Thanks a lot and you are absolutely right, Kieve, painting angled structures can be chore as well as texturing them (or writing on them) There is a reason why the white stripes on the v3 Base are 2 tiles wide and not 1, as was planned... I consider the first 2 base designs my main designs and there, painting was really easy since there were no conflicting blocks. Due to the cramped nature of the interior you will only see the exterior face of any block, on the inside there would most likely be a device blocking the view. So the only color that mattered weas the color on the outside face. But what is really annoying is the inability to correctly texture an agled design, the textures of an angled block will not line up correctly with the textures of a "normal" block. See this image: All floor block have a texture but those on the edge, which are "half blocks" do not have the same texture. This is because if you put a texture on the up-facing surface, it will not align properly with the textures of the other floor blocks (thoise that are "full blocks") and the result looks bad. So I had to leave those textures out. A pity... This also explains why there are no textures on the walls. (but you probably already know that...) I had a thorough look at your Angelspire design and I like it a lot. It is really a masterpiece! Regards
After colonizing Oscutune, it quickly became apparent to my gf and I that Angelspire needed some defenses. So I built us this: (^ click for Workshop link)
You and your incredibly stylish yet simple buildings! Always reminds me that my architectural design isn't quite as good as I thought it was Either way, you've motivated me to try to make some simple Turret Boxes like this with a little flair, though I'll be damned if I know how to make it look better than that lol (Or even in the same league!)
I built the T2 pyramid V2 and am pretty impressed with it, however, some of the grow plots won't allow you to plant a crop in them, due to a sloped window occupying the space above the plot. Only downside I've found with them.
How embarrassing... I should have lived in those variants a bit before posting them. I have corrected those plots, sadly I found no other solutiuon than to remove them. Glad youre liking the design!
Going back a bit, but it seems Fractalite was right after all: I'd figured once it was posted, I'd pretty much be done with Angelspire, but every time I think that, some new "little thing" crops up. User "Forjo" has been a big help in the comments the last couple days, prompting me to make some revisions. Most notably, putting a railing on that outer staircase to the upper deck, along with some lighting (an addition long, long overdue). The T3 fuel tanks were also downgraded to a six-pack of T2's, which reduced the crafting time a little and dropped the required level to 10. In some respects I'm less happy with that change (the generator room doesn't look quite as good with the tanks all turned on their ends), but it makes the 'Spire accessible earlier in the game, so... worthwhile trade-off I suppose. Plus, as with the constructors, I expect any Survivalist playing with it will swap them out when they can anyway.
*Takes a moment to step away from his adoring throng chanting "Oracle! Oracle! Oh Oracle, save us!"* Kieve because your base is so very sexy, well designed, and mesmerizing I know that you are getting a lot of people hinting at things, but just remember that it is YOUR creation. If you want to have some T3 fuel tanks, USE THEM! The idea of accessibility is relevant if the requirement for production is 5 or below(although really 3 and below) for starting survivalists, but 10 is not really all that accessible. So take it to where ever you think it should go.
Oh, I know, trust me. I built the one on Oscutune before I updated the blueprint, but T3 tanks would've been the first things I upgraded, even before the constructors. Even at that, it wouldn't look any different if I turned them sideways, but I wanted to make sure all six T2's were accessible without 'P' Depends on how you look at it, I suppose. I view Angelspire as the kind of base you work toward once you've gotten your basic survival hovel functional and start looking for somewhere nice to live, rather than squatting in a cave or a wooden shack. At any rate, I'm praying I'm finally done with the place, I still have an Armorspire I need to attend to (been saying that almost from the day I posted Angelspire). Need to start looking into the luxury CV market too.
Uploaded my newest creation Update: what was a luxury split level home has become an Automotive Shop/Garage.
Beautiful I have only one critique: Everyone and their mother uses that same white-marble texture and it starts to get pretty generic after a while. Mix it up! Throw some color on those walls, floors, try a different pattern (or two) for carpeting here and there. I note there are some areas where you've done that, it just needs more variation - especially in the main living area. Otherwise the place is awesome. Subbed and upvoted.
Point taken. I'll have to play with color schemes a bit and see what I can come up with. It could definitely use something. Edit: Updates made to the colors/paint job and decorations with some minor changes here and there to layout. The checkerboard pattern in the garage is totally reminiscent of a checkered flag to me. Reminds me of racing and NASCAR. Not what I had in mind originally but it works.
CONTEST ...... i've build a big building tower and i dare you to fill up all the 35 floors and then post your building ( please email me with your interior design ( ) thx )) have fun *note this is only a building i replicated it to 5 towers so you can build a full size city
Hello everyone! Planet's surface are very different and sometimes not that easy to find a suitable place for base. Therefore this design was created specifically for easy and fast installation on any surface, even on top of the mountain. Workshop link:
Great idea and design, i m jealous, that i'dont have this idea of base (i have simillar idea but for CV).
I created this experimental Bench/Platform for my testing and experimenting with the new HV mechanics immediately prior to the release of 4.0. Now with 4.x and beyond I am going to continue to use it, but thought I would post it here and in the "What did you do in Empyrion today" thread in case others could find it useful to have something to kind of plop down without having to go through tedium of selecting another blueprint when you need a flat place to build a vessel or building it themselves. Feel free to use it modify it however you want; I find it helpful for gauging distance, size, and balance. Pictures: