Builders Wishlist

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. Kard

    Kard Commander

    Oct 22, 2017
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    Just to note: with 9.6-9.7, this version of flipping between Unity cores, this process has become very buggy. I did the above the other day while setting up a BA on a newly 'acquired' planet (don't mind the Zirax corpses, they'll biodegrade eventually), and a re-occurring Exception error has now made this gamesave unloadable. You might want to wait until the next major release to try this, and/or make sure you manually save your game before doing so. I did not, and a long-running gamesave is now garbage.

    On my SP games, I tend to try to do things as 'legit' as possible, so for the above, it's a time consuming process. I have the factory spit out the 3-8 modules I want for a particular base, position them near each other, then changemode/exit/load to creative to reposition and mergestruct them in one session, then changemode/exit/load back to survival. As opposed to doing it every hour after a new unit has been completed by the BP factory. Just relaying some tips on the process which I have used for quite some time. SAVE before you start the changemode process.

    But a friendly hint to Devs: let us use mergestructs in Survival, please.
    Gwyn likes this.
  2. Kard

    Kard Commander

    Oct 22, 2017
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    I THINK someone has a servermod (/recycle command, iirc) that recycles owned entities into devices/blocks. Maybe this is a builtin MP function, do not know. I saw it used on a MP video a long time ago, and still not quite sure what it does. Seemed to /destroy the vessel and create a drop container of what it was made out of. Again, I can't recall the video/server, so maybe someone else has more info on this?

    As @Sephrajin mentioned, it seems that most of us use CSBL's (Combat Steel Block Large) as a more 'practical' benchmark for volume/mass testing. When you can have a consistent testing variable like that, it means you can make an easy spreadsheet calculator system to test for thrust needs while creating the vessel. It at least gets me close enough so that I can import the new design on a M/V enabled test world, and it's really close. Usually I just end up tweaking some RCS and L/R/F thrusters for maneuverability, or minor adjustments to intermediate switch thruster/rcs groups.

    I don't know if anyone has made an html version of these calcs, I think we all just make our own independent versions. But they're very handy. Think you're done with that new POI Looting SV, throw in the numbers, and realize you now need to find a way to put in 12 more Large Thrusters. ;]

    As he mentioned, you can use a scenario for this, or just have a SP game save that has MV enabled to use to spawn in new designs, test, and done. I keep a save around just for that. Luckily the physics engine is not exactly realistic, so you can't see the many many craters surrounding the test BA of earlier failed tests, or me forgetting to turn a switch on before re-entry.
  3. nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯

    nottrox ¯\ (ツ) /¯ Captain

    Jul 27, 2018
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    The ability that when i Copy a selected area to do this parallel with the semmetry plane function if i want to.
    cpontin likes this.
  4. Adonnay

    Adonnay Lieutenant

    Apr 25, 2018
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    Not sure if this has been mentioned but it is similar to what nottrox said: A MIRROR function for the copy&paste tools.

    Turing and rotating doesn't help if your copied object/block group isn't symetrical. You will end up having to remodel the other side if you either forgot to enable the symmetry plane or were just playing around or decided late in the process that you want something mirrored on the other side.
  5. J.Duarte

    J.Duarte Ensign

    Jun 1, 2019
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    I would like to have more curved shapes,
    I tried to make round structures with no success unless I am missing something it is next to impossible to do it.
    The current curved shapes just don't let you create a circle as far as I can tell.
    Also, I know this is Physics and that it makes cense but I just cant build a large platform without the need of support under it. The problem I have is that if I want to build a large covered Docking Bay I will need to support the top making the docking area virtually useless. I would suggest maybe a new material that would be stronger at the cost of well, weight maybe, Impacting Ships performance. Lights could do with a bit of work in my opinion they just don't work if the building is high and if you increase the range, and intensity they just look weird. Light passing trough the other side of the structure just doesn't look right either. Being able to use Spotlights on Bases would be cool as well.

