Blocks and Devices wish list

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Siege Inc., May 27, 2017.

  1. Neal

    Neal Rear Admiral

    Nov 23, 2016
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    Option to keep Shutter doors and doors permanently open or closed, even if the player walks through.
    I was trying to build bulkheads on a ship that are permanently open and only close if a signal is send. But those shutter doors just keep closing each time after i went through. :mad:
    Shouldn't be a big thing to add a on/off option to doors and shutter doors imo.
    Razorwire and ion_storm like this.
  2. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    I'd like a set of blocks like these so that we could have some pipe runs. If nothing else Eleon could add a block with the 90 degree pipe bends that would enable us to do it in combination with the Cylinder Fence Bottom block.
    Pardon the clunky image. My Blender-fu is badly out of date.
    Thundercraft and Siege Inc. like this.
  3. Arisaema

    Arisaema Ensign

    Oct 12, 2017
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    I'd like to see adjustable building queue's in the Constructors. Reason is so that when we already have items in the Construction Queue we don't need to delete them all so that a priority item that we need now can get built.
  4. dQgnflua

    dQgnflua Lieutenant

    Mar 26, 2017
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    It would be great if we could use our color tool on auto miners....
    On some servers it would really be a time saver :)

    Sephrajin likes this.
  5. Kassonnade

    Kassonnade Rear Admiral

    May 13, 2017
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    @dQgnflua : this picture looks like some kind of alien Easter egg hunt...
    Sephrajin, zztong, IanX and 1 other person like this.
  6. dQgnflua

    dQgnflua Lieutenant

    Mar 26, 2017
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    And the chat needs an update....
    Global / playfield / faction / invited
    Siege Inc. and eLLe like this.
  7. dQgnflua

    dQgnflua Lieutenant

    Mar 26, 2017
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    Hehe.... how it feels everytime i am emptying my AM on hws EU PVE also ;)
    Kassonnade likes this.
  8. Max Archer

    Max Archer Commander

    Sep 27, 2017
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    A few more cockpit options would be really nice. One in particular that I'd really like is a 2 block wide cockpit that's just the cockpit, as opposed to the existing one that has a "nose" built in.
  9. ITguy1981

    ITguy1981 Captain

    Jan 9, 2017
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    All great ideas. I want them all.
  10. ITguy1981

    ITguy1981 Captain

    Jan 9, 2017
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    What we're lacking is the ability to move storage boxes with things in them.
    Siege Inc. likes this.
  11. ITguy1981

    ITguy1981 Captain

    Jan 9, 2017
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    I don't think this will be an issue since AMs deplete ore now. If there is a sea of them the node will be gone quickly and not even worth the time of people putting down a AM. It will be unlikely that there will be a lot of AMs on nodes now.
  12. SacredGlade

    SacredGlade Captain

    Oct 18, 2016
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    Yep I agree, 7.0 has removed this ad an issue
  13. Apollonius

    Apollonius Lieutenant

    Aug 13, 2015
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    I could really use parallel features on the same block. That goes for doors (going down a 1x1 hallway, for instance, or for an airlock), windows, and my favorite, railings. There is no way to get both the railings I need here, unless those are added.
    Last edited: Nov 3, 2017
  14. zztong

    zztong Rear Admiral

    Apr 12, 2016
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    Right now, a Railing is the closest thing to a security fence. How about some chain link fence blocks? Also, some razor wire blocks that would look good placed on the ground and atop the chain link fence? The razor wire could even do a little damage to a player on foot.
  15. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Players who touch the razor wire are immobilized for 20 seconds.
    zztong likes this.
  16. Thundercraft

