Claiming Derelict Ships

Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by Varlis, Aug 7, 2022.

  1. Varlis

    Varlis Ensign

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Hey guys,

    new to the game and enjoying it a lot so far. Originally coming from offline X-Series and now looking to play this with a friend on a PvE server (recommendations welcome, probably best to stay vanilla for a newbie start before going to Reforged Eden).

    However now I need advice on salvaging ships.

    I passed early game (I guess) with the survival part, build my HV and Base and eventually an SV. Did something wrong so went off the Tutorial but made it safely into space and to the Asteroid Belt. :)

    Here comes my question: I found a destroyed transport in the asteroid belt and (thanks to google) was able to replace the Core and claim it. I know planetary wrecks cannot be claimed, but I love salvaging and was happy to see that space derelict salvaging is a thing!

    BUT - How do you get it back to base? It is still severely damaged but would fly (I'd freeze to death though). However, that would mean I'd have to abandon my current ship? Is there no "fly to this location" command? No remote control? No tractor beam or anything of the sort?

    How do you guys do this? I dont want to build a throwaway SV every time I go salvaging!

    What am I missing? Many thanks in advance!
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2022
  2. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    When you are in the Transport open the Menu of the Vessel by hitting P, there go to Devices (in the top row) and check what parts are missing - normaly written in yellow on the top of the list. Maybe a Cockpit?
  3. Varlis

    Varlis Ensign

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Thanks Germanicus. As I wrote, it actually IS moving fine. I need the cockpit to avoid freezing to death and brought a spare on my second run.
    However, my question is more on how I can safely get both ships back home. The one I came with and the one I salvaged. Is it just one or the other?
  4. Germanicus

    Germanicus Rear Admiral

    Jan 22, 2018
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    jump into on of the Cockpits, press O so the Vessel levels out. go over to the other vessel and - if you have givien it Landing Gear - land on top of the previous Vessel and than you should be able to move with them together. But be warned. When reentering the Atmosphere of your Home Planet you may drop like a stone because the combined weight of both Vessels will pull you down. So eventually use the one Vessel that has more Thrusters.
  5. Varlis

    Varlis Ensign

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Understood. Will try that. Thanks!
    Germanicus likes this.

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