Blocks and Devices wish list

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Siege Inc., May 27, 2017.

  1. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Yeah, it would be nice to have... as well as a double thin wall block: | |

    Thats kind of unrelated, and just a side effect of the current 'simple' AI pathing... which is something they will change for sure later.
  2. Commander Rockhard

    Commander Rockhard Ensign

    Nov 19, 2016
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    I would like to see the following blocks/devices;
    • Solar panel blocks.
    • Railing at both sides in one block, straight and slope, also be able to place it on top of the stairs instead of at the side.
    • Power generator which need to be placed in such way that it will be partially submerged in the water to generate power, no additional fuel needed. Basically a "normal" generator and a hydrogen generator in-one. Because is gives infinite power always day and night I suggest it would be a level 20 or 25 tech, BA only (and not placeable in space off-course)
    • Docking-block for BA and CV, behaves roughly the same as an landing-gear block, except that a docking-block can only dock at another docking-block also making the CV align with the target CV or BA (if the angle is not to big) also the block is airtight so you can place it around a (hangar) door to create a pressured corridor between the two structures when docked.
    • Connector-block for CV, SV and HV, behaves the same as an docking-block, except that a connector-block will merge the two structures together as if it is one, when the two structures are disconnected they will be two separate structures as before the connection, this way you can create a modular ship. Also for extra purpose, when connected you can build block between the two structures, making them inseparable, useful to "glue" two parts of a ship together after it is detached by damage.
    • Factory-block for BA and CV, this block must be connected to a construction bay, the the construction bay is similar to the repair bay but does construction work instead of repair work, then you can build a blueprint via the factory-block. The CV, SV or HV will be gradually build at the construction bay. Parts which are not build yet are visible as a ghost image, this ghost image is an impassible forcefield, this way other players can not place their stuff there which will be obstructing the build process. Current factory to be replaced by factory-block, so you can not spawn a galaxy class star destroyer out of your pocket, which is nice for realism ;) ... now I only have to come with a solution how to build BA's from a bleuprint ... I was thinking about another device for HV's and SV's which can build BA's at the location...
    keep up the good work :)
    Last edited: Jul 8, 2017
    Inappropriate and Frankyln like this.
  3. Izzin

    Izzin Lieutenant

    Feb 26, 2017
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    Love This:

    I would change it slightly, or at minimum, extend it. I do not like the "magical" factory either. It needs to be something, but in addition, it needs to have a physical component for materials. Right now I abuse the factory for "mass deconstruction" inventory. I just find the largest bp I could make and when I deconstruct a base, just shove all the materials into it. I know I am not alone, my entire group does it, it is far to convenient. I dont think the factory should take "base materials" but rather the sub combines. Yes, I know it goes a step back from our advanced constructors, just a thought to add a tad more realism. Most vehicle factories only assemble, do not forge/mold the items.

    As for the "bases" create a new type of vehicle that is consumed on creation, this is the mobile factory, it includes a "base starter" .. once you go to where you want to have your base, your silhouette of the base displays, you position it, and then the vehicle "unfolds" or some animation, then drones fly around "creating" your base.

    I am all for adding more "items" for return, I am still off the opinion repair should not simply cost "energy" or "charges" but actually require to have material available to repair the damage. If we can create matter from nothing with energy/charges why do we need ore? All we would need it promethium and a bit of iron for our charges.

    Last edited: Jul 9, 2017
    Commander Rockhard and Frankyln like this.
  4. JuStX2

    JuStX2 Captain

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Ok so @ the OP - here's my feelings: Water-stuff should probably take a backseat to "real" conveyor-systems (meaning the actual automation of production lines, moving inventory from device to device). The Rest is mostly Adhoc Deco and Modding Support the way I see it. If and when those two things are implemented - I'd be willing to look over the deco blocks - but for now what is really needed #1 a way to move inventory automatically and #2 Custom Item Support - which #2 has never been promised to the best of my knowledge.
  5. JuStX2

    JuStX2 Captain

    Aug 2, 2015
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    What part of Infinite Power says Realism to you? Atleast give it a legitimate limit - because people can and will exploit it - even in real life - we have no such power generators and even the most advanced theoritical technology (fusion reactors) would still only produce about 1/10th the power contained within a star - which is in and of itself defined by the Star's Mass and Material. There is no Zohar Device.
  6. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    "Repairs" made with the multitool do not absolutely need "matter" since the tool merely removes bumps from blocks and devices; it does not "create matter" as such. If a block is destroyed, then matter is needed in order to "repair" the ship / base (to replace block). I think the other usages of the multitool are closer to "magic" than the repair function: removing blocks and deconstructing devices to transfer them in the inventory... that's a bit too much, but I'm ok with this, as long as players don't start asking for a "conveyor system" between the multitool and the backpack for "better realism"... arf...
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2017
  7. a kitten

    a kitten Ensign

    May 9, 2017
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    I would fancy some more round building blocks to be able to create really round structures.
    ITguy1981, Taun Hawk and tehmashby like this.
  8. Fischmaster

    Fischmaster Ensign

    Jun 8, 2016
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    A device called a "storage system" where any Fraction Member can access at the same time. Maybe with terminals to access from anywhere in a big base. Would be awesome.
    ITguy1981 likes this.
  9. Iskar

    Iskar Commander

    Jun 24, 2016
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    A half-high version of Corner Large A a.k.a outer corner block for Ramp Bottom blocks is very much needed. (While you're at it, the corresponding inner corner for Ramp Bottom is missing as well.)

