Capital Vessel

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Aug 23, 2015.

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  1. CrazyZ

    CrazyZ Captain

    Mar 13, 2018
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    Thank you! :) yet, could be something... :D
    Germanicus likes this.
  2. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Barracuda Heavy Base

    Unlock Level: 25
    Size Class: 7 (7,49)
    Tier Class: T4
    Shield: Yes
    Cargo: Yes
    Warp: Yes
    Mode: PVE

    Main Purpose: Moving Base, Carrier


    This is my personal Base on Eleon Ue official server. I have tested it extensively and finish it on game. I`m really proud of my blueprint, is a wise balance of devices, protection, space management, and ship performance.
    As i`m use to live on space instead to settle on a planet, Barracuda reflect my own style of play on the official server.
    Barracuda have huge space inside to dock a fleet of hoover, cv and sv.
    All the BF blueprint on my workshop page are designed to fit on it, a part some of them who are support stations.
    Before collect all of them on a collection almost all the following blueprint will be restyled (repaint) or redesign or refurbished.

    ZeroG BF Minning Station
    Support Station, increase Barracuda production capacity, smelting ore faster, repair cv, deconstruct salvage. Will stay like that.

    ZeroG BF ExtraStorage
    Modular cargo extension for ZeroG Minning Station. Will stay like that

    Pyton BF Miner and Corvette
    MultiShip SV+HV for fast exploration for floating POI and lesser defended POI. Is also a good to have it before build the Barracuda because can act as a small cv. Will be restyled.

    Nebula BF Miner
    I use this miner on pvp system. I don`t go with the barracuda cause it will be an easy target for pvp players. Nebula is quite expendable, fast and easy to run away and fit for small scale fight against sv. Will stay like that

    Mantis BF DropShip
    A hoover transporter, used to be a more convenient option for raiding planets than go with the Barracuda. Will be Completely redesign.

    Cobra BF DropHoover
    An armored transporter to play with friends. Is my favorited POI raider as i can bring with me some smaller ship to go inside the POI. The Modular contents ( Storage, Fly, Scorpion) will be all redesign, and Cobra will be restyled and modified ( adding more space IN and Out for is constructor) and better docking.

    Tortuga BF Assault
    My Drone Base/High Defenced POI breaker. Massive capacity to take damage, it never disappoint me. It come from a pre CPU version of the game. I refit it and make it part of Barracuda Fleet but lose lot of maneuverability on the process. Will be redesign.

    Barracuda Weapons:
    (6 mining laser)
    (1 Multi Turret)
    6 Pulse Laser
    4 Rocket Launcher
    6 Pulse Laser Turret
    10 Rocket Turret
    8 Cannon Turret
    2 Artlllery Turret
    4 Minigun Turret
    4 Plasma Turret

    200k constructor Input
    200k constructor Output
    200K ore and wood
    88k HV Ammo
    88k SV Ammo
    152k CV Ammo

    Plus some small container for player armors, weapons and equipment.

    Devices and Facility:
    4X9 square farm + food processor + one fridge IN and one fridge OUT
    3 Constructor
    repair bay ( SV and HV )
    Gravity Generator
    Wireless Device
    Offline Protection
    All the medic devices + cloning chamber
    O2 station
    Armor locker and armor repair station

    Conclusion: I relly hope you enjoy and like this part of my personal game experience. Barracuda will be up date from time to time probably with some texture fixing ( already spot some ) and minor modify and improvement.
    Any suggestion is more than welcome.

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    Last edited: Feb 12, 2020
    Khazul, Germanicus and ravien_ff like this.
  3. Ronewird

    Ronewird Commander

    Oct 8, 2019
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    Barracuda Fleet

    Mantis Bf Dropship MRK2

    Unlock Level: 20
    Size Class: 1 (0.9)
    Tier Class: T3
    Shield: Yes
    Cargo: Yes
    Warp: Yes
    Mode: PVE

    Main Purpose: Hover transporter, raiding support

    Description: This ship is the redesign of the Mantis. The difference between the two ship is more protection for is load, as is inside the ship, and most important is warp ability.