    Overall I am loving the game, in particular the building part, it is just a bit limited at the moment with what you can do but, I still love it :)

    Well done Devs and keep it up please
  6. cpontin

    cpontin Commander

    May 30, 2019
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    +1 yep, more round stuff please.

    The ability to make gradual curves over distance would be great.
    Sephrajin and J.Duarte like this.
  7. Teths

    Teths Ensign

    Jun 20, 2019
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    Its a long list here, so I haven't checked if anyone has already said ( and I'm new to game), but a flat panel &/or the ability to rotate the ramps to flat.
  8. zytukin

    zytukin Lieutenant

    Jun 20, 2019
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    How about a clone hotkey?
    - If you are holding a block and you (whatever-click) another block, the block you are holding takes the shape and rotation of the existing block.
    - If you are holding the paint tool and you (whatever-click) an existing block, the paint tool automatically sets to the color of the block selected.
    - If you are holding the texture tool and you (whatever-click) an existing block, the texture tool automatically sets to the texture of the block selected.
    - If you are holding the paint/texture combo tool and you (whatever-click) an existing block, the paint/texture combo tool automatically sets to the color and texture of the block selected.
    - If your hand is empty (number '0') and you (whatever-click) a device, the player is now holding that device if they have any in their inventory, it does not take up a hotbar slot. Item remains held as long as the hotbar stays on '0' and changing hotbar slots automatically puts the item back in inventory or if full, drops the item. If you are already holding something under '0' and you (whatever-click) a different device then if you have some in your inventory what you are holding is put back in inventory or dropped if full and you are now holding the new device. Would really solve having to swap around hotbar items just to place a few of something.

    Or even add a 'Clone Tool' that gets unlocked via research.
    - Select 'Clone Block', zap a block.
    -- If you have that type of block in your hotbar then the player is now holding that block in the shape and rotation of the zapped block.
    -- If you have multiple stacks of that block in your hotbar then the game chooses the one with the default square shape and if no stacks have the default square shape, the largest stack is chosen.
    - Select 'Clone Design', zap a block.
    -- If you only have the paint tool or only have the texture tool in your hotbar, then it changes to it's available setting (paint or texture)
    -- If you have separate paint and texture tools in your hotbar then both are changed to the appropriate settings.
    -- If you have the combo paint/texture tool in your hotbar then the player is now holding that and it is set to the color/texture of the zapped block.
    - Select 'Clone Device', zap a device.
    -- The player's hotbar changes to number '0' and they are now holding that device if they have any in their inventory.
    -- Item remains held as long as the hotbar stays on '0' and changing hotbar slots automatically puts the item back in inventory or if full, drops the item. Would really solve having to swap around hotbar items just to place a few of something.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2019
  9. sulusdacor

    sulusdacor Captain

    Nov 27, 2018
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    the ability to to use multiple or all symmetry planes at the same time while building.
  10. hanni79

    hanni79 Lieutenant

    Jan 15, 2017
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    The ability to turn on / off Mass/Volume in all Modes !

    It is a lot faster to build a ship in Creative, but right now, if you wanted to check if it were able to actually lift off with a full cargo hold you had to load it into SP/MP to check, which is annoying.

    Edit :
    Also, please add a List of all the wishes posted in this thread into the first post, no one is going to read 13 pages just to check if his idea was already posted.
  11. zytukin

    zytukin Lieutenant

    Jun 20, 2019
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    Something else, a small and simple visual thing...

    Since blocks and devices in the hotbar 'remember' their sub-type, why not change their icon in the hotbar?

    (but with the proper material texture of course)
  12. MokahTGS

    MokahTGS Lieutenant

    Jun 4, 2019
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    Biggest two things I want is some sort of "pick block" feature similar to the way Minecrafts works when you look at a block, press a key and you get that block. I'd like to be able to have a block in my hand, look at a block I'm trying to replicate, press a key, and the block I'm holding switch to that block shape, texture, color, and facing so I can just put it in without all the trial and error.

