawn in a ship with 320k storage, advanced constructors, weapons, grow plots, medical facilities and so forth. Once that is done, the little base kinda becomes pointless.

    I realize that there may come a time where I want to have massive amounts of storage, so building a "warehouse" style base may be worthwhile. But as someone who plays 100% in single player, at a certain point I dont really "need" materials other than to make ammo and feed the factory. So above 200-300k rarely gets used.

    In my perspective, removing the CPU requirements for blocks for surface bases would open up extra CPU for building "useful items". Then perhaps give a reduced CPU cost for base oriented modules to encourage base use. As of now (unless it has changed), only deconstructors and forges are "base only" modules. But for me, by the time I >need< those, I dont really need em. Deconstructors are useful when getting ore is difficult, but once you have a warp capable CV, finding ore is easy. And smelters? With a couple of constructors churning while out mining, I have yet to really get overly backed up waiting for ore to smelt.

    Long story short...we need incentives to invest in ground based structures. Whether it be modules working more efficiently, less energy/cost, less CPU, something. Because as of now, I see little reason to even >need< a base much after a warp capable CV can be built
  4. The Big Brzezinski

    The Big Brzezinski Captain

    Nov 4, 2019
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    Star bases, yo. Functionally infinite free solar power. That enough of an incentive for you?
  5. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Meh...not really. I see what you are getting at. But hit two or three promethium asteroids and you have fuel for days. With mining turrets it takes no time to. I haven't used solar in a long time. So at a point, fuel really isn't much of an issue. So, yes, it is one thing a base can do that a ship cant, but its a difference that is so easily mitigated that its near imperceptible.
    Spoon likes this.
  6. Nicholas Drake

    Nicholas Drake Lieutenant

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Only Bases support teleportation between systems. I find them useful as a easy way to do gun running to get money. And solar power as I can use the time I'd spend mining promethium for other things.

    And lastly, a level landing field for these ships that don't have adjustable landing gear to deal with even minor terrain features. Much easier to toss down a blueprinted slab then level the terrain (something I find impossible in any case).

    Are those huge reasons? No, but little things are creature comforts. I also like bases with weather and sunlight, etc. So there's that.
    bluemax151 likes this.
  7. ChumSickle

    ChumSickle Captain

    Jul 17, 2020
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    Yeah, I am not saying, by any means, that there are >no< reasons for bases. I just would like to see a very >good< reason for them that make them more desirable across the table. Ill add teleporter to the furnace/deconstructor as "things that are useful." Just never really had much use for a teleporter in single player.
  8. Alendi Istari

    Alendi Istari Lieutenant

    May 7, 2020
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    Very good points, Chum. I think I agree with almost all of what you said. I think you're especially on point concerning the lack of any reason to have a larger base - especially in single-player. I do generally keep a base even past the point of a real need. In part for the additional storage and in part just because I like having one to dock surplus ships.

    Last edited: Sep 18, 2020
    ChumSickle likes this.
  9. GlitchedVision

    GlitchedVision Ensign

    Aug 30, 2020
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    one other use for bases is private multiplayer servers. People are gonna need a place to drop their friends off who don't yet have their own CV as you still can't bind yourself to a seat when you log off. I really think this is another thing that needs a second look, especially if they're pushing for both a nomadic playstyle and small private group multiplayer.
    bluemax151 and stanley bourdon like this.

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