Blocks and Devices wish list

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Siege Inc., May 27, 2017.

  1. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I was thinking that it was odd that the only escape pod in the game is the one you land in.

    What about the other crew members? Where are their escape pods?

    Then I thought of how the other pods could be added to the game when it hit me, make the escape pod a deco item for BA's.
    Maybe multiple types of escape pods (for the elien factions).

    Also, an intact escape pod deco item for CV's.
    cmguardia and michaelhartman89 like this.
  2. Pembroke

    Pembroke Commander

    Mar 26, 2017
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    Weren't you the only one affected by the time jump? That is, I always thought both your ship and your crew members crashed there a year before you did.

    Though... now that you pointed this out, it would seem more logical that the temporal anomaly occurred as a result of the jump from Earth to Andromeda which indeed happened *before* the fleet was engaged by the Zirax. Hmm... you are right. That is indeed a mystery. What did happen to your ship and the other crew?

    The plot does require that you start there solo and that the other human survivors left the area months ago. So, this needs to happen but how? Did the time jump happen before or after the battle? Both have consistency problems, at least without some additional explanation.

    Ah, darn, look what you did? Now this started bothering me... :)
    cmguardia and Robot Shark like this.
  3. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    That is one thing about the plot that always bugged me, why is the warp anomaly time jump even needed?
    Why not just have the player spend a few years in coldsleep in the escape pod before crashing?

    But that's getting off subject, the fact that we have no escape pods we can equip our builds with always bugged me for immersion reasons.
    Safety last? Or was our player the only person in the fleet who was important enough to warrant one?
    Then we have the wrecks that are found throughout the playfields, and not a single escape pod anywhere near them.

    For example, we have the new Christmas mission with an orbit teeming with wrecks, and not a single escape pod on the planet.
    I know I'm beating a dead horse, but I hope the devs take my suggestion and make the deco items.
    cmguardia likes this.
  4. tony hug

    tony hug Commander

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Yeah bugs me as well - but for opposite reasons --
    given the 'colonist' faction and Sheer number of UCH vessels and Humans around in the galaxy
    more like 50-100 years have passed
    Robot Shark and cmguardia like this.
  5. Pembroke

    Pembroke Commander

    Mar 26, 2017
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    Yes, I agree, we need some new deco items that fit the plot context. "Empty escape pod" would allow you to paint a scene to indicate what happened there. Actually, if you also made it so that these deco escape pods could hold a message similar to those you find in the story line in the various consoles, then this would allow you to extend the plot. If you played Subnautica, remember how they used the crew data pads inside the escape pods to propel the story? You could do something similar with these and give the player clues.

    Also, another deco element that would fit quite well to the above escape pods, plus also other "scene setups", are corpses and/or skeletons. These would not despawn like the normal "loot bodies" but would be part of the POI or landscape to indicate that "something bad happened here". If these corpse/skeleton deco blocks were paintable you could use that to indicate factions or ranks.
    Robot Shark and cmguardia like this.
  6. tony hug

    tony hug Commander

    Sep 27, 2015
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    I love the 'Skeleton'/corpsicles idea - or maybe the ability to add a permanently dead spider
    great way to give hints of traps or potential dangers in a POI
    Robot Shark and cmguardia like this.
  7. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    A couple/handful of things I've realised I need that don't seem to be available are...

    1: Borderless window glass. to make those really big windows when you don't want to use the double thick glass.
    2: (found it:oops:) A Bloke/Crew. available in the creative to place and check construction size/perspective from a distance.
    3: Inconsequentials. Non interactable stuff that will sit at any angle on any block... indoor/outdoor/space (yes even ones with other stuff on them)
    eg: Cushions, TV, stool, small plant, rock, kids toy, ship-in-a-bottle..... just junk!​

    4: Larger diameter circle/curve blocks.
    5: Terrain smoothing tool...
    lets get to landscaping and cleaning up
    6: The ability to (button press) select different Blocks as 'non airtight' containers. (though being a new player I don't know what effect this would have on the game)

    Edited :2
    Last edited: Feb 12, 2022
  8. me777

    me777 Commander

    Aug 18, 2020
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    - Base-integrated Water and Ore extractors. (powered by base generators/solar and outputting to a select-able container)
    can be expensive, more of a late game item.

