Block Configuration for Dialogue: ExecuteOnActivate Error

Discussion in 'Empyrion API' started by dr0r, Feb 7, 2023.

  1. dr0r

    dr0r Ensign

    Feb 7, 2023
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    In BlockConfig.ecf (Be it a scenario override for example) you can set a dialogue state name (e.g D_STATE) that should correspond to a defined Dialogue block's Name attribute in Dialogues.ecf file using the ExecuteOnActivate attribute of the ecf block defining the game block. Then by facing the block and pressing 'F' the dialogue should execute.

    I have tried both Dedicated Server with a client and also SP.

    Using the console 'ds <state>' I was able to get the output for the state in the terminal, but if I press 'F' on a placed block the game starts a dialog but nothing happens.

    The log file says:

    Fallback handler could not load library C:/Program Files (x86)/Steam/steamapps/common/Empyrion - Galactic Survival/Client/Empyrion_Data/MonoBleedingEdge/data-000001DE003CA010.dll

    Every time with a different dll name, and this folder doesn't even exist. if console run 'ds reload' it stops the non visible state and I can reproduce the Fallback handler error.

    Any ideas?
  2. Joker92

    Joker92 Ensign

    Mar 6, 2019
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    ive actually ran in to the same issue trying to join another server. not sure how to fix it yet.
  3. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    This only works on executes in a single state. It does not allow for output, options, or next, etc.
    Vollinger likes this.

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