    As i play on the official server a lot of planet are on pvp zone. So to raid them the risk to be an easy target of pvp player is always present.

    At this point the best solution is to have a ship who is dedicate on do this. Who is capable of warp, who is cheap to produce and expendable. Who is shielded and able to run away quick. And enough compact to fit on barracuda and to hold enough space to carry a tank for drone bases.

    Mantis Mrk 2 have all of the above and is super compact.

    Have a mix of cannon and gatling as max as is possible to use on official server. As can be used on both planet and space. For raid Space POI and Planetary POI.

    The can of course be used to defend the ship from other player but will be done with more success on planet as on space have not enough weapon to do so. On planet can fight against sv and other cv. Almost at same level.

    But take in consideration who is an expendable ship, so is best option is always to run away.

    It have also a full set of sentry for ship protection when you are on raid.

    6 Minigun Turret
    6 Cannon Turret
    8 Sentry Gun

    140k Ammo Box ( for mantis and for is load )
    140K Storage ( normally use with wireless when raiding POI )
    8k Arsenal ( For player euipment )

    Medic Station
    02 Station
    Armor Locker
    Repair Station
    Repair Bay

    Mantis Mrk2 is a quite efficient design, the restriction of space and size for docking inside barracuda have affected the quantity of weapon and devices. The overall design of the ship is a balanced compromise to obtain the final purpose of is design. As normally do, i made it on creative and i used for almost two week on offical server before finish it,
    That to see all the relevant weak point and sort it.
    As always i really appreciate any suggestion about this ship.

    Regarding the old Mantis be still keep on the workshop but will not be updated anymore.

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    Khazul and Germanicus like this.
  4. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    'Dragon' POI Assault CV (Tier 4, Level 25 unlock)

    This is probably about the ugliest CV in existence. It started out as an experiment/prototype to cram pretty much everything into as small as a CV as I could manage while ensuring it was functional, moderately resilient, flew decently and preserved decent firing lines. But it turned out to be really useful for me, never changing much from the protoype and a great fit with my 'Eagle' T4/L20 assault dropship and 'Meerkat' T4/L20 assault HV.

    As may be expected, everything inside (except the hangar) is cramped - in good military tradition. The nose is a mess though having cramming in everything I could think of, including a docking/breaching tube with landing gear on the front, but it's ugliness has kind of grown on me - something kind of brutal about it.

    It is primarily an assault CV for pacifying space based POIs directly, or direct assault on ground based POIs, or just providing carrier + air support for ground based POI assaults. It has the maximum allowed compliment of weapons and includes a tool turret and mining lasers. Of course it includes shields, warp, useful cargo space, personal survival support (even a small garden) and the quite large hangar includes a repair bay.

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    Some creature comforts at least :)
    Last edited: Mar 14, 2020
    Germanicus and Robot Shark like this.
  5. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    After what seems like many many weeks, I have finally got my Orion Cruiser complete enough to release to the workshop (thoug I have no doubt it will need some more tweaks :)).

    The Orion is a late game large (size class 10) mobile base / cruiser / carrier.

    It features a large fly through hangar rear space CV/SV/HV hangar space with a connected front ramp HV hangar space allowing it to accommodate a number of SVs, HVs and even a small CV with 4 of the vessels having direct individual access to the outside through their own hangar doors or the front ramp. There is also a 9x9 external landing pad.

    At the rear there is also a docking point for another large CV such as another Orion or the Dragon assault CV.

    It is constructed from an outer hull of combat steel which extends to some of the interior where needed, though much of the interior is constructed from carbon composite to reduce mass.

    It also features 2 bridges and 2 cockpits:
    - Main bridge at the top
    - An internal combat bridge/CIC (connected to the main bridge)
    - A forward docking/mining cockpit
    - A lower aft landing cockpit with a good well lit view of the ground during landing

    It is maximally armed with most space only weapons on the top or sides and most planet capable weapons on the bottom (with some on the top for anti-drone defence - Feel free to move these around as required.)

    Within the main hangar are 4 advanced constructors and main cargo access along with personal care and repair stations. A full medical facility is on the upper deck.

    For RP purposes, there is captain's and crew quarters, mess hall, cafe etc and some crew occupying various stations or on guard duty.


    With Dragon assault CV docked on the back.

    Main Hangar

    CIC / Combat bridge

    Main Bridge

    Aft Entrance / Café / Medical area
    Last edited: Apr 8, 2020
    Atomino, Fractalite, AlbaN and 2 others like this.
  6. D-Knuckle

    D-Knuckle Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Hey everybody!! After some months away from Empyrion (Hard drive failed, lost all of my blue prints) I'm back at 'er in Alpha 12 Experimental! My first workshop contribution, back from hiatus, is this CV: ~DKU~ ÆREZ. This is an early-mid game CV which excels from taking you from point A to Point B! I placed an emphasis on visibility, and field of vision, and I'm quite pleased with the results. Here's some pics, and below is a link to the the workshop page! I would love for you to take a look, and take 'er for a spin! Let me know what you think; thoughts, criticisms etc. and ANY and ALL feedback would be greatly appreciated!!!!!

    Take Care, ~D-Knuckle~

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    Bollen, Atomino, Luzillus and 9 others like this.
  7. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    Wikid ship dude.
    Fractalite, ravien_ff and Germanicus like this.
  8. Demonic

    Demonic Captain

    Feb 2, 2018
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    Awsome! How do you people come up with such a neat designs? I struggle not to make my ship a brick, pancake or di*do T.T
    ravien_ff, Robot Shark and Germanicus like this.
  9. D-Knuckle

    D-Knuckle Lieutenant

    Oct 12, 2019
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    I'm actually going to remove this ship from workshop shortly as I rushed posting it. I'm going to re-release two versions, a lite model unlock lvl 12 tier 2, and a heavy that will be either tier 3 or tier 4 with some major redesigns in the problematic areas. (rear hangar access ramps, lower observation deck, etc. etc.)
    ravien_ff likes this.
  10. Myrmidon

    Myrmidon Rear Admiral

    Mar 26, 2016
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    Either try to copy stuff from the Empyrion workshop or try to copy spaceships from other games or designs. There are tons out there. If that is hard you may start by getting finished ships and try to modify them little by little until you learn how to build.
    runlykhel likes this.
  11. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Practice, take a look at the HPOD (base) in my workshop.
    It was the first CV I made from scratch and was very much a hockey puck.

    One thing that helped me, I took an ancient (pre-alpha) CV from the workshop and manually replaced every block. I learned quite a bit about block shapes and orientation doing that.
  12. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Well going to take this one for a ride this weekend. This one looks like it would work great as a mobile base in space not really something I would want to take to a planet unless I really had to. Not sure have to play with it. Worried I might get lost in it from the photo's I saw.
  13. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    There are LCDs with directions all over the place, but yes - there are a lot of spaces inside :)

    I do tend to leave it space and use a couple of other CVs for planet bound operations (Dragon for assaults and an updated version of my starter CV as a mining/collection support shuttle). That said, it can fly in 4G.

    I have updated it locally for A12, but not posted. Nothing major, just teleport and some more signal switches etc. Power and thruster and CPU all still fine. Its companions however were less so. The eagle is fine, but the two HVs (meerkat and mongoose) needed more generators. Also the HM2 miner is part of this set. the dragon CV which docks on the back of it is not - they badly broke its flight model with the latest hotfix so badly I may have to abandon it completely.

    I don't plan on updating the workshop items until A12 goes to stable (because it would break 11.5 use), however if you want me to zip up updates and related assets for you, just ask. (Other stuff is dedicated landing pad for it, orbital base, and modification of another orbital and new version of my starter CV that has been shortened to easily fit in the orion hangar to serve as a planetary support shuttle CV for mining HV, auto-miner and water collection etc).
    Last edited: May 15, 2020
  14. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Wow Mate! You have impressed me! The Orion all I can say is wow. That thing is big inside. I very much with like to look at the companion ships and bases you have to go with it.
    Mind you I haven't even taken it off the ground yet. Just sitting on the planet. You were right I needed the LCD's to get around at first. I will have to wait until you have everything upgraded for 12. As I'm in 12 now can't see going back to 11 and waiting for 12 to come out.

