Blocks and Devices wish list

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Siege Inc., May 27, 2017.

  1. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    I would be happy to pay full mat cost for a cube. but when i place it i would expect the part to be accurate in both mass and HP.
    I would just say i placed a cube and cut it to shape. losing the waste, I don't recycle..
  2. SoCalExile

    SoCalExile Captain

    Aug 27, 2016
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    How about a device for HVs that, when mining dirt, sifts out the minute traces of resources in the soil, so even when the deposits are depleted, some resources can be found. It could be limited to what's available on the planet, or just core elements (Iron, Silicon, Copper, Cobalt, Magnesium). This shouldn't be a small device either, maybe 4x8x4 or 5x10x5.
  3. Izzin

    Izzin Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    New blocks:
    We have the long thin square pillar (corner pillar) - replicate this but same color/look of the window group
    We have the long thin square pillar - please give us a triangle copy of this so that it looks like a bevel
    We have the long thin square pillar - but it is only for corners, allow a state where it is center of the block versus just corner.
    Give us size of the round pillars with the T and Corner blocks, and then a block that transitions from small -> medium and then medium-> large cylinders.

    Allow "wall section" bounding boxes to be ignored for lights/flares. Allow lights to be fixed to either face of the wall section or to the full bock on the empty sections of the square. This would also be useful for windows/shutters/walkways
    Additional nice to have - permit lights to adjust to the plane they are set against, for example on angled blocks, have the square light fix to the angle and adjust direction.

    Add/allow walkway rails to be 2 seconds per block so you do not burn 3 blocks to get a walkway and rails on both sides.

    Repair block enhancements:
    1. add a material cost for repair blocks [ special container, or a single that will pull smelted blocks think constructor like]
    2. add configurable option for admins to allow more than 1 repair per ba/cv - cv should permit at least 2 (1 hv/1 sv) either by increasing count, or but unique block one for sv one for hv. BA should allow 3, 1 for each type, or just generic where the qty is 3.
    3. add an additional "Destroyed state" for all blocks [don't panic] which is actually invisible - that way repairs still know the block exists and draws from the resource pool.
    4. add a drone station similar to ventilator that would repair a base within a certain area - often damage happens in areas we cant reach or even know where it exists within our bases.
    Conveyors - I don't care if they are nothing more than display as phase 1, give us straight blocks, "y/t" blocks, and hoppers.
    Maybe phase 1.5 is adjacent blocks act as single storage - for example: constructor -> conveyor -> cargo container with ore = usable by constructor.
    Eventually some logic where we could develop signal logic of transport from container to container would of course be a nice to have, even if we can have drones isolated to one room where we say "move copper from smelter to conveyor" we just create rules/signal logic to point a to point b move things.

    Scanner block for vehicles/tricorder type for tool - really dislike being able to fly around a planet and go "hey there is ore over there" when it is under ground. If it was above ground sure. Give us a hot/cold location mechanism. This is particularly useful in asteroid belts where you can fly for hours to find the resources.

    Last edited: Jun 20, 2017
    Triblade likes this.
  4. Senator Mendoza

    Senator Mendoza Lieutenant

    Jan 15, 2017
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    For armor lockers, I really wish it would remember the state of your helmet (on/off) when swapping armors. Minor QOL fix ;)
    xmacleod and OddTheViking like this.
  5. agal59

    agal59 Lieutenant

    May 26, 2016
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    Would really like to have tool(s) to be used on a BA to completely auto-repair as well as replace missing parts. The BA is blueprinted so the information to make it whole does exist. Those roaming planet defense CVs can easily turn your BA into swiss cheese.
  6. RasterOps

    RasterOps Lieutenant

    Sep 16, 2016
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    I am surprised that no radiation protection was built into existing blocks or by adding new blocks. And that is what I want. A new plastic block designed to block radiation reference ([SV/HV, CV/BA] clear or solid, armored or not and the thickness of a window block). Airtight of course.

    Gimmie! :):cool:
  7. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    I want this idea, but as a base object. A fairly expensive to build, power hungry to use deep core miner that a base could deploy to extract materials.
    tehmashby likes this.
  8. SoCalExile

    SoCalExile Captain

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Deco blocks that look like Class B or C Overhead Cranes:




    OddTheViking likes this.
  9. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    I've made similar things using truss blocks as rails and then regular blocks to make the beam/crane.


    What I'm lacking is a crane hook.

    oojimaflip likes this.
  10. SoCalExile

    SoCalExile Captain

    Aug 27, 2016
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    I've done it with small blocks but we lose fine details with the large blocks.
  11. SoCalExile

    SoCalExile Captain

    Aug 27, 2016
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    Although, a lot of Deco issues could be eliminated if the "big blocks for this and small blocks for that" rule was done away with, and we could use both on everything. Then add more types of blocks, or even the option of dynamic blocks as has been suggested. Then we can just build many deco items like cranes and (non-animated) antennas ourselves.
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2017
  12. Suicide_NL

    Suicide_NL Ensign

    Feb 7, 2017
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    We as a clan could benefit from one of the deco consoles to be accessed and have a word-pad like interface where we (for instance) can keep a log of all the different planets we have visited, the conditions and resources there. It can also be used to write messages to clan members who are online on different times. We can now only use LCD displays to do this which is not optimal.

