Capital Vessel

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 23, 2015.

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  1. Bautisa46

    Bautisa46 Ensign

    Sep 21, 2018
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    I didn't know of the CV prefab..i wanted to experience more blueprint building so i was happier working on the converted took more time but i enjoyed building this ship..i stuck to the original design based on the shipwreck on the Lava planet in Survival mode, so i built it along side the wreck..spent a week game time on it..salvaging other ship to build the ship
  2. Bautisa46

    Bautisa46 Ensign

    Sep 21, 2018
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    20181008062438_1.jpg 20181008062438_1.jpg 20181008062525_1.jpg I didn't know of the CV prefab..i wanted to experience more blueprint building so i was happier working on the converted took more time but i enjoyed building this ship..i stuck to the original design based on the shipwreck on the Lava planet in Survival mode, so i built it along side the wreck..spent a week game time on it..salvaging other ship to build the ship

    Attached Files:

  3. Flatliner

    Flatliner Lieutenant

    Sep 21, 2018
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    The Hakon is a good ship. It's a very common POI..there's usually 2 located in ship graveyards, they are scattered all over the map on various planets..and there are several versions on the workshop based on Mr.IceCat's original design.

    I flew it for a little while, too. My only issue is the lack of thrust and maneuverability as well as the open it requires some modification in order to not fly like a brick and keep your SV/HVs protected..but it's a good starter CV.
    Bautisa46 likes this.
  4. Bautisa46

    Bautisa46 Ensign

    Sep 21, 2018
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    I haven't flown the ship yet, as for the open hanger your right it's exposed with a few modifications it can be a great ship
  5. Flatliner

    Flatliner Lieutenant

    Sep 21, 2018
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    I'd suggest replacing some of the vertical S thrusters with L because even moving up and down it's sssssllllloooooowwww...adding in more RCS blocks so it doesn't turn like a snail, and adding a few more M thrusters for L/R movement..maybe F/B as well. I removed a lot and put Ls in all over..better thrust efficiency. And hangar doors on both sides work great..but it limits the size of the HV/SVs you can get in there quite a bit.
    Bautisa46 likes this.
  6. Bautisa46

    Bautisa46 Ensign

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Thanks, i'll get to those modifications as soon as i find the brewery in the mission..i figured if i put hangers it would limit the SV's i have to use for the ship..i might experiment with it to see
  7. Flare |UKCS|

    Flare |UKCS| Ensign

    Aug 8, 2018
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    A new CV is here, a small class 2 CV unlockable at level 15 , HWI SmallCV Tamago :

    Got a decent sized HV Hangar, it fits my Heavy Assault Vehicle Intruder,

    Got a SV hangar and deck, tested for size with my HWI FightSV Screamer,

    And heres the Specs :


    Tamago has all the usual CV features like Warp, Grow Plots , ADV Constructor and weapons, its a really tight build but still easy to get around, a nice basic layout... only the rear observation bubble is out of the way.

    (FYI The name Tamago was from a Anime I watched way back called Love Hina, Tamago was the pet Turtle (full name was Tamago Onsen, or Hot Springs Turtle) )
  8. Flatliner

    Flatliner Lieutenant

    Sep 21, 2018
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    Kasero, Sephrajin and Siege Inc. like this.
  9. the_moshpit

    the_moshpit Lieutenant

    Sep 6, 2018
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    Farragut Class OCAS.jpg starportsentinel-warships.jpg
    Mako Class Battlecruiser -11.jpg Essex-starboard.jpg F-17C Hammerhead1.jpg
    I've built up a group of ships designed to work together as a complete fleet for multiplayer use, all ships conforming to PvP needs with heavy internal firewalling between components, redundancy implemented throughout, protected thrusters, and all capital ships above Frigate have dual bridges, a 1st bridge for PvE/navigation/exploration/first person piloting, and a second bridge deep inside the hull called a Battle Bridge, protecting pilot and passengers from direct enemy fire, recommended for use in PvP to avoid pilot kills. These ships base shape and design is loosely inspired by Space Battleship Yamato 2199/2202, though no Wave Motion Cannons are currently working :p

