Capital Vessel

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 23, 2015.

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  1. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Isn't that one of the untextured creative-only cockpits? I think there's 2 or 3 that are the same unpainted/gray color, and have angular windows like that, that you can only get through creative menu.
  2. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Okay, going to release two CVs here, for the dual purposes of showing off, and also to allow others to test a bug where initiating a turn while the thrusters are on will turn them off until the turn is complete. Both have exhibited these symptoms in the past, though it appears that only the larger of the two has the issue now.

    Both ships are contained in the compressed file.

    The Nero-Class Corvette is smaller and more agile, and what I would consider a decent example of a single-person CV. Docking bay is at the top of the ship, just behind the bridge. If this is the updated version (which I think it is) then it should be surprisingly agile, turning and accelerating like a large fighter.

    It's basically 95% complete, with just a few plants and stuff required to make a player truly feel at home.

    Nero-Class Corvette

    Command Center

    Hangar Bay

    Work deck, farm area, looking forward

    Lounge area, at stern


    And now the big guy, the Titanius-Class. Originally designed merely for the purpose of have a massive ship that can dock a specific, very large SV comfortably. Once I had the hull pretty much in place, I went a little crazy and kept adding things. In it's current rendition, it should have 100+ turrets, and docking space for literal tons of SVs, from small to large.

    The interior is about 20% done, as I've only subdivided one of the many, very large rooms into smaller rooms. Of which there are many.

    Generators produce plenty enough power for full forward, and I believe in it's current rendition it reach top speed surprisingly quick (assuming you're accelerating forward). Thrusters in all other directions may leave something to be desired.

    There is a row of RCS running down the spine of the ship from bow to stern, as well as two rows running along the bulkheads in one of the massive rooms, along with several rows below the bridge, and several dozen more spread out through the ship.

    Titanius-Class Flagship (I haven't figured out a good "type" for this one yet... maybe Battlecruiser?), bow view.

    Stern view.

    An empty room. There are several more like this, also empty.

    The only giant room I've put some time into. Subdivided into at least two dozen apartments, or storerooms, or whatever you want.
    View from ground floor.


    Same room, at scaffolding level, or second floor. Although really it's more like the... fifth floor (from the bottom). For now.

    Top control center, before decoration

    Top control center, after decoration

    Both CVs have additional rooms that are not pictured here.

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    Last edited: Dec 4, 2015
    solymer89, Krenios and Flip like this.
  3. Flip

    Flip Captain

    Jun 30, 2015
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    Great job with the interiors. It kind of has a star wars feel to it. :)
    Slam Jones likes this.
  4. Krenios

    Krenios Commander

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Slam Jones, i think in somes week we can see more CV like you first one in space. Smaller but with all we need.
    Great corridor in the second ship.;)
    Slam Jones likes this.
  5. TomStone

    TomStone Lieutenant

    Aug 22, 2015
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    Hello, today I put my ship available for download, after long hours, with saves lost, I had to rebuild everything, but I have not the courage to continue. so I put the blueprint for download, I said that it is not finished! so whoever feels the courage to finish the ship
    Bonjour , aujourd'hui je met à disposition mon vaisseau pour le telechargement , apres de longues heures , avec les saves perdus , j'ai du tout reconstruire , mais je n'ai plus le courage de continuer . je met donc le blueprint pour le telechargement , je précise qu'il n'est pas terminé ! donc celui qui sent le courage de terminer le vaisseau










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    Last edited: Dec 15, 2015
    Joeseph, Cestral, Xenophon and 10 others like this.
  6. Nimble

    Nimble Lieutenant

    Nov 19, 2015
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    Figured with the new Star Wars movie coming out tomorrow night it might be a good time to share some of what Ive been working on. I dont have exact stats on the ships like number of blocks/ etc but they were built to perform like they should. The Star Destroyer Im gonna call "upload finished". Ive accepted that everytime I run through it Ill find something to change but its good enough for review at this point lol. I figure its about 1/2 to 1/3 scale of an Imperial class-2, I omitted the forward hangar bay since with the sizing it became pointless and only restricted deck space. Like I said before its not fully finished and there are many parts I need to update as I sort through more pictures so I know its not an exact re-creation.. At the moment....... Anyways enjoy! Also check out my SVs in the small vessel thread going up after I post this!!

