Capital Vessel

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 23, 2015.

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  1. Flip

    Flip Captain

    Jun 30, 2015
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    Well I do remember Eleon Games saying you will need to build a "Mother Ship" so perhaps that is what it stands for in this case?
    Rannoc McMaulin likes this.
  2. Rannoc McMaulin

    Rannoc McMaulin Commander

    Aug 24, 2015
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    About RCS's, how many did you put in? Looking at your imgur album it looks like you put too many. Over doing it with RCS's will hurt your ability to turn. Try reducing it to ~80 RCS and see how she handles.
    LonelyFederigo likes this.
  3. Times05

    Times05 Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    I tried modifying large ships to make them turn faster before..... I've had no success with anything over 30kt. Tried more RCS, tried less. Tried more/less thrusters. Tried spacing out thrusters/rcs evenly throughout the ship. Had a theory that generators don't power certain rcs/thrusters if they are too far, so even tried spacing out generators. Played with power ratios to make sure there's enough power and power gens for all devices. Had some success with ships below 30kt, but anything significantly heavier still moves horribly slow no matter what I do (Maybe I haven't struck the right balance yet...).

    Right now, everything we do is based on "feel", not a precise measurement. None of us really know the underlying game mechanics or formulas for it. It would be a full time job to reverse-engineer these formulas through testing, plus there could be a stealth patch that can change these values at any time making measurements obsolete... meaning waste of work...

    I'd really love for devs or somebody who has done extensive testing on heavy ships to post some stats.
    - Like how much thrust per kt of weight,
    - how many rcs per kt,
    - how many meters of ship length per rcs/thruster if it matters.
    -Would be nice to have a way to measure turning speed (some kind of stat for it so that when we make changes there's a number somewhere measuring turning ability).
    - Also would be nice to have a measure of acceleration. Like 0-110 m/s in x seconds. Would help making comparisons.
    - Now that I think about, fuel consumption would be easier to comprehend and measure if there was a standard stat (for ex1: while thrusting in 3 directions uses 1 fuel pack every x seconds, ex2: while idle using 1 fuel pack every x seconds).
    -Precise area of effect measurement in meters for Grav Generator (it has a limited range for sure).
    -Precise area of effect in meters for Power Generator if there is such a thing.

    AT LEAST, would be awesome to see someone with a very heavy ship (like 50-100kt) that was able to make it turn really well. (If you have done that successfully, please post BP and say for ex: "80kt and turns really well").
    Last edited: Oct 11, 2015
    Mac likes this.
  4. Bakkur

    Bakkur Commander

    Aug 12, 2015
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    Ok that thing is big real big .. outside but the inside uff ok its more then raw , looks like a almost empty Tube a few rcs a few Large fueltanks some elevators 2 pilotseats .. many many turrets and what can i say .. it is yet a dead brick in Space that ship need a makeover that you can steer that thing a bit . Ok you said its not ready inside ok right but if you fill the tube you got even more weigth then its no longer a CV its a base
  5. Rannoc McMaulin

    Rannoc McMaulin Commander

    Aug 24, 2015
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    I just finish loading you BP and testing some things out. You are hitting the issue I have seen before with really long ships. Roll is find but pitch ans yaw are slow. This i believe is a math problem in the code but that's just my guess. Hopefully 4.0 will resolve these kind of issues.
  6. Times05

    Times05 Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    The StickShip Experiment (Video) CV turning/Grav Gen

    -This is an experiment with building long capital ships in Empyrion.
    -It proves that to make ships move better you need to space out RCS.
    -Also Gravity Generator has a range of 36-38 blocks (depending if you count the 2 blocks that comprise the grav generator itself).

    Bigfeet, Arturius1967, Cain and 5 others like this.
  7. Mac

    Mac Commander

    Aug 22, 2015
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    So my wife walked in while I was putzin in creative. "Whatcha doin?" she asked. "Just building a ship," I replied. "Oooh, can you build me something?" "Sure, like what?" I asked her. "I want a coo beastie!" "Honey," I said to her, "This is a space game, I can only build ships."

    Here's the ship I built her, complete with Nac Mac Feegles. It was worth it to hear her squee. 2015-10-10_00021.jpg

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    Memphis, Sehenat, Krenios and 4 others like this.
  8. Mac

    Mac Commander

    Aug 22, 2015
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    Yes, give me numbers!
    Cain likes this.
  9. Serevanth

    Serevanth Lieutenant

    Sep 25, 2015
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    Nice looking CV it stands out from a lot of the others. I like the way you built the solar panels.
  10. Rannoc McMaulin

    Rannoc McMaulin Commander

    Aug 24, 2015
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    So I know there are folks that are worried about the up coming change that will require CV to travel between planets. There is also worry about not having enough fuel on your starting planet to reach them. Well when Tom Hanks got off the island in Castaway he did not build a luxury liner, it was a raft. So can you =)

    In my new 3.4.1 survival game I built this using only salvaged parts from 1 defense tower and a few bit from the back half of the crashed Talon. I built a base, repaired the Escape Pod and assembled what was needed for this all with ZERO mining. Only real problem is remembering where you parked, this ship is the size of a flea lol.

    The Piggy Back
    Weight: 227T
    Idle Power: 20kw
    Full Thrust Flight Time: 50 minutes


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    Last edited: Oct 15, 2015
    Lealu and Xenophon like this.
  11. Xenophon

    Xenophon Commander

    Oct 1, 2015
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  12. Lealu

    Lealu Captain

    Aug 26, 2015
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    A bit exposed but if you can avoid the asteroid field and take the long way around it's a keeper, nice job. :)
  13. stimdealer0001

    stimdealer0001 Captain

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Built a nice CV on a new game (latest update) ...

    ... then lost it the first time I flew it to the alien base near the belt. FML

    2015-10-11_19-52-34.png 2015-10-11_19-52-56.png 2015-10-11_19-53-15.png 2015-10-11_19-53-46.png 2015-10-11_19-54-18.png 2015-10-11_19-55-04.png 2015-10-11_19-55-19.png 2015-10-11_19-55-36.png 2015-10-11_19-55-52.png 2015-10-11_19-56-11.png

    Moral of the story: Dont put ALL your stuff on your CV in case **** happens. I might just start all over. :(
    Bender, Ramor and Pr0gr4mm3r like this.
  14. Arturius1967

    Arturius1967 Captain

    Aug 9, 2015
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    Dont tell me you did't blue print it, before it got destroyed ....
  15. Mac

    Mac Commander

    Aug 22, 2015
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    As a new player, I had no idea about blueprints until I started reading this forum, so probably not. :(

    I would like to see the damage, out of a morbid curiosity, though. I've been wanting to test my CV against the belt's defenses.
  16. Arturius1967

    Arturius1967 Captain

    Aug 9, 2015
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    Thank you for this, this is very important discovery! Now I can try to myke my battlecrab better moing ;)
  17. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    Good old trusty Star Control 2 Vindicator (Precursor Workhorse)
    Its huge, a pig on fuel. but ooh the memories.
    Default Modules only, 1 lonely canon for defence.


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  18. Times05

    Times05 Commander

    Aug 23, 2015
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    After further testing I discovered that Empyrion/Unity5 physics are inconsistent.... turn speed depends on where you are and where you are facing. The formulas they're using are some kind of shortcuts that are incredibly difficult to predict. Your same ship will turn one way in one area, and then will behave totally different in another. Turn rates can be cheated by wiggling, as in if your ship turns slowly up you just wiggle Q&E (Roll) and they'll turn much faster temporarily then get stuck again.

    It's so weird to the point where sometimes removing all RCS will have no effect on your ship, it'll keep happily turning at fast speed. Something is screwy with the way it updates whether or not RCS is there. Might have to restart the game after every placement to get more accurate readings which is a huge pain.

    That means I probably can't come up with exact formula. I can't figure out RCS range as it keeps fluctuating from one test to another (With Grav Generator it was easy 36-38 block range, RCS has weird inconsistent physics though).

    Best I could do was approximate 5kt=10RCS=1Generator (so ex: 10kt=20RCS=2generators). Must have 1 Generator per 10RCS as each RCS draws power, you can't see it but it most certainly does. I also realized that thrusters have absolutely nothing to do with turn rate. Literally nothing.
    Last edited: Oct 12, 2015
    Lealu likes this.
  19. MJY

    MJY Commander

    Sep 27, 2015
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    Times that good to know, will keep a eye out
  20. Rannoc McMaulin

    Rannoc McMaulin Commander

    Aug 24, 2015
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    This is what I have found in my testing as well. I also found deltas between originals and blueprinted builds. I have a ship that is 120kt's and got it to move at a reasonable speed but after blueprinting whenever I pitch downward it goes down and to the right like it is being pulled. And then there is the soft cap where too many RCS adds mass but not torque which throws off any calculation I have been able to come up.

    After all my testing I have found 1 RCS per kt placed along the spine of my ships "works" as a good starting point so far.

    Interesting found on the power usage.
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