Showcase - WiP Blueprint Roundup; A look at some WIP builds including Babylon 5, Star Wars and Star Trek

Discussion in 'Media - Screenshots, Videos, Streams!' started by LyfeForse, Jul 19, 2023.

  1. LyfeForse

    LyfeForse Lieutenant

    Nov 10, 2021
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    Current WIP all for RE + Vanilla;


    Warlock class CV - Endgame warship with all shield parts + 3 Fusion reactor

    Thunderbolt 2 - Midgame medium fighter which can run progenitor shield

    Star Wars

    Nebulon B escort frigate - A midgame spawn to early endgame CV

    Quasar 2 - A moddable CV, which can fullfill role of a warship, carrier, or something inbetween

    Module starter - Designed for Nebulon B as a module CV, can function as a starter.

    Star Trek

    And unnamed Klingon fighter, made to accompany the Kahless Deathwing, and fullfill role of a heavy fighter.

    For more info on other builds and to track progress of all featured here:

    Germanicus likes this.

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