    Copy/Paste of description:
    The Fleet Tactical Battlegroup Doctrine includes those ships designed to operate together as a Battlegroup fleet and support each other efficiently. All combat elements from lightest fighter to heaviest warship are covered in this doctrine and all must conform to single player survival rules, being limited to a maximum of size class 5, with most below that. Most of these ships assume a multiplayer environment. Listed ships roles as follows:

    A-14C-SAR : Search and rescue for fleet operations, pick up downed pilots, etc.
    A-14C-U : Utility craft for inter-fleet transport between capital ships or as a shuttle craft to dock/planetary landings.
    FA-7A Scythe Scout : Primary light fighter, recon, fleet combat air patrol (CAP)
    F-17C Hammerhead : Primary medium fighter, ready scramble, interceptor
    FA-32B Predator : Primary heavy fighter, strike support, anti-ship, long range intercepts
    Yunagi class frigate : Fleet screening, system patrol, CAP responder
    Kodai class destroyer : Fleet escort for Essex class carrier and rapid response
    Mjolnir class cruiser : General fleet escort and direct combatant, ship of the line
    Mako class battlecruiser : Fleet strike cruiser/ship of the line, fast flank harassment, fleet escort for Farragut class carrier.
    Okita class battleship : Fleet flagship and heavy ship of the line, direct combatant and fire support for smaller vessels.
    Farragut class OCAS : Fleet Omni-cruiser/Assault ship/Tactical carrier, multirole strike/assault warship
    Essex class carrier : Primary fleet fighter/small vessel support ship
    Last edited: Oct 13, 2018
    Sephrajin and Siege Inc. like this.
  10. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Brace yourselves Another modification is coming.

    View while on siege mode...

    CV Showcase_2018-10-13_20-14-42.png
    Bautisa46 likes this.
  11. the_moshpit

    the_moshpit Lieutenant

    Sep 6, 2018
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    Aldebaran AAA02 Dreadnought (Andromeda Class)

    The Aldebaran AAA02 is the second dreadnought of the Andromeda Class series of super battleship from the series Space Battleship Yamato. This dreadnought is size class 5, heavily armored and armed, features dual bridges (1st Bridge-PvE, Combat Bridge-Combat/PvP), heavy internal firewalling and component redundancy. As it is a pure warship, no grow boxes are included. This ship can serve as a Flagship in the Fleet Tactical Battlegroup doctrine, acting as a solid center for any strategic force.

    Internal fighter bay is optimized for a single FA-7A fighter class craft and features a repair bay as well.

    Edit : Updated version of this ship corrects spelling mistake on port side name. Also other cosmetic corrections along with upgraded fuel capacity and more internal redundant thrusters added. Also Naval Registry Number changed to AAA02, with AAA03 being transferred to Apollo Norm project. Ignore pictures showing AAA03 on Aldebaran as those are outdated, new updated version of ship on Workshop is fixed to show AAA02.

    Edit 2 : Cosmetic updates applied to exterior.

    Aldebaran-10.jpg Aldebaran-2.jpg Aldebaran-3.jpg Aldebaran-4.jpg Aldebaran-6.jpg Aldebaran-5.jpg Aldebaran-7.jpg Aldebaran-9.jpg Aldebaran-8.jpg
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2018
    grimfreakr, Kahrek and Germanicus like this.
  12. Ravis