    - Cargo-Teleport: build an special cargo-controller hub next to a teleporter with interface to teleport content to other Cargo-Teleport
    IVEN likes this.
  9. Nathan Jurgens

    Nathan Jurgens Lieutenant

    May 18, 2016
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    You can do this already with scripting. (search for Cargo Teleport script)
  10. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    An alternative to slapping 100 Turrets to a ship:
    Add fast fireing turrets of the same kind (same ammo as standard ones), but restrict them to 3 or 4 per ship exclusively, so they cannot be mixed with the standard ones. You could increase their energy requirements for balance reasons, or make them PvE or single player exclusive.

    I'm so tired of Workshop and in game ships cluttered with several dozends of turrets of every kind all over the place so you can't even guess their general shape anymore. It just looks terrible.
  11. ravien_ff

    ravien_ff Rear Admiral

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Would be nice if there were bigger turrets too. I'd take a 5x5 rocket turret that did more damage than the standard 3x3 ones.
    Slam Jones and Neal like this.
  12. Kats

    Kats Lieutenant

    Dec 2, 2020
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    I would like some earth blocks (and/or allow stone on cv) and some grass and tree blocks.
    I want to put a garden or a small forest in my CV.
    cmacleod42, Searcher and Peter Conway like this.
  13. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    I agree, many 'New' players spend time on the starter planet and build a base homestead, it would be nice to landscape and even incorporate nature into any template.

    Now back to the LIFT stuff

    The Lift: One of... period
    But, wouldn't it be nice to have a choice of where the exit side should/could be?
    Perhaps offer the player a small selection of
    : current All open, One enclosed side, Two enclosed adjoining sides, Two enclosed opposite sides, or Three enclosed sides.
    Then, when a player creates a small room with a lift there's somewhere to put the blooming lights, (or anything else for that matter) as once we've placed thin wall around it we're left juggling and butchering our vision!

    Please Eleon, I know it's your game but we're the ones playing it for fun
  14. Searcher

    Searcher Lieutenant

    May 17, 2022
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    oh, that's not the only use for that. i built an underground base and digging is unrevertable. i dug a little too high up and made a hole in the middle of the yard. i patched it with concrete, that was ugly. then came rocket drones and made more holes. it was a disaster! soil blocks will let you undig a hole.

    or maybe just allow to raise the ground with some instrument. or both: place a block then shape it with that instrument.
  15. Searcher

    Searcher Lieutenant

    May 17, 2022
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    i remember now, i need 2 devices:

    1) auto leveling legs. some of them don't fully deploy if they stand on something to keep the ship leveled.

    2) autopilot for every ship type (maybe except HV since it can't fly above obstacles). if you have one you click on the map and say "fly there". if target is a POI with a big enough landing pad and it's not obstructed it lands on it, otherwise it lands anywhere near or just hovers above. if it requires several hyper jumps it does those in a shortest way.
  16. Halaccc

    Halaccc Ensign

    May 19, 2021
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    With the Drill you can Fill in the wholes you dug into the terrain and the Flattener option on the Drill will make it even on the visible side if you like.
    Tho it will be ugly grey and it won't look nice with the terrain, that's what needs some options. Trees, water, etc. would be a nice addition.
    Searcher likes this.
  17. Peter Conway

    Peter Conway Commander

    Jan 28, 2022
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    The problem is that as is so often the case, low tech does the job and higher tech saves cost of time, I can dig a hole in my garden with my hands, it's better with a shovel, and yes, better still with a digger, but in all cases I can refill the hole and blend it in with the landscape, to do this in Empyrion we need a radically changed tool for the job,
    It would be lovely to make a hole fill it with water and plant flowers around it and even perhaps lay turf (perhaps collected from dirt blocks... Yes, I understand this is a space game and not minecraft)

    But it would be nice to be able to flatten the land without the unsightly charred effect, it would be even better to allow us to smooth the area too, being able to blend our creations into the land would be brilliant, and the ability to edit/paint (Nature texture tool?) grass, soil, sand, rock etc would be a worthy addition to the game.
    That's my 98 cents worth
    Halaccc and Searcher like this.
  18. Halaccc

    Halaccc Ensign

    May 19, 2021
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    It is a space minecraft tbf. so your point of view makes sense in my eyes.
  19. dunawayc

    dunawayc Ensign

    Jan 26, 2019
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    I would like to cast my vote for something like this also. Here's an example of how it might work:

    Greno Zee and Peter Conway like this.
  20. Ravlain

    Ravlain Lieutenant

    Dec 26, 2017
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    Just came across one missing block set that would be useful , railings for the shallow stairs.
    Peter Conway likes this.

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