    I'm almost sure the Treefrog I have been testing out from @Robot Shark would fit inside this thing. I will test that out this weekend when I really take this thing out for a test drive.
  15. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    @RazzleWin (and any other regulars here who are interested in access to A12 version of my workshop stuff)

    The best I have come up with is to publish the A12 version of everything as new postings for Friend access only - so they have all been published.

    So, if you want, send me a friend request on Steam. The A12 version of everything have the same names but with a '!' in front of it as a way to mark them as experimental branch only.

    I guess I will retire these experimental versions and copy them over the public version once A12 goes into stable.

    Don't know if anyone has a better idea for sharing experimental updates with each other on here without having to publish new public versions (which I guess I could, just all gets messy without explanation).
  16. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    Well I know for a fact the Treefrog doesn't fit in your Orion.
    So far this morning I have spent my sat loading in most of all your builds but the ones for space. Most impressive! Love the tank. that I want to field test in a real game. Your Shuttle is far better then mine and much faster.

    I do want to try out the SX1 and 2 as well and see how I can use them. But that sx1 dropship as it is right now would piss me off quickly. On both left and right doors the ramps push you back. When you walk up to them and they start to extend and open the door, the ramps push's you back just enough and then the door closes and the ramp retracts. Making you do a little hop to get on the ramp before it push's you too far back.

    One little suggestion for your SD1 add a sensor or use the current one you have there to shut down the generator when your not there. As you can teleport to a un-powered teleport you can keep the power off to the whole thing conserving fuel. This way even when you walk away from it, it would shut down until you get back in range. As for the O2 I wouldn't have it there. If I was running out of air I wouldn't be jumping in there for air but to teleport someplace that does have air.

    Sambrosa is a nice starter base and one I plan on trying out. I'm not sure about your HM1 and HX1 I really haven't used hv's for mising ore is some time, but one never knows I could change my mind. Been doing it mostly by hand. The drill rig I do use is for tunneling a small tunnel just large enough for my hv storage box. I like to dig in to poi's and crack them open from the underside.

    I still have to get to space and see what those other two builds are like. Been a very nice morning so far.

    Thank you
  17. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    Thanks :)
    I never really noticed as I have a habit of jumping onto ramps - but you are right - sensor range needs to be 7+ and not 5 so they open when your further away. Something to check on all of these types of door/ramp combos I guess.

    I used to have the sensors OR and switching off the generator, but then I got really bored standing there waiting for a repair, so ended up removing the repair console sensor entirely. Maybe a switch would be better, but people leave it on. Not sure - sensor +timer maybe, but they can only go upto 99 sec I think - something to fiddle with certainly. As for O2, I tend to put them in for completeness on anything I might but in for a while even if I may not fill it and use the O2, but noted.

    Just put an update up - see if that helps.

    The HX1 once upgraded to tier 3 with a rocket/plasma turrets can help with that (room to go to tier 4 for all plasma if needed). Mongoose too though have to be care tunnelling cos of its size.
    The miner I use mostly now is the HM2 once you get used to oddities of large drills, though have done a mod to enable drills on SVs now and that is MUCH better. The HX1 however has been my main starting HV/miner/small assault HV for a long time.

    Thanks for the comments.
    Last edited: May 16, 2020
  18. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    OMG I'm so sorry I got my nomenclatures wrong. That one is fine! It might need a switch to shut off docking alignment lcd's once the ship was docked.

    I was talking about the TP1 teleport only base. Not the SD1 :eek::eek:
  19. Khazul

    Khazul Rear Admiral

    Jan 15, 2020
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    OK - yes - that makes more sense. The reason I didn't was entirely down to keeping the lights on outside - figure 30PU or whatever it is aint so bad (?) :)

    But yes - could use the signal to control the generator instead.

    This one was a standalone to go next to my start base when I leave, but also stick these things on random planets every 30ly or so to give me a teleport relay network :)
    Going to add an underground and orbital version as well.
  20. RazzleWin

    RazzleWin Rear Admiral

    May 22, 2017
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    I would be using them with my ore mines and water pumps. :)
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