    Ravis Captain

    May 17, 2017
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    Intended to have a bit of fun with a CV and build something with slightly more exotic materials at the higher end of the game. Ship is intended to carry two of my Shiva SVs, which is why it has the slightly lower profile dock. While possible to spawn in Survival its fuel economy is akin to a sports car. :D

    ziz6.jpg ziz2.jpg ziz3.jpg ziz9.jpg
    Last edited: Oct 24, 2018
  13. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    It seems you got a Typo when naming your ship. It reads ALDABARAN on one of the Pictures. Naming aside its a great looking design.Well done!
  14. the_moshpit

    the_moshpit Lieutenant

    Sep 6, 2018
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    You are correct! I caught that shortly after initial posting and the Workshop version is already updated with the corrected spelling, and a bunch of small fixes as well. I am hoping I didn't misspell Andromeda as well, but I think I got this one right :p

    And with that, the Aldebaran is actually ship 3 of the Andromeda Class vessels in Space Battleship Yamato. I kinda took liberty with the pressurized landing bay replacing the rear turrets, so am now releasing the much more true to form Andromeda itself, as well as Empyrion let me make it, anyway, LOL!

    Steam Workshop copy/paste:
    The Andromeda AAA01 is the lead ship of the Andromeda Class Dreadnoughts. Armored and armed heavily, the Andromeda Class Dreadnoughts are designed as highly durable primary combatants intended to engage enemy craft toe to toe. All internal components and fuel tanks are firewalled or separated and combat redundancies implemented. Dual bridge design allows 1st Bridge to be used in PvE/non-combat flight while the Combat Bridge, hidden internally, can be switched to during high intensity combat. The Andromeda AAA01 is fully complient with the Fleet Tactical Battlegroup doctrine and is a size class 5 warship, legal in survival gameplay.

    Andromeda differs from Aldebaran by being more strictly combat oriented, lacking a pressurized landing bay and replacing it with a small external landing pad, and dual long range artillery turrets.

    The Andromeda, Aldebaran, and Apollo Norm are all ship from the series Space Battleship Yamato and all credit goes to that series for design. Some changes made to make ships fit Empyrion rules. Andromeda and it's sister ships first appear in the second season of SBY.

    Edit: Minor cosmetic corrections made, see picture of ship firing main guns to see changes. Mainly some sections rounded off to present cleaner appearance.

    Andromeda-7.jpg Andromeda-1.jpg Andromeda-2.jpg Andromeda-4.jpg Andromeda-3.jpg Andromeda-5.jpg Andromeda-desktop4.jpg
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2018
    Kahrek, Sephrajin and Germanicus like this.
  15. Banquo

    Banquo Commander

    Apr 14, 2016
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    Cheyenne XXVIII Model B
    (Sorry, not going to update to 8.0 just yet)

    She's big. She's Bad. She's got a rec room. And a bigass hangar.

    BUILD_2018-10-25_00-22-41.png BUILD_2018-10-25_00-27-22.png BUILD_2018-10-25_22-05-55.png BUILD_2018-10-25_22-24-17.png BUILD_2018-10-25_22-05-21.png

    - Beveled the edges of the wings.
    - Expanded interior.
    - Added dedicated medical bay.
    - Added other stuff.

    Attached Files:

    ravien_ff, [BB]Drifter and Germanicus like this.
  16. Kahrek

    Kahrek Captain

    Mar 7, 2017
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    I present to you the Kirkland. Another survival minded CV, this class 2, level 10 ship has all the standard fare you might want to live in space, a reasonably roomy HV dock and a top level SV landing pad.

    Hull (7).jpg Hull (1).jpg Hull (3).jpg Hull (5).jpg Hull (9).jpg Constructors.jpg Engineering 2.jpg Crew Quarters 2.jpg Bridge.jpg Garden.jpg

    Steam workshop URL for more picture and the actual file if you are so inclined.

    As always thoughts, suggestions and criticism are all welcomed.


