BLG | ROLEPLAY - Emperyion's #1 Server | Join the fun!

Discussion in 'Multiplayer Meeting Room' started by IcyyMike, Mar 20, 2016.

  1. Cpt_Beefheart

    Cpt_Beefheart Captain

    Jan 4, 2016
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    Hmm I liked it better before it went Star Wars personally.
    Only problem I see now is it is trying to be all things to all people. With so many servers to choose from, I can't really understand at all why there would be a PVP galaxy and a PVE galaxy not connecting. Why basically run two servers within one? To me it just seems that from whichever side you prefer to play, the server only will have half its potential capacity. While the Star Wars thing wasn't for me, and potentially a legal problem at some point, it was at least focusing on a niche -that was something only BLG really had and set it apart. Now when I can get to that server I see a fraction of the former population.

    There already were 1000 PVE servers,.. why be a "me too" server when you were already consistently one of if not the top pvp one?
  2. Cavadus

    Cavadus Commander

    May 11, 2016
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    Or every single ally you had abandoned you because IXT are backsabbers and griefers (it was super classy when you went to your own faction alliance's starter planet and started stealing newbs' water and O2 gens), you lost every single battle for an entire week, and then you ran away to the homeworld server.

    And of course the day after you lost everything on the server (that your faction admins) it's wiped when tons of other servers are able to transition to 2.0 with no issues.

    And let's not forget the RAMPANT abuse of terrain clipping your guild exploits in base construction.

    Talk about some SORE losers. What a surprise the server is completely dead.

    Anyways, last word is all yours. I'm not going to read it anyways.
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2016
  3. Robert Shores

    Robert Shores Ensign

    Apr 7, 2016
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    It was due for a wipe anyway. The 47th was just salty because they didnt get to be somebody. We also left before you even "won" any real battles so i wouldn't puff your chest too much. XTE wouldn't run from the likes of your group of newbs. But hey if it makes you feel special go right ahead and tell yourself that. Lol griefers... sounds like you should just go to a pve server.

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