For more information see here Bug Report Template Build: 1.9.3 4018 Mode: Survival Mode: Dedi-Server SERVER NAME: Gigagaming SEED-ID: global seed = 1000 If applicable: MODIFIED PLAYFIELDS: Reforged Eden Atlantis Reproducibility: always / everyone Severity: depending on build / structure game breaking Type: Meshes Summary: Meshes of constructors is too big for its appearance and how they were since even before release 1.0 Description: If 1 block (2m) is between constructors, it is no langer "pass able" aka, one is not able to walk through those 2 meters of "air". Even just 1 constructor blocks the pathway of a 2 meter block... thus ANY small ship has a big chance to become unusable. Steps to Reproduce: 1) Have a constructor 1 block away from another constructor 2) Try to walk on that 1 block (2 meter) between constructor 1 and constructor 2 Screenshots, Crash Logs, any other Relevant Information or Download links:
Scenarios need to downgrade their unity projects and rebuild the bundles for the latest game update so it's a scenario specific issue.