    Kahrek Laume
    ion_storm and Germanicus like this.
  17. Kahrek

    Kahrek Captain

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Love these Matsumoto inspired vessels. Hopefully we can make huge functional turrets in the future. The Arcadia needs to be an actual vessel in this game :)


    Kahrek Laume
    the_moshpit likes this.
  18. the_moshpit

    the_moshpit Lieutenant

    Sep 6, 2018
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    Andromeda-display11.jpg I've thought about making the Arcadia, but am working the Yamato stories right now and will likely do something with the Harlock stories after I finish up this current inspiration spree, lol. Right now am working on the Apollo Norm and quite disappointed that I won't be able to get it into a size class 5 as all my other ships have managed to do. I guess Apollo Norm will be more for looks since there's no way around it hitting size class 6 with the large fighter bay on top.

    Apollo Norm is next and under construction now:
    Last edited: Oct 27, 2018
    ion_storm and ravien_ff like this.
  19. the_moshpit

    the_moshpit Lieutenant

    Sep 6, 2018
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    Apollo Norm AAA03 is now completed and added to the Andromeda Class collection. Cut and paste from Steam Workshop:

    The Apollo Norm AAA03 is the third ship of the Andromeda Class and first ship of the class to incorporate carrier functionality, operating as a heavy warship and fighter carrier at the same time. Heavily armed and armored, including internal firewalling of components and redundancy of major components, the Apollo Norm is a highly durable warship capable of surviving a lot of damage while still dishing it out and launching/recovering fighters. Equiped with dual bridges, the 1st Bridge is primarily for PvE or non-combat flight while the secondary Battle Bridge is hidden inside the hull and intended for intense combat to protect the flight crew.

    Unfortunately, the Apollo Norm AAA03 does not conform to Tactical Fleet Battlegroup requirements in that it is a Size Class 7 ship, too big to be used in Survival games. Having 8 internal, pressurized fighter parking spots, 7 in the upper bay, 1 in the lower bay, this ship can carry a solid number of fighters normally, but has immense hanger space for many more fighters as needed, depending on fighter size class.

    The Andromeda, Aldebaran, and Apollo Norm are all ships from the series Space Battleship Yamato/Star Blazers and as such as design credit goes to that show. Modifications to design to make compatible to Empyrion or simply due to game engine limits are necessary. Cosmetic appearance incorporates the latest updates to the Andromeda Class hull, so updates for fixes will be minimal, though necessary as always. Large amounts of empty hull space allows for large scale player modifications as desired, enjoy! ApolloNorm AAA03.jpg ApolloNorm-2.jpg ApolloNorm-7.jpg ApolloNorm-3.jpg ApolloNorm-4.jpg ApolloNorm-5.jpg ApolloNorm-6.jpg
    Shuhov, ion_storm, NOLOS and 2 others like this.
  20. the_moshpit

    the_moshpit Lieutenant

    Sep 6, 2018
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    Working on a couple of new Andromeda variants based on the upcoming Chapter 6 of Space Battleship Yamato shown in trailers. The Neu Bargray is a Earth/Gamillas allied ship, owned and operated by Gamillas, built for them at the Time Vault by Earth engineers. Not quite complete yet and awaiting programming work to be done before posting. Neu Bargrey -AAA-G6-firing tests2.jpg Neu Bargrey -AAA-G6-portside.jpg

    Next up is a refresh of the original Andromeda hull based on the "repaired and updated" Andromeda from Chapter 6, fresh back into combat after the damage incurred during the Battle for Jupiter in Chapter 5. Dubbed the "ZZZ" series, the updated Andromeda class ships have a more efficient weapons layout, improved torpedo launchers (fixed rocket launchers), and longer duration operations due to food generation with internal green rooms and more fuel capacity. Andromeda-ZZZ-5.jpg Andromeda-ZZZ-2.jpg Andromeda -ZZZ -shipyard1.jpg Neu Bargrey -AAA-G6-shipyard2.jpg

    Neither ship is posted to Workshop yet as they are awaiting final feature fitting and cosmetic cleanup, but both have completed full flight testing, warp testing, and firing range testing, as well as obligatory combat testing, passing all tests so far with flying colors. Once programming of systems is completed by our fleet programmer, will upload them to Workshop for general use.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2018
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