Replaced the blocks for 2000, changed the design, eliminated the non-compliance of the parties, everything is done manually
The USS Palomino from the 1979 Disney movie "The Black Hole" This is a nearly perfect replica of the USS Palomino from the 1979 Disney movie "The Black Hole." If you want to stay abreast of updates and ship design releases, please follow me on my workshop page! Don't forget to upvote the ship if you like it! This is the perfect starter CV for players who need to leave the planetary orbit as soon as possible! It requires the barest minimum Sathium and Neodymium - and it only takes an hour and a half to cook in your factory! It has just about everything a CV needs barring growing plots, but look forward to that in an upcoming CV design, when I build a full scale model of the USS Cygnus!
Another redesign on "Mammoth", my space only CV. My nearly complete CV, Guardian seems so small in comparison! I am also aware of the missing bit on Mammoth. Still plenty of work to do but I'm finally happy with the outside. It's just the effort of inside now lol.
Moar Dragons for Empyrion! Woot! Though the thinness of the connection between the Dragon's Torso & his Wings makes me snicker... that'll surely become a problem come time for CV Structural Integrity to get Implemented...
I have a few that you might find useful: Here's a CV build from scratch in Let's Play format (2 episodes) And this playlist (Empyrion Academy) has a few you might like, especially #2, 4, and 6. (Building in general, HVs, SVs) And a recent SV build from scratch in the style of Bob Ross. (SV and CV builds are pretty similar, you just need a few more parts for a CV.)
Just coming back to this one. Very impressed with the build. I got lost twice inside of it. The overall layout is absolutely exceptional. The only shortcoming I found was that side thrust is a bit low, but that should be pretty easy to rectify with a few small upgrades.
Decided to build on planet (hmmm mistake?) Vessel jumps around a bit. Also having serious overheating issues when i get close to the cockpit, temp jumps to 300+C but when i sit in cockpit temp drops to normal. Generators were close to cockpit but now are way back at rear of ship. This is the only place on the ship i get the overheating. Edit: On another note is it advisable to place airtight doors internally on CV?
I didn't want to step on the old rake. There is a previous version of the ship with very good thrust, but it requires more production time and more resources it has lesser space. Unlike the previous version the new ship is designed for quick turns and move back and forth. It is possible that a couple extra thrust won't hurt, I will think on this. now I'm just waiting for version 6.0 will be available to all.
Judging from the temperature you probably have thrusters near your cockpit, they generate lot of heat. About airtight doors inside - they have pros and cons. It depends a lot how you want to build your ventilation. Main thing is that the BLOCK the airflow, so instead of just one ventilator, you need a ventilator in each room. But it is also safer if something goes wrong, your whole vessel will not lose air with just one hole. BUT this is a thread mainly for sharing capital vessel blueprints. If you have more to ask I suggest you find a suitable thread or start a new one in the appropriate section (that being Experimental Features Discussion as you are clerly playing Experimental 6.0 ).
I wonder if the Cockpit is erroneously counting as a Heat Emitting Device? Might not be a bad idea to Bug Report this. Include the BP of the Vehicle. Or this. IMHO, hell yes. Ya do NOT wanna lose Air in the entire inside of the CV if ya get one single Hull Breach. Looking forward to seeing the CV ya get built with this Advice & Share.
Took a few attempts to get all the rotations sorted but I am liking the outcome so far. Still a WIP on the inside. Now with more pew pew pew Multi Bridge Some internal shots Any feedback appreciated.