    I think this relatively simple addition can help and makes some deco parts actually usefull to have
  13. measorgeezer

    measorgeezer Ensign

    Jun 26, 2017
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    how about allowing us to add a blueprint to either the repair bay or your drone or preferably both and the space necessary in the repair bay to add resources/items needed to fix back to blueprint spec.

    also enable the repair bay to be set to recover - you park a HV, SV or CV on it and it will begin to break it down into parts - disassemble or deconstruct settings and a configurable amount of storage assigned (link to up to 8 cargo boxes)
    Last edited: Jun 26, 2017
    SacredGlade likes this.
  14. Uncle Benny

    Uncle Benny Commander

    Jan 5, 2017
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    Two things I'd love to see:

    1) "Shore Power" block. Should operate like the repair bay; function: when a CV is on top/against it, it would take over providing power to the vessel, in other words, the CV's generators would be shut down, and your base's generators would then provide power to the ship. Reasoning is that I have a decent fleet of CV's sitting around at my base, and I'd love to be able to say, keep the lights and ventilators on so the grow plots keep growing, and the fridges keep fridging, without the need to refuel each CV every so often. I'm docked at my base, after all...

    2) Recycling device. Throw in components (steel plates, electronics, etc.) and it will melt them down and convert them back to ingots. Not at a 1:1 rate, but let's say 50% of the original source ingots are returned. Often I find myself having too much of a given block that I'd love to be able to convert to ingots so I can re-use all of it, instead of just having cargo boxes full of random junk that sits there for weeks going unused. Could even be a tiered device where you can unlock the early version at a reasonably low level (but it only returns, say, 15% of ingots), and then a T2 and T3 version with higher yields.
  15. tehmashby

    tehmashby Lieutenant

    Mar 14, 2017
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    I for one would love to see some "Deco packs"

    Biological tech ( organic cannons, pulsating fuel tanks e.t.c) galf the aliens show no signs of tech but are on all planets ( overseer, assasin e.t.c)

    More industrial equipment, even if only for show, animated would be excellent
    Conveyor belts
    Mrchanical arms, ( like the ones for building cars)
    Barrels of hazardous waste
    Whole walls of gizmos, gadgets and machines that go "ping" ( maybe like 1x4 blocks /2x4 & 3x4)

    Lab table with beakers and bubbling flasks e.t.c - future Frankenstein style
    Autopsy table ( with/ without specimens)

    Ambience and mood

    Flickering lights
    Dead bodys
    Rubbish, scattered papers, broken old dusty computers, infact everything above in a damaged/ old state
    The animal skeletons used for planrt decorations


    Scratch marks
    Bullet holes/ plasma burns e.t.c
    Blood stains

    Ill add more as I think if them
    SacredGlade and Siege Inc. like this.
  16. PsiKat

    PsiKat Lieutenant

    Jul 1, 2017
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    I really wish we could put lights on half blocks. To me one block height rooms (2 meters) are too low and 2 block rooms are too tall (4 meters). If I could use half blocks as the ceiling (3 meters) and still put lights on them I would be in heaven.
  17. jwturp85

    jwturp85 Lieutenant

    Dec 28, 2015
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    Please add the ability to shift textures as we can shift symbols. For symmetry sake, I would like to have the ability to place two control panel textures facing the same direction, regardless of the shape of the block (ie. two steel corner blocks currently will have a different pattern direction if placed back to back).

    Also, I'd like to see the base/ship exterior turrets (plasma, laser, etc) grouped differently than the sentry turrets. Nothing pains me more than setting my artillery cannon to take out turrets and have it start blowing a hole in the side of a ship because the sentry turret on the back corner is closer than the plasma cannon that just torched my front thruster. Or at least have them unable to fire on turrets not in LoS.. in fact, the player turrets won't fire on a plasma cannon that isn't in Los, so why DOES it try to destroy half the ship over a sentry turret??

    Lastly, rotating blocks, for ship design. It would be nice to see "floating" spikes rotating on the front/back of a vessel.
    Last edited: Jul 2, 2017
  18. SacredGlade

    SacredGlade Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Really would like to see the (already mentioned) Fire and torch deco. They should project light to act a replacement for high tech lights. Allows for more authentic for low tech POI's on planets. Also would like to see an auto crossbow to replace the sentry turret. Wooden stake block (for pit raps etc)

    Let have planets with locals who do not have the technology level! Give us some variety and theme.. (add in subaquatic vessels and critters in 7.0 and we have a much more diverse universe)
    tehmashby likes this.
  19. woowoo

    woowoo Captain

    Apr 8, 2016
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    I want U shaped thin block for corridors, it also decrease the number of block required since you only need top and bottom to make a corridor.
    Frigidman likes this.
  20. tehmashby

    tehmashby Lieutenant

    Mar 14, 2017
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    Only problem will be npcs getting through the archways, they have enough trouble as is

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