I once built a 3km long "conveyer pipe" in Space Engineers to connect the station at the ice mine to my main base!
Not sure if it's been mentioned (sorry I'm new). Could we get some keyboard shortcuts for some of the menu options, namely hit ENTER to select OK or yes in dialogues. This would be soooooo handy when sorting out the devices page. I try to run any planet-side bases almost entirely via solar, as I'm sure many of us do, and moving the massive capcitor bank (often ~80+ units, yes I know probably overkill) into the solar group so I can actually find important stuff a long and tedious process. Definitely not amazingly important but a simple quality of life change.
There's an "add to last group" button. It doesn't require a confirmation. It will add the selected device to the same group the last device was added to.
A click and drag over menu entries or press CTRL for multi-select would be cool too. But yeah, what Ravien said is my current go-to.
<Blushing> Yeah found that button about an hour after posting that. However, I still think it should be added. Afterall some people like to group devices differently and so can't use Autogroup.
This is probably the place for this - dunno if these have been wished already: A) Please add the ability to set not only the front but also the back area of spawners and motion sensors. I'm sure at least POI builders are with me on this one B) Make a tab on the block shapes window configurable (ideally via drag&drop) ingame and save that tab / set of block shapes on the blueprint - just like the color palette. This should make searching/finding blocks for the current structure immensely easier.
C) Add a "pipette" feature to the color & texture tool (e.g. modifier key + rmb/lmb) - that sets the color and texture of the currently targetted block on the tool.
Make structural integrity in the MP completely switchable. Each server operator can then decide for himself whether he wants it or not. It's a pity that you can't decide for yourself on your server whether it should be on or off.
I wish a option to turn on this extra details the drone (F5) show in the screen because this obscure the vision (if possible the same for when controlling a turret). I don't see a practical purpose for the details and take too much space
1. Continue and aktualize of the Blockbuilding feature , a Hardpoint name list for objeckts like fixed weapon`s the feature is more than a year abadoned , and fixed moded rocket launcher , railguns , Torpedo tubes , Bombbays and lasercannon are already in different mod's present. 2. Fixing the limtation bug with a seperate limitation over blocktype instead of blockgroup . 3. return to point 1 and 2 .
So, have beds for SV's and HV's been discussed here? I've noticed that all of the SV/HV builds have no usable beds, is this because there's a difficulty in introducing the black screen when these vessels are in use? After all, it does seem a bit daft to come out of your motor home sew a tent together out of frantically acquired vegetation and sleep the night away in a storm. Come on Eleon, allow those of us that indulge in roleplay to pretend we're civilised.
Make textures uniquely identified instead of references, so that a texture used on one type of block (i.e., container ext) works the same when replaced with another block (i.e., plastic). It seems, now, textures occupy different references in the paint tool, and therefore changes need to be made manually to use the same available texture on different types of blocks.
Got few; *Layout grid (oops, just placed 100 blocks one block wrong place. Gotta take 'em all off and retry) *Auto-paint inserted blocks. And when painting "normally", preview and adjustable block range would be nice. And maybe filter by block so It's not possible to paint another block (or even through windows). *Possibility to add columns/rows with all device types as well (container extensions and solar systems come to mind. I can't think of reason why it's not possible to add row of container extensions, instead one-by-one for example) *Better appearance of block preview. Current blue transparent is way too dim when rotating blocks. And maybe auto-snap compatible angles together. *Show better name of block when using multitool, instead of Carbon Block L. I want to see actual block for example Cut Corner E. Edit: ctrl-right click DOES migtate some issues. It allows to copy existing shape AND colour.
The unfortunate thing about creating a game over a long period is that the user/creator gets so use to doing things over and over they forget that they once struggled. Auto snap would be of great value and can always be over-ridden by option, I find it so frustraiting trying to find the next block angle that I often just give up and shut the game off. I was thinking about a 'better' way th show the blocks might be a wire frame of the block and a full colour side of the chamfer side's in Green/Red, then if not visible then faded colour, that way we would be able to clearly see the angle.