
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. ObjectZero

    ObjectZero Commander

    Nov 13, 2014
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    @BlackStar7713 maybe a freeze drying unit. That while stop the count down timer for the food spoiling, you have to add water to the food again to eat it. How this water could be applied I'm not sure on yet.
  2. BlackStar7713

    BlackStar7713 Lieutenant

    Mar 6, 2015
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    @ObjectZero Maybe if they implement some kind of basiic on-hand crafting for the most basic tools, that could be there. Otherwise maybe a rightclick action in the inventory
  3. mcsproot

    mcsproot Commander

    Jun 27, 2015
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    As for the 'fridge food processor', I like the idea, but would also like to ask that this be a separate item on top of the regular food processor.

    I'm quite fond of leaving food in the processor to rot, doing some mining/exploring, and coming back to the spoiled food I can quickly make into nutrient solution.
  4. ObjectZero

    ObjectZero Commander

    Nov 13, 2014
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    That's the reason I put the idea up and freeze dryer unity and not an added item to the current food processor. Cause I also think as well it should be a later in game item. Something to work to.
  5. ObjectZero

    ObjectZero Commander

    Nov 13, 2014
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    @BlackStar7713 I've been pushing for a player crafting window for a while. I even have a break down for it on the suggestion forum, under the title "Starting from Zero".
  6. Shadefang

    Shadefang Ensign

    Jun 27, 2015
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    Personally (and I'm curious how this will go over here) I was hoping for a far more complex system. I personally love the way that space engineers does construction, where you make all the components of something but you can't just stick the block in your backpack, you have to assemble it in the field.
  7. imnebuddy

    imnebuddy Lieutenant

    Nov 14, 2014
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    I don't believe that every machine, item, weapon, and tool should be available (from the food processor, large constructor, etc.) right off the start. A technology tree needs to be implemented (@JayCo I don't mean now ;); I mean later down the road when it is the best time to do so). A research facility needs to be established so different technologies can be researched. Not only could this apply to crafting more items in the constructors, food processors, etc., it can also apply to improving player abilities. If gun stabilizers is researched, the player will have a device that holds the gun more steadily as the weapon is being fired. Improved cooking can make food processors cook food that offer higher stats in benefit to the players needs. The list can go on.
  8. JayCo

    JayCo Commander

    Jan 14, 2015
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    A research system is going to be implemented, the Science lab will be used to unlock items, not everything shall be available from the start.
  9. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    If PvP ever becomes a focus, then being able to build up from nothing sounds necessary.
  10. imnebuddy

    imnebuddy Lieutenant

    Nov 14, 2014
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    If you know the answer, was my additional add-on to the research system in mind for the developers to implement? The idea that I am talking about involves not only unlocking craftable items, but enchancing multiple things:

    • Improved Cooking: Food processor cooks food faster with higher output of satisfying hunger, stamina, etc.
    • Improved Mining: Be able to mine faster and at a larger distance.
    • Gun Stabilizers: Guns are pre-installed with a device that keeps the gun more stable as the player is shooting.
    • Fuel Efficiency: Fuel cells are longer-lasting.
    • Endurance Suit: Player is armed with a suit that allows him or her to jump higher and longer, endure longer sprints, etc.
    • Faster Construