[Challenge] Dual Small Generator CV - Complete

Discussion in 'Questions, Discussions & Feedback' started by Robot Shark, Dec 4, 2017.


Who gets the bragging rights?

Poll closed Jan 6, 2018.
  1. sillyrobot's Tiny Hawk

    0 vote(s)
  2. Razorwire's Cottonmouth

    5 vote(s)
  3. Fluffy's Dumbo Dome

    0 vote(s)
  4. KwC TrixX's BlueBottle

    2 vote(s)
  5. Kahrek's The Challenger V2.5

    2 vote(s)
  6. Siege Inc.'s Argos Explorer

    3 vote(s)
  7. rucky's Challenger One LX

    3 vote(s)
  8. Zaflis's Mini Crystal

    0 vote(s)
  9. CatmanDoes's Blockade Runner

    0 vote(s)
  10. StyleBBQ's A7.5 CV_B20v1 Lvl10 Has: Warp AdvConstrc Medbay. No-GravGen

    3 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. stimdealer0001

    stimdealer0001 Captain

    Sep 14, 2015
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    Thank ya sir! I'll make some tweaks for the workshop version, adding another block or two of length to accomodate a food processor, fridge, armor locker, and O2 station. Since you raised us to 2 small generators I think I'll add a couple more thrusters as well.
    Robot Shark likes this.
  2. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    20171205170123_1.jpg My effort - The Cottonmouth.
    Won't redline in Omicron atmosphere, has constructor, medical facilities, a few mod-cons and storage. It'll dock three compact HVs to the back end and aside from a couple of spots (marked) outside the ship under the belly & on the roof, it's hotspot and rad free. Level 10 spawn with no Zasc or Eres.

    Inspired by the Prefab T1 SV and Jenniphurr's Zero G Copperhead SV

    20171205170204_1.jpg 20171205170237_1.jpg 20171205170854_1.jpg 20171205170244_1.jpg 20171205172830_1.jpg

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    Last edited: Dec 5, 2017
  3. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    Oh yeah, it's unarmed, but it'll warp :D
  4. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    That is sweet. The LG and compact size would make it easier to find a spot to land. The SV hangars are handy. I use SVs for fighting and CVs to avoid fighting.
  5. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I did not notice it before, but you have a hovering switch.

    Interesting way to work around the game mechanics...
    Using a line of airtight thin blocks behind the rampblocks to seal the ship, thats something I had never thought of.
    It fly's well, and does not red-line the generators.
    The warp core needs to be moved back, or the railing extended further out. You do get irradiated if you stand next to the railing.
    Not part of the challenge, but, the game also counts thin blocks as full blocks for collision purposes, I do not believe you would be able to fly a SV/HV into it.

    I do have a aesthetic suggestion for the bridge.

    I had a thought on that, are you on the experimental branch? Since I'm on the public release it would explain the red blueprint.

    It took me a second to find the hidden escape hatch near the bed, and I like how the deco display is visable while you are piloting the ship.
    It's responsive, does not redline the generators, and is safe for the pilot.
    From a role playing standpoint, it has a bed and shower, but no toilet. (insert witty joke here).

    Not part of the challenge, but the ship has buried thrusters and spotlights.
    If the devs ever enable thruster burn the ship would tear itself apart when activated, and the rear spotlight would be rendered non-functional if the devs fix the glitch where lights can shine through blocks. I'm mentioning these because I think both items are on the devs radar.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2017
  6. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    A question for the group about the ship I am working on.
    Would you consider this acceptable? or do I need to move the warp core to the roof?

  7. binhthuy71

    binhthuy71 Rear Admiral

    Oct 17, 2016
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    Got it in one. That's interesting because I tried not to use anything that hasn't been in the game for a good while. They probably made slight change to the name of something. I say that because the BP shows normally in my game. I'll try verifying my local files.
    @Fluffy, I think that's legit. I ran large and dangerous machinery for years. They put up a hazard warning and left the rest to your common sense. These are starter ships, if a warning sign isn't enough then they should stay on Akua. :D
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2017
  8. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Don't worry, as long as you do not use blocks that do not exist in the public release it should spawn with no issues.
    It's just a version mismatch.
  9. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Time to throw myself to the wolves.

    Introducing, the Dumbo Dome.

    It's a dome, with great-big "Ears" where the hanger bays are.
    It's the heaviest ship in the group (currently) but still comes in under the 1 kt limit.

    Feel free to try it out and tell me if I need to move the warp core.
  10. SirKnumskull

    SirKnumskull Captain

    Aug 25, 2017
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    You are. Same below the ship, my HV miners have their docking pads on back and I can park them under the ship despite there being a partial block in the way.

    I think the radiation hazard is super obvious and not really an area you have to go to all the time anyway so it would just take away from hangar space. Comes down to personal preference I guess.
  11. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    is not. Constructor is 2x2 :p
    (I know what you mean, perhaps a 90° turn of the constructor would be better though)
  12. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    absolutely alright!
    personally I'm still okay with marking the dangerous area just like

    (teaser pic from my second wip ship for the challenge)

    yes, when you go near the yellow marked area you will get rosted and high radioactivity... but as you pretend to be a space pirate eh captain... you should know that already ;)
  13. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    I tend to build my ships as if they were being marketed to the average consumer today.
    You know, the ones that need a warning label on a cup of coffee. :rolleyes:
    binhthuy71 and rucky like this.
  14. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Onto my second submission,

    Challenger One


    • Standard Steel to keep Ressources and Weight down (.. see upgrades below!)
    • Acceptable Manoeverability: 9m/s² lateral, brake and down Acceleration, 18m/s² main and up Acceleration,
      5.47deg/s² Pitch and 4.51deg/s² Yaw (.. see upgrades below!)
      All Thrusters are exposed!
    • Advanced Constructor (incl. PowerOn/Off-Switch)
    • 11x Large Cargo boxes
    • Food Processor (incl. PowerOn/Off-Switch)
    • 3x Large Fridges
    • 9x pre-plant Growing Plots
    • Warp drive, tank and Gravity Generator (incl. PowerOn/Off-Switch)
    • Full Medic Station, all 4 Scanners and living Stuff (Bed, Toilett, Shower, Armor Locker)
    • O2 Station, Ventilator; Ship is full oxygenated
    • 4x Cannon Turrets (.. see upgrades below!)
    • 2x Passenger Seats
    • Anything can be directly accessed!

    Possible Upgrades and Changes:
    • Upgrade Hull to Hardened Steel
    • (On the Roof remove both rear turrets for a landing area up to a medium SV)
    • Apply the following PowerUpgrades :
      • ADD Small (or Large T1) Generator between Warp drive and Ammo box
      • REPLACE the lattice textured Blocks with S-Thrusters; ASSIGN them to
        either ThrustersRCS_Space
        or ThrustersRCS (= on Planet)

    These Upgrades and Updates are incorporated in the Challenger Two.
    Of course then it's not fulfilling the challenge criterias anymore.
















    Challenger One (for this Challenge): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1222519291
    Challenger Two (as Upgrade): http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1222519741
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2017
  15. Hicks42

    Hicks42 Rear Admiral

    Dec 4, 2016
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    Hmm.. *looks around* Ok Be back in a couple of days. Got to go grind down the Abandoned Mine before I do this... design and build a salvage hover before that...hurm.... yeah .. couple days. *frowns* Damnit @Fluffy .
    Robot Shark likes this.
  16. Razorwire

    Razorwire Captain

    Jul 6, 2017
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    I was quite proud of that...
    And that :D
    It does! It's behind the bed, though it's got turned around, as has the bed...
    Did you find the sunroof?

    Yeah I know, but that wasn't in the challenge spec :D
    Gonna be really hard to build compact ships when that gets changed.

    So... Stung by the challenge to do just that, I revisited:
    Same ship as before, but thrusters exposed, O2 station moved inside, external medical equipment moved from nose to under the wings, Spot-lights exposed, innards re-arranged to make it happen, systems re-grouped, rear ambient lighting moved to accommodate thruster, toilet and bed rotated so you can see and access both, shower and toilet switched for aesthetic.
    Still can't make the logic stick, though the sensor equipment is there for automatic ramps and lights :(

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    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
  17. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    With everything turned on, the highest I was able to take the generators was 82%, it performs well in flight.
    No thruster/generator roastie toastie while walking around in the ship.
    But, you can walk right next to both the warp core and the tank, both are radioactive.
    I know you have those yellow lines that say "come not hither" but I am a fan of walling / railing them off so that the absent-minded do not grow a third eye.
    Not part of the challenge... But from a usability standpoint, there were a number of switches inside the ship I have no idea what they control. (one on the back of the pilots chair?)

    I did notice the "sunroof" the first time around, I was looking around, trying to find the door I heard opening and closing, until I finally realized it was above me.
    I meant to type it before, but you did a lot of texture work on this one.
    Also, front-docking HV's was not something I had thought of (I usually bottom or top dock). I was wondering what those three blocks were on the rear until I re-read the description.
    You did a good job un-burying the thrusters and rear spotlight.
    I also discovered that the ship has more goodies than I initially thought when I checked the control panel and saw it has things like a constructor. Since I did not see one walking around, I thought it did not have one.
    rucky likes this.
  18. Kahrek

    Kahrek Captain

    Mar 7, 2017
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    Only discovered this challenge today at work. So obviously when I got home I thought to myself "You can do this". I think I have a viable candidate but contrary to my usual self I feel like posting the WIP to get feedback from the masses before I go thru 2 days of texturing and painting. Well to be honest I am looking for a suggestion for color scheme / motif to give the ship.

    The construction is mostly regular steel with a few peices of armored windows (around the generators in back) and the cockpit. The ship has full amenities available at level 7 but can only be spanwed at level 10 because of the warp core and tank. 18 growth plots, 9 turrets a small docking back. The works... I think :)

    Dual Small Gen Challenge_2017-12-06_01-01-35.jpg Dual Small Gen Challenge_2017-12-06_01-00-42.jpg Dual Small Gen Challenge_2017-12-06_01-00-55.jpg Dual Small Gen Challenge_2017-12-06_01-01-04.jpg Dual Small Gen Challenge_2017-12-06_01-01-10.jpg Dual Small Gen Challenge_2017-12-06_01-01-14.jpg Dual Small Gen Challenge_2017-12-06_01-01-44.jpg Dual Small Gen Challenge_2017-12-06_01-01-57.jpg Dual Small Gen Challenge_2017-12-06_01-02-15.jpg

    Thoughts, critiques, compliments and suggestions are all welcome.
  19. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    I forgot... you're colorblind, correct? :( Sorry friend...

    buuuuut.... :D... they are all labeled in the Devices List :p
    and they are mostly next to the Device it controlls - besides that Chair-switch...


    Blue : Gravity Generator


    Pink : Growing light (the left one - both times)


    Green : Food Processor


    Brown : Constructor


    Okay, I give you that, what's that Switch for?
    It's the main Switch, controls Thrusters & RCS, I always have it near the pilot chair...
    (... to turn that off when landed - without going into control panel)


    edit: Oh I forgot to add, the Warp tank is not a problem (for me), if you wear at least the light armor.
    Warp tank: +45°C / 4.0R
    Light Armor protection: +45°C / 4.0R :p

    Warp tank:


    Light Armor:


    Yes you shouldn't work on the Reactor when you're just in a Bathrobe... :p
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2017
    Robot Shark likes this.
  20. Robot Shark

    Robot Shark Rear Admiral

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Nice, another size class 2 that is BARELY below the weight limit.
    W/O flying it I can only make one recommendation. Replace the walkway blocks on the exterior with thin truss blocks.
    Factory-wise, there is only 1 type of walkway block, it is not separated into large and small blocks like the others are.
    Which means that walkway blocks on a BA/CV only have 25 HP and thin truss blocks have 250 HP.
    We are talking about a weight difference of 20 kg Vs 120 kg, it's up to you if you think that row of devices on the outside need the extra protection.

    Yeppers, I'm color blind. It's why I do not use much color on my ships.

    Deuteranomaly: In males with deuteranomaly, the green cone photopigment is abnormal. Yellow and green appear redder and it is difficult to tell violet from blue. This condition is mild and doesn’t interfere with daily living. Deuteranomaly is the most common form of color blindness and is an X-linked disorder affecting 5 percent of males.
    monktk and rucky like this.

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