Alpha 8 definitely runs better on my system. I think the performance degrading issue I shared on the previous page is either gone, or is lessened. Some people with older systems probably took a hit with the increased draw distance.
They might be doing that in an effort to get people to create smaller vessels over all. Adding the non-voxel ores (3d models) generated a performance hit for the game which seems to be what you're referring to. They'll get it sorted out but it will take time, meanwhile, you might have to play with a little less pretty. Besides, any one who really wants to play a competitive game has the settings on low for fastest speed.
Yes, I agree too. It will give bad experience to everyone who plays and evaluate this Empyrion. I also understand that this is the α test. But as the game is already very well built, many people who evaluate Empyrion will not be aware of it. In my case, FPS decreasing is noticeable in the forest. Most of the other areas, its looks working well. (Of course I am addressing it by lowering the setting quality. In my case gameplay itself has no more harm.) The experience of α8Ver was wonderful for me. Empyrion is already a big masterpiece that does not match the price, this is enough to think it will remain in game history if completed. As a result, there will never be many players who clearly understand the current version as alpha test version. This is a frank feeling as a player.
My main issue with the current alpha 8 is that the grass draw distance is so low even on high now. Pop-in is horrible. I liked it before and would prefer that on a high spec machine one has the option to crank things up.
8 is running at least as well as 7 on mine. Biggest FPS drops seem to coincide with red messages in the console regarding failed rendering of triangles / vertices. These are more prevalent when im in my CV and have damaged docked SVs
Hi, I'm having problems after the new update, before I was running smoothly with 30 to 40 FPS, now when I look at FPS horizon drops to 5 or 10, it's not giving to play, I think I could have more configuration options, of fog or regulation field of view to the horizon could help players with weaker PCs. Olá estou tendo problemas depois da nova atualização, antes rodava tranquilo com 30 á 40 FPS, agora quando olho para horizonte FPS cai para 5 ou 10, não está dando para jogar, acho que poderia ter mais opções de configuração, acho que uma configuração tipo de névoa ou regulagem campo de visão ao horizonte poderia ajudar jogadores com PCs mais fracos.