    Thundercraft Captain

    Oct 27, 2017
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    My block wish list:
    • Recovery Drone Launcher (or maybe "Tractor Beam"): A late-game (high tier) block that automatically collects resources from downed enemy drones or bodies, assuming the vehicle/base has some free space in Container(s). This may require considerable energy.
    • O2 Recycler: An end-game (high tier) block that can recycle CO2 into O2, allowing the base/vehicle to support life without continuously restocking O2. But, to reflect real life and to offset the convenience, it consumes lots of power. See this Wikipedia article: "The regenerative carbon dioxide removal system (RCRS) on the space shuttle orbiter used a two-bed system that provided continuous removal of carbon dioxide without expendable products. Regenerable systems allowed a shuttle mission a longer stay in space without having to replenish its sorbent canisters."
    • Solar Panels: A late-game (high tier) block that can generate small amounts of power as long as sunlight is available. The block would have to test for time of day and exposure to sunlight, such as a check that it is not underground or overshadowed by other blocks. May have a built-in storage battery, or it may be a separate block.
    • Wind Generator: A mid to late-game block that can generate small amounts of power as long as wind is available. The block would have to check that it is not underground, covered or surrounded by blocks and that wind is available. May have a built-in storage battery, or it may be a separate block.
    • Nuclear Generator: A late-game or end-game block that can generate a moderate amount of power. This requires certain rare materials and certain techs. It requires fuel, but the fuel is consumed extremely slowly.
    • Land Mine Layer: HV-only, it will lay down a Land Mine device when activated.
    • Attack Drone Launcher: It will deploy an attack drone, much like AI enemies already do. This requires that pre-built attack drones are kept in the vehicle's Containers.

    My device wish list:
    • Personal Stealth Device: For a short while, targeting systems (such as used by all auto-aiming turrets) can not lock onto the player's character. The player does not become physically invisible, though. So other players (i.e., enemy faction) can still manually target them with personal weapons or turrets.
    • Teleporter: Allows players to teleport short distances, even inside an enemy base or ship. There should be limitations, though. Also, perhaps some means to thwart this, like some sort of anti-teleport block or shield.
    • EMP Device: A one-use item that can temporarily disrupt all targeting systems (both enemy and allied). This prevents all auto-aiming turrets (friend and foe) from locking onto players or, possibly, small vehicles. However, players can still manually target them with personal weapons or turrets.
    • Grenade: Obviously, a one-use explosive device that players can throw.
    • Land Mine: Obviously, a one-use explosive device that players can place on the ground.
    • Attack Drone: A mid or late-game device that can be launched via a Drone Launcher. (Might also be activated from the hotbar, in which case it would follow around the player like a bodyguard, attacking enemies that come close enough.)
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2017
  17. ITguy1981

    ITguy1981 Captain

    Jan 9, 2017
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    Because the railing takes up a block space they really need to make add the parallel railing block. Have one block with two railings.
  18. Tryst

    Tryst Captain

    Dec 8, 2016
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    1. Ability to rotate HV pads to face sideways and upside down. This would allow us to place hover pads all around a HV to make a shuttle that can travel down a tunnel without banging into the sides or causing damage to the end walls.

    2. Allow us to place the sideways HV pads above on a SV so we can have a SV elevator that moves up and down without touching the sides of the tube, (which stops it dead). Also top and bottom so we can prevent damage to floor/ceiling. This also allows a SV/HV hybrid vehicle which could be quite interesting.

    3. Flatten ability on HV T2 drills, preferably an entirely new drill so we have have flatten drills on the bottom and normal ones above them. This allows a flat surface for a HV to run on without rolling or sliding when drilling out a hangar underground.

    4. Glass blocks and frameless windows so we can have transparent structures and windows on vehicles without frames blocking the view.

    5 A signal block that activates thrusters to move a specified vehicle. Essential for the elevator/transport tube vehicle to call it from the opposite end. Could be a light sensor that can activate thrusters so we can toggle 2 lights alternately and call the transport using 2 lights on an OR gate. Done properly, you wouldn't even need a cockpit seat since toggling the lights would autmatically move the vehicle.

    6. A light sensitive signal block that allows us to turn lights on and off during day/night cycles.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2017
  19. ITguy1981

    ITguy1981 Captain

    Jan 9, 2017
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    It would be nice if there was a keybind for docking instead of automatically sticking to the ground when you just want to move across a platform slowly and not dock.
  20. admiral_slapper

    admiral_slapper Ensign

    Sep 27, 2017
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    1. block or device that allows you to extend struc. integ. without having to build a vertical pillar. I want this so I can have a hangar that fits large cvs.

    Also more variety in hangar doors.

    2. interactive LCDs or terminals which display real time information about the structure its on.

    3. especially LCDs which are way more easier to centre, left, right, and justify the font. The crooked lines make me a sad panda sometimes, and I'm getting over consulting a thesaurus to find words that don't look crooked on my screens.

    4. a 3D holographic shipboard map which is big enough to walk through and provides a real-time view of a given area.

    5. an advanced targeting module so I can manually designate targets for my turrets with mouse click.
    Apollonius and Siege Inc. like this.

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