Block placement

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by ion_storm, Jun 19, 2020.

  1. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    "No empty space to place block"
    Why is this, and will it be fixed?
    I miss being able to pull a line of blocks and clear the dirt later, now the perimeter around my buildings ends up horrible...
  2. This is a direct result from something they changed in A10 and then never fixed afterwards.
    Because of this issue you are better off using blueprints instead of building by hand in survival, at least with bases. It's easier to work around it with other structures. With bases though it causes serious issues.

    It's extremely random how it presents itself too.
    Sometimes I can place a block that is 99% into the terrain. Then when I try to place another block right next to that one I can't place it if there is any terrain there at all.

    Pretty much you are forced to drill the terrain completely out in a lot of cases before it will let you place the block. The main issue is then that there is no terrain in that spot for structural integrity calculations, so SI suffers because of it.
    The secondary issue is that then the terrain around your base ends up looking like crap, and the drill is about worthless at fixing the terrain later.

    We've been asking that question since A10. I still haven't seen a clear answer from any of the devs on if they will fix it or not.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 19, 2020
    ion_storm, Jacoviz and Khazul like this.
  3. ion_storm

    ion_storm Captain

    Jan 6, 2017
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    (in Spanj's voice): ELEON, please fix! :D

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