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    Cestral, Times05, Alo and 3 others like this.
  7. Nimble

    Nimble Lieutenant

    Nov 19, 2015
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    BTW I recommend fuelling the reactor core first and activate gravity. only have to fill 1/4 for a walk around. its the first terrace off the main hangar bay. yellow coded. Yellow is maintenance, red is common area, green is crafting, blue is oxygen :)
  8. NafreiuX

    NafreiuX Captain

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Hey guys,

    It's so awesome that so many people are sharing their amazing creations - you can learn so much from the designs :)

    I'm submitting my first scientific CV - 'Voyager X', a deep space exploration vessel:
    Voyager_X_2015-12-21_12-32-58.png My priorities when building it was to make it look like a mobile station with gravity rings, solar panels, greenhouse - everything you'd need to travel long interstellar distances.
    The ship has the following main sections:
    Some pics from sections:

    Greenhouse/Research area:
    Crew Quarters:
    Captain's Quarters:
    CIC.png MainCockpit.png
    Ship stats:
    Mass - 3.35 kT
    Fuel capacity - ~9 hours (idle time), ~1.5 hours (full thrust ahead, space)
    Generator output - 20 MW
    2 RCS
    Emergency control room with secondary cockpit
    24 directional thrusters
    2 normal thrusters

    Let me know what you think guys.

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    YoLa_Jess, HobanLeaf, Flip and 5 others like this.
  9. Krenios

    Krenios Commander

    Sep 30, 2015
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    I have already visit his CV, with NafreiuX, verry smart and beautiful interior, you must visit it !
    Last edited: Dec 21, 2015
  10. Bakkur

    Bakkur Commander

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Looks nice , good Design mate like it
  11. Dovahkiin Chaos

    Dovahkiin Chaos Lieutenant

    Oct 10, 2015
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    I love seeing truely original designs, very good job man!
  12. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    If you build this one for ATX I'll whip the crew into mining the sh*t out of Omicron and surrounding planets for you :)
  13. crazytd69

    crazytd69 Lieutenant

    Sep 22, 2015
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    Last edited: Dec 24, 2015
  14. dragonFlyBE

    dragonFlyBE Ensign

    Dec 23, 2015
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    [​IMG] [​IMG]

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    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
    Krenios likes this.
  15. Slam Jones

    Slam Jones Rear Admiral

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Having crashed a few pre-made CVs into planets with no real success, I decided to make one that is intended to land on planets and retain full mobility.

    What emerged what the Mantis-Class Carrier, a large CV that can land on every planet, and even take back off again. Despite its size, there is only one elevator in the middle, which is still close enough from, any part of the ship. In space, it can idle for extremely long periods of time, but remarkably less so on planets (usually about 30-45 mins). A lack of Atmospheric Thruster for CVs make fuel consumption very poor at this stage. It has a completely flat bottom to make HV docking (hopefully) easier.

    Regardless... the Mantis-Class CV.

    Parked on the new planet, which I forgot the name of


    In Aestus orbit (yes, it can take off from there, too)

    On Ningues

    HV loading ramps

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  16. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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    and my next one creations :) the Mercury Fleet

    Thunder MKI
    Thunder MKII
    Thunder MKIII
    Groza, blutiger and Slam Jones like this.
  17. Krenios

    Krenios Commander

    Sep 30, 2015
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    Some week ago, i say that in few time, we can see more and more little CV (for small human group), than very big ship, and now, the time is come.
    Great work all :)
    Dead8Eye likes this.
  18. Dead8Eye

    Dead8Eye Captain

    Aug 15, 2015
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  19. cailean_556

    cailean_556 Lieutenant

    Dec 19, 2015
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    Hello all,

    Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to all.