    Also helpful would be a block identical to the union of Ramp Wedge Bottom and Corner Large C.

    EDIT: A half-high version of the simple "Corner" is also needed.
    Last edited: Jul 14, 2017
    OddTheViking likes this.
  10. JuStX2

    JuStX2 Captain

    Aug 2, 2015
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    Might be easier to "fix" the LCD Displays to always take input tbh - rn they're kinda finicky for me - if i type into them they don't save unless i change size/color afterwards and they sometimes don't update till i relog on the main view....
  11. LinearBurn

    LinearBurn Lieutenant

    Jul 7, 2017
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    Sort By function "materals rocks ect on cargo cans " Stack All"
    Siege Inc. likes this.
  12. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    I would like rubber blocks for HV, SV and CV to make ships immune to collisions, and to reflect solid projectiles towards enemies. Of course energy weapons could burn easily through these blocks and generate an awful smell. Maybe adding a "stink damage" to enemies too close or even to the player if too close to burning blocks.
  13. Requiemfang

    Requiemfang Commander

    May 13, 2015
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    I don't know if that post is suppose to be funny or not cause rubber doesn't work in the way you make it sound, at least where weapon projectiles are involved. As for shock absorption... well there's a limit to what rubber can do. No amount of shock absorption is going to matter against an object of a certain weight and mass especially if it's moving at a high velocity, all objects given enough speed even something like a grain of sand can be deadly.
  14. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    No need to get into quantum physics here... And I know lots of things are not working in an even remotely realistic fashion in games, so why not? I guess rubber will also improve in the future, and "high velocity"... come on. We're talking about the speed of a beach ball here, might as well have the same physics, ney?
  15. Repier

    Repier Commander

    Feb 16, 2017
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    I'd like to have a weapons rack. It would be nice to be able to expose our epic loot ;)
  16. Nogitsune

    Nogitsune Rear Admiral

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Closed elevator block variants

    Currently you can build 'passageway' out of elevator by blocking various sides with glass (preferably armored glass), but since everything takes full block, this takes huge amount of space.
    I propose closed variants to elevator block that have pre-installed armored glass on various sides.
    Possible options:

    - passage: open on 2 sides, allows straight passing through
    - corner: open on 2 sides with 90 degree angle
    - T-junction: open on 3 sides - passage with one side passage opened
    - X-junction: open on 4 sides - only 'floor' and 'ceiling' glassed
    - L-junction: like corner, but also open 'ceiling'
    - 4-junction: like T-junction with open 'ceiling'
    - 5-junction: only one side blocked

    These would allow all sorts of interesting 3-dimensional passages to be created into ship, which would be fully functional in zero-gravity. It would be nice if the resulting passage would be airtight - so it could be used to create f.ex. glassed passage between residential modules on space station and the like, but I don't know if that's currently technically possible. I suggest armored glass level durability, and resource cost that's combination of elevator + armored glass block. OR two variants, one with armored glass and one with regular glass, with proportional cost and durability.
  17. Nogitsune

    Nogitsune Rear Admiral

    Jul 16, 2017
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    Anti-collision would be good in many ways. Projectile immunity would be too powerful especially if it actually reflected them. Burning rubber could foul the air so that within the same airspace (or certain distance if outdoors) there's 'no oxygen' area for a while (need to wear helmet).
  18. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    It could also be simple tires tied to the sides of ships with ropes like what is done actually with small tugboats...
  19. Taun Hawk

    Taun Hawk Lieutenant

    Nov 26, 2015
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    These are biased towards Scenario Building:

    1. Device Stress: for example when I overload a generator because it is exceeding its output, it needs to fail and get damaged. Could even catch on fire/explode sometimes and cause more damage to surrounding blocks and devices.
    2. Durability to all devices: such as generators/constructors/med labs that need to be repaired with parts over time.
    3. Computer Consoles: need to make sounds when a player interacts with it. It also needs to be an item that can be read from for PDA system.
    4. Trigger failures in devices via PDA system
    5. Allow spawnable enemy controlled SVs and HVs (like CV PVs)
  20. Nogitsune

    Nogitsune Rear Admiral

    Jul 16, 2017
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    From the context I feel it would be obvious the 'infinite power' meant 'infinite amount' not 'infinitely fast'.

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