Builders Wishlist

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hummel-o-War, Jun 14, 2018.

  1. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    The game is in alpha still and you're expecting it to be a completed game for full release? It doesn't work that way.
  2. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    True, true. Its only an id to keep, but it could be confusing to users if they pulled multiple cores at once, and/or destroyed an entity before putting the core back.

    As per your idea: A move operation could be useful in not only the core, but for any 'device' block (furniture, engines, fridges etc etc). It would basically be like building with that block, but the 'source' isnt in your hotbar, but already on the ship (the one you selected). Could be a very useful building tool for survival mode indeed.
    StyleBBQ likes this.
  3. electriclimbo83

    electriclimbo83 Ensign

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Not sure if this was mentioned yet, but having all textures available for all materials would be awesome. It'd be useful for players who are upgrading their base blocks and want their original textures intact, and for POI-builders who like building in hardened/combat steel, but still want wood/tile/concrete textures.
  4. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    I feel like this would end up making the retrieve blocks function of the multitool largely obsolete. I guess I like the idea of moving blocks and devices in survival mode being possible, but requiring the proper equipment and energy expenditure. Alternatively, perhaps the retrieve block function could be turned into a "relocate block" function, so that you could freely move blocks around once placed on a structure, but you'd still have to salvage them to get components in your inventory. Perhaps the shipyard would then become the way to get 100% of a block back (when deconstructing/rebuilding ships or the base that it sits on).
    Frigidman likes this.
  5. Frigidman

    Frigidman Rear Admiral

    Mar 19, 2016
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    Personally ... I was never a fan of the whole 'pluck a full intact block off a build' tool addition to start with ;)

    However keeping it, there would still be a need to retrieve a block you either found you didn't need, or decided to hold off on. Accidental placements notwithstanding, there are times someone just needs to remove a device they don't need/want anymore, but don't want to simply obliterate it. Or maybe they are moving it to another ship because they have abandoned the idea or busted ship they are pulling off from.
  6. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    True; it's perhaps not something that should be removed entirely. As far a relocating the core is concerned, one other option would be to allow up to two cores on a structure (it already seems that copy-pasting in another core and then removing the first doesn't have any detrimental effects), allowing the first core to be picked up as a block. This would give ships some additional redundancy and make POIs somewhat less vulnerable to coring from the outside.
    IronCartographer and StyleBBQ like this.
  7. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Possibly never. Germany has some pretty strict copyright laws from what I understand and there's a lot of potential abuse from adding such a feature.
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2018
    electriclimbo83 likes this.
  8. Siege Inc.

    Siege Inc. Rear Admiral

    Sep 1, 2016
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    Edit: Prioritizing my list a little

    Symmetry: Some blocks/textures/items/paint still aren't working correctly with the symmetry tool. Some were broken in new and interesting ways in the last couple updates.

    2nd hotbar: I'm constantly switching out what components are on my hotbar. Having a second one would help greatly.

    Unlimited blocks in creative mode: Another thing is that I'm constantly having to load up on more blocks.

    Better copy/paste functionality. Ability to save/store selected sections and use those on other builds: If I build something....a ship's bridge, an engine room, a thruster pod and it turns out really cool I might like to use that on another build. Being able to build a library of parts that I can paste into other builds would be very useful.

    ALSO with regards to copy/paste the widget for adjusting your selection needs to stay front and center on the screen so that I can fully see what I'm working on and the widget at the same time. Frequently they're hovering on the edges of my screen so what I'm working on is on the left while the widget is off to the right at some angle that makes clicking on it difficult and it's hard to see both at the same time, especially when the UI is partially obscuring the widget. I'm also constantly having to look for it after adjusting my position.

    Could be useful. I don't use it much now but maybe I would if it were easier to use.
    User friendly mergestructs. Mouse and KB controlled instead of command line.

    Structural Integrity: Core mechanic. Improvement would make for less headaches when building.
    SI: It doesn't support arches or domes. Maybe not even possible? The area where it registers seems to be centered on the player. When trying to place a large enough base part of that base will be outside the player's area of influence causing SI not to register. It would be nice if it was more consistent. Conan Exiles' system is rather nice in some respects. A foundation has 100 SI. A piece connected to it horizontally will have 80, the next piece out will have 60, etc. If there isn't enough SI value it simply won't let you place the piece which I find preferable to Empyrion's "oops, you placed a piece and half your base exploded". I wouldn't mind if SI were a little more generous either or if higher tier materials had a higher SI value.