    I know at least one of the devs likes Babylon 5 and I decided, upon buying Empyrion, that I wanted to make a Hyperion Heavy Cruiser. I know it has been done before (2 version, I think?) but I went ahead and made one that I believe could also be used in Single Player survival mode... At least, I would use it in Single Player survival mode.

    This is the first of what I hope will be many blueprints I share for public use. This ship was constructed (initially) in orbit around Akua prior to the v5 update. Work was finalised in orbit of Omicron and EAS Hyperion was taken on a basic shakedown cruise.
    *Note: Given its design, and the fact that it was constructed prior to the v5 update, the Hyperion is unable to land on a planet's surface. Atmospheric manoeuvring abilities are, as yet, untested.

    The EAS Hyperion is outfitted for long duration space voyages, it has a total of 40 large fuel tanks spread throughout the ship - to prevent complete destruction of Hyperion's fuel stores. Hyperion has a state-of-the-art medical and science facility (science facility mostly for show until they implement something 'sciencey', however the medical facility has two functional Medbays), ample engineering facilities (Main Engineering - where the Warp Drive and majority of construction capabilities can be found), enlisted crew and officer's quarters, a dedicated cargo bay and several low-capacity cargo storage areas.

    The EAS Hyperion also has a fully stocked food production and processing facility, enabling Hyperion to circumvent reliance on surface-based food production. (If devs add a way to produce O2 and H2O in space, it will only need to worry about fuel). Hyperion's modest landing bay can hold two to three smaller SVs or a single medium-sized SV, such as the 'Hawk' series of armed transports.

    In terms of handling, Hyperion performs well for a ship of its size, having more than adequate power available to distribute amongst its systems. When idling, Hyperion has enough fuel (from maximum capacity) to remain operational for 55+ hours. At maximum thrust, it has enough fuel to last 320+ minutes, with that number reducing under intense combat conditions where rapid manoeuvring is conducted. Operational time under combat conditions can be extended by turning running lights off, to conserve power for combat systems. EAS Hyperion is capable of 'all stop' from 'ahead full' in approx 8 seconds.
    *Note: At idle, yaw is adequate using mouse only. Under combat conditions, coarse manoeuvres are recommended to be conducted via keyboard, with fine adjustments being made via mouse*

    EAS Hyperion's weapons systems are mainly anti-capital, relying on her embarked fighters, or escort vessels, for anti-strikecraft duties. Its fixed, bow mounted quad pulse-lasers and dual rocket launchers can inflict significant damage against a less agile capital aggressor while her 8 plasma cannon turrets can engage independently of the main weapons battery and have excellent fields of fire against most threats.
    *Note: As the EAS Hyperion is a warship, it lacks windows, the exception being the main elevator shaft and CIC (Combat Information Centre).

    The attached map shows approximate positions of decks/functions. I hope you enjoy being on this craft as much as I enjoyed building it.



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    Last edited: Dec 25, 2015
    Bakkur and Times05 like this.
  20. Nickolai

    Nickolai Lieutenant

    Aug 13, 2015
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    A sneak peek at my first made Capital Vessel.

    The Leviathan.A dedicated cargo ship mainly used to transport large loads of cargo from point A to point B.Think of it as a massive Antonov 225 plane.As of writing this,this behemoth weighs in at 23,3 Kilotons.

    Blueprint coming soon




    Pilot Room

    Landing Strip




    Outdated Model of the BI - Destroyer.Will upload updated model eventually.

    Cargo Room



    Mess Hall

    Keep in mind this is all WIP.Still needs more polishing.Also there are a lot of rooms I did not take pictures from.
    dah.Mr.B, Warren, blutiger and 7 others like this.
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