    The second, would be a way to lift vessels off the ground in survival without turning them on to get to the underside. Right now you have to turn on GM mode and fly underground to see the bottom of whatever you are building. Maybe you could add a ship drydock system or something similar that allows for a survival player to park their ship off the ground.
    cpontin, Rawd and jesterjunk like this.
  13. Uchiki

    Uchiki Ensign

    Jun 24, 2019
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    When designing small size vessels, I often face the problem of getting stuck in a block when getting off the cockpit.

    To avoid this problem, please add the setting of where to spawn when you get off the cockpit to the cockpit block.
    cpontin likes this.
  14. xURIx

    xURIx Ensign

    Jul 4, 2019
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    For earlier, I apologize for my bad english. But I would like not only more blocks, for which I already thank you so much. But more alternative energy sources. Or edit existing ones. Because at the moment with all modules of solar cells, they are generally not relevant.
  15. stonedmonkeyboy

    stonedmonkeyboy Ensign

    Aug 11, 2016
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    Don't know if its been suggested a block counter when Im placing blocks would be awesome visual counting is doable but in some lighting conditions it can be a bit awkward. Also the merge structures command added to a keybind and be usable in survival as well as creative on ships and bases I think this could speed up detailed builds having.
  16. cpontin

    cpontin Commander

    May 30, 2019
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    I’d like to see the following features please.
    • Ability to connect structures together (without using admin commands)
    • Improved visuals on the impact of placement of RCS and thrusters.
    • Pick a block ability
    • Pick a colour ability
    • Adjustable gravity in creative to help building vehicles for various conditions
  17. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    The new BACV hallway blocks as a triangle and slopes, full and half to make an angled 'closing'.
    And the new BACV hallway blocks for HVSV as 3x3 and 4x4 variants (each using 0.5 to 1.5 blocks for their 'floor' width).
  18. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    One thing I would love to see added to the game is a block or thin panel that once built will product a steam effect so you could place it at the top of smoke stacks or ground level air vents. or flip it on it's side so you can have steam coming out of a vent on a base. If we could change the amount of steam , transparency as well as color. This would open the game to more immersion maybe more epic photo's if you could have it on ships that would be so cool too.

    I forget who is building it. But in the thread "What did you do in empyrion. One person is building a whole production plant with conveyors out of forges. Now steam coming out of some of those areas would enhance that build at least in my option.
    Ooobernoob and Sephrajin like this.
  19. Ooobernoob

    Ooobernoob Lieutenant

    Jul 23, 2019
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    Ive recently joined your forums and love the quality and quantity available, great player base and content creators, I posted this in what you did in...

    "I love exploring old wrecks, but am always disappointed when finding the hangar bay empty :( is it possible to place or put a broken hv in these areas, or with it being two "entities" impossible to get the desired outcome spawned into the playfield. it sure would be cool to try and piece together bits and pieces that you come across in some of these locations.

    Maybe in the future the developer could make a spawn pad that could be utilized that could trigger items / quest rewards that blend into the content creation tools"

    Maybe there could be different pads, items and blueprints, this could enable not only a wrecked ship or structure to have the possibility of a hv or sv inside it could enable a higher level of scenarios, POIs that are being produced. steal the gold bullion truck housed in such a facility take it to.....

    Looking at what the game has as its current options / limitations from my perspective tell me if I am wrong, I think its doable, and sure hope this idea suggestion is picked up and acted upon.

    Recently I've been looking at creating content, still educated myself on the hows and whys, and what ifs.....

    This what if.. WOW. it could do a lot to enhance gameplay and content.

    Keep up the good work.
  20. Xorg78

    Xorg78 Ensign

    Jan 20, 2018
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    I don't know if this has already been discussed or suggested or if this is already possible, but one feature i would like is the possibility to have infinite building blocks in my hotbar (when in creative), instead of having "only" 999 blocks.

    Honestly, this is just a small quality of life improvement because many times (especially in symetry mode), part of a wall is not completed because i miss 10, 20 or 100 blocks.

    For me, it's boring to keep an eye on the amount of blocks i have in my hotbar. It's also annoying to have to refill it every time.


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