    Might be handy? Limited use probably.
    An easier way to do a partial upgrade of blocks. I have a build I'm working on now. Yeah I should have planned ahead better but I find myself wanting to use hardened steel or even combat steel for some of it. I can't convert the whole thing because then it's too heavy to fly. I'm not sure I could add enough thrusters to make it flight worthy without completely ruining the aesthetic so I want to upgrade some of the blocks but not all. Doing it one by one would be extremely tedious. 1) I need an easy way to see at a glance which blocks have been upgraded/which haven't(I like that ghost/wireframe idea that was posted) and 2) be able to upgrade multiple blocks at once. Something like a wide brush option on the multi-tool for upgrading blocks.
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2018
    electriclimbo83 likes this.
  9. MadClown01

    MadClown01 Ensign

    Mar 29, 2017
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    I'd really like to see the ability to directionally "connect" adjacent blocks to customise effects, for example:

    - Connecting containers -> crafting stations allows the container inventories to be directly accessed from the crafter
    - Connecting crafting stations -> containers means the output of the crafting station immediately is put into the container
    - Connecting containers -> repair consoles allows the container inventories to automatically be used to repair vehicles
    - Connecting containers -> furnace allows the furnace to automatically smelt ore placed in the containers
    - Connecting 2x flux coils -> furnace increases the furnace temperature, and allows the furnace to sinister magnesium ore into powder
    - Connecting 4x flux coils -> furnace increases the furnace temperature again, and allows the furnace to sinister promethium ore into pellets
    - Connecting [furnace -> furnace] or [crafting station -> crafting station] makes the two (or more) stations effectively into a single station which has the same inventory space but crafts slightly faster
    - Connecting antennae -> radar extends radar range
    - Connecting capacitor -> solar capacitor increases solar energy storage

    This would make building SO much more interesting. Geometry would matter a lot more
    Ideally, connections could be edited from the block UIs, and could be edited/filtered etc.

    For example, I might have a filtered connection from some ore container to a furnace, which only allows iron & copper ore to be transferred automatically smelted. From there, a filtered connection might take iron ingots into one container and another filtered connection takes the copper ingots into another container.

    Maybe connect/disconnect could be a multi-tool setting?
    Alternatively, the connections could be made non-directional, and any adjacent blocks could be automatically connected when placed, just like Minecraft beacons etc.

    Either way, a "connections" overlay from the N construction menu would also be really handy, just showing a bunch of arrows between connected blocks.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2018
  10. Ian Einman

    Ian Einman Captain

    Dec 12, 2017
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    Adjacent blocks, or you can connect them with "pipe blocks" or something like that. Good stuff.
    electriclimbo83 likes this.
  11. Sephrajin

    Sephrajin Rear Admiral

    Dec 22, 2017
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    Get the 'Survival-changemode-creative' to allow more than 1 t2 generators (and all other likewise limited items) to stack at their previous (7.6)stacks - specialy since one cannot return to a working survival anyway.

    For those of us who (would) like to build creative on non-Default planets.

    Thank you
  12. Ballard

    Ballard Rear Admiral

    Feb 9, 2017
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    That may be so, but the feature does exist in other games, so it must be do able somwhow.
  13. Ramachandra

    Ramachandra Captain

    May 28, 2017
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    The most wanted missing feature for me is to be able to mirror selected blocks. I never use the mirror planes.
  14. zingo7

    zingo7 Lieutenant

    Jan 26, 2017
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    I'm not sure if this is mentioned but copy block rotation and copy block color would be a blast!

    Also if you could select a part of your build- like draw a 3D rectangle block with a mouse and all blocks in the box are highlighted in green- so you know, what are you picking- and copy it! Then take your copy and paste it where you need it- even mirror it- crucial for symmetry.

    I'm also not a fan of panes- do we have odd symmetry? (been away for a while) afaik we have only single symmetry.

    Well these are the things that would benefit the construction time! More fun less downtime as they say!
    Kenira and IronCartographer like this.
  15. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    Accurately drawing selections in 3D is tricky; the current system is a bit clunky (especially having to toggle modes with the mouse), but I'm not sure I see a different way that would let you quickly make selections without a lot of corrections.

    It's now possible to position symmetry planes between blocks!
    zingo7 likes this.
  16. zingo7

    zingo7 Lieutenant

    Jan 26, 2017
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    Sweet! :D Yea I see its a bit improved since last time i saw it- more complex.... hurray! :D Umm Is there a tutorial how to use the pane tool now? I mean I'm not that a birdbrane but a happy Dude with some pointers is always welcome!

    Mmm I forgot the name of the game- but its now possible to select a layer in voxel where you see each block face. Like turn it on- all blocks become white outlines. Then you select the blocks you want to copy(send in the memory thingy) and its very convenient. As the blocks are transparnet and only outlines rendered- its also system(resource) friendly. Ofc I don't know if its feasible in empyrion but it should be.

    Making a 3d box mouse grabber- then draw or select blocks what you need- too hard? That face mask technique - Im sure there was a name for it. Lets face it- when you build a ship- you dont really need all the eye candy- you need the shapes- the count.
  17. TNTBOY479

    TNTBOY479 Commander

    Jul 6, 2017
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    Stacks that dont run out in creative mode
    (Sorry if this was posted already, there are ALOT of replies here)
    Siege Inc. and Frigidman like this.
  18. geostar1024

    geostar1024 Rear Admiral

    Jan 24, 2016
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    The problem is how to select interior blocks, even if the exterior ones are transparent.
  19. WolfEyes

    WolfEyes Captain

    Mar 20, 2018
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    That might be solvable by selecting each block with say shift + left click (just an example) in conjunction with the 3d draw box.
  20. EstebanLB01

    EstebanLB01 Lieutenant

    Jul 9, 2016
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    I would love to have the Space Engineers type of construction. Constructors should only build components moviles devices and basic ores, so then we use those components to build the blocks and devices. Would also love to have conveyors or at least a basic use of inventory from containers in the base/CV

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