Blocks and Devices wish list

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Siege Inc., May 27, 2017.

  1. Squelch

    Squelch Lieutenant

    Apr 3, 2019
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    Push button.
    It has been mentioned in this thread, but I'm surprised to find that it hasn't been asked for more regularly. We do have a trigger block, but that is for BA/CV only, and is rather large. What would be nice is to have an illuminated device (re-use of a light comes to mind) that is interactive and operates momentarily. It should also be capable of indicating a signal state. The TXSignal can then be used in other signalling. I'm finding the lever switch rather limiting and cumbersome when it needs to be cycled to send a signal if combined with other logic. The lever does not "follow" the signal state either, so it is possible for two way switches to counter intuitively indicate "off" and "on" at the same time after the main power has been cycled.

    The other thing that I have had trouble finding discussion on for devices, is that the necessity for unique signal names. Sharing of the same signal name has implicit OR logic, and having the ability to share signal names between devices would remove what can become a very long list of signal inputs for a single condition.

    I have an SV that can land in an orthodox fashion, but also dock at the top. It has 4 landing legs on both top and bottom for a total of 8. I had the idea that I could use the landing block TXSignal to operate other devices (switch off/on lights and button up etc when landing or taking off) All landing blocks operate in unison, so any one of the blocks could be used for the signal. However, if that particular device gets destroyed, then the signal is lost.

    The natural extension then becomes -
    Landing leg 1 OR Landing leg 2 OR ... leg 8.
    to cover all eventualities. This requires that two 4 input OR signal circuits must be used to service the eight unique signals from the legs, then another two unique signal names to supply another 2 input OR circuit to combine them all into one signal, which requires yet another unique name. That's a total of eleven signal names, and three signal circuits for what is effectively one condition.

    Landed (True OR False)

    IF all of those legs could share the same TXSignal, then the above complexity is drastically reduced to ONE signal, and ZERO signal circuits for the same operation. The UI also becomes quite difficult to manage when the inevitable long lists of signal names and circuits are involved.

    I'm sure there are many other use cases where this implicit OR logic would be useful. The existing OR 2x/4x circuits are still valuable for combining uniquely named circuits derived from other sources of course. I do understand that there may be a technical reason for the signal names to be unique, but I'm having a hard time thinking of one.

    My current workaround is to use a dummy ninth landing device, but safely protected inboard and serves merely to act as a single trigger when it operates in unison with the others.
    SacredGlade likes this.
  2. Obcy

    Obcy Commander

    Apr 4, 2019
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    How about changing size of blocks? Just split small block in 3d into eight blocks. Same with large one. Thanks to this You can design even better shapes .

    And windows!!! Just make them transparent and maybe borderless. That will make custom cockpits usefull.
  3. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    thanks Jester, that won't work for people downloading my designs from the workshop though.
    and we are requesting things in this topic that are not in game yet.
    changing config files is not something I would call a game feature already ;)

    and as a reply to frigidman, optional would be great indeed!
    Or just call them a new block: skewed doors?
    best would be if it would follow the degree the ramp is in, so it is not visible when the ramp is open/door closed ;)
  4. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    not sure if suggested already, but:
    retractable landing gears for CV that is reaching 2 blocks down, wouldnt mind them being 2 blocks high inside the CV, or be like the internal folding one from SVs.
    zztong likes this.
  5. CHAR

    CHAR Lieutenant

    Jul 22, 2018
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    Eleon,make the factory a device, as a constructor and deconstructor. In multiplayer, a virtual factory is a cheat.
    Pear78 likes this.
  6. SGP Corp

    SGP Corp Captain

    Feb 12, 2019
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    Add duct (small tube shapes ) blocks with the tube offset to one side. This would let us make them lay on the ground or against a wall or strut like they were phyically attached and not just seemingly floating above.
    SacredGlade likes this.
  7. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Still holding on for rechargeable batteries. Generators and fuel tanks a great, but some batteries to serve as emergency power sources, or even power sources for small craft, would be great.

    They could be charged from generators or solar sources when depleted if part of a base or ship equipped with a generator, or when within the range of a “Charging” block for vehicles without generators.

    I would also LOVE solar panels for vehicles. Sure they might not run your thrusters long, but they’d keep the lights on, the oxygen flowing and milk from curdling!
    SacredGlade and Squelch like this.
  8. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Here’s one I think would be vastly popular:

    A vending machine.

    A specialized, refrigerated container, with a fairly large volume, but limited number of slots, 6-10.
    Each slot should have a value box, allowing us to set prices for the item in that slot, which would then be dropped like a regular dropped item - in one of those little white boxes.

    These would differ from Trade Terminals as they would not be connected in the same manner, nor have the service charge attached. Since they’re “localized”, you’d have to visit them individually to make purchases, but I think they’d make a great addition.
    SacredGlade likes this.
  9. SGP Corp

    SGP Corp Captain

    Feb 12, 2019
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    Is this a PvP thing for player trade? I am an SP player and so I can't see how it does anything for the game that a NPC trader doesn't already do.
  10. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Not PvP, but yes, a trade thing. For SP it could be nice as a bit of ambiance, or set up as part of a custom POI or as part of a scenario. Or just for some personal amusement - I own a vintage beer vending machine that dinks me $.50 for a beer, just because.
  11. Pear78

    Pear78 Captain

    Dec 18, 2018
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    I would like to see hangar doors in different angles. this would allow for so much more freedom creating BAses and CVs.

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  12. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Different angels that you can get from rotation them? Like what? Just curious here.
  13. [Ghetto]Two Shoe$

    [Ghetto]Two Shoe$ Commander

    May 28, 2016
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    My wish list for blocks?
    Carbon Truss blocks
    zztong and jesterjunk like this.
  14. CHAR

    CHAR Lieutenant

    Jul 22, 2018
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    Pastick Blocks,Xeno blocks already there, why else?
  15. [Ghetto]Two Shoe$

    [Ghetto]Two Shoe$ Commander

    May 28, 2016
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    Material used. Purely cosmetic 900% of the time truss is used. But.... in an actual scenario where Iron is scarce, it would be nice to use Carbon for the times that truss [isnt] cosmetic.
  16. Kard

    Kard Commander

    Oct 22, 2017
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    - Light sensor, as well as Push button. Maybe a 3-tier sensitivity for the Light Sensor (day/night/dawn|dusk).
    - And @Squelch brings up a point I have been kinda wishing was available for a long time now: Device status signal outputs: 0-off/standby, 1-on/in-use. Particularly with crafting-related devices, but could be used with landing-gear, doors, equipment, etc. Basically anything that has more than one 'state'. Instead of just having signals trigger devices, let devices also trigger signals. This would allow us to make much more power-efficient structures and semi-automated signal chains. It will go a long way toward future automation systems implemented by Eleon.
    - LCD signs: allow us to use embedded code variables in the text, such as 02 levels, signal detection, power use, fuel level, etc. Think bbcode, and more than one per sign. We have some really creative sign makers here, and having a few creative status display signs would be nice. As it is, if we want to do this, we have to use one sign linked to a signal, that simply turns it on or off. Multiple embedded variables in the same sign will make them useful for compact status displays. And more than one text color per sign! ;] Maybe signs need a tinymce-ish wysiwig editor., including the expanded 'hidden' character set that they have.
    Quarior and Squelch like this.
  17. Syrass

    Syrass Ensign

    Jun 3, 2017
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    I would like an "Auto loading" block. Basically the deivce would have input and output blocks like a constructor, then would have a condition section - If (input)(output) has (less)(more) <item> move <item> from input to output. This device could easily have a CPU overhead and be called a Sorter, a Conveyer, an Inserter an AutoLoader etc.
  18. Syrass

    Syrass Ensign

    Jun 3, 2017
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    I would love to see a water filter block for a base that would work as a Water Generator does atm, but runs off the bases power. Water Gens get tedious latter game. Would be great if you could assign an existing box to output to.
  19. SGP Corp

    SGP Corp Captain

    Feb 12, 2019
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    I just spam a few, load them up with power. One visit later to the "water farm" and I'm set for a long long time.
  20. IndigoWyrd

    IndigoWyrd Rear Admiral

    Jun 19, 2018
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    Ground Leveling

    If you’ve visited any of the POI’s out there one thing you’ve probably noticed is that they’re built on some spectacularly flat ground. As far as I understand this is accomplished by means of some special Creative Mode blocks we don’t have access to in Survival Mode. But flat terrain can be highly desirable, though hard to come by through normal and reasonable means.

    Thus I would LOVE a Ground Leveling Device. I envision this as being created this way:

    From the same Blocks filter where you find the CV/SV/HV/BA Starter blocks, you build a Terrain Leveling Kit, from a handful of basic components, and your “Kit” consists of four blocks.

    You place these at the four corners of the “lot”, and they automatically flatten and level the terrain inside the area they enclose, in the same manner these “magical Crwative Terrain Blocks” do for POI’s, leaving a perfectly flat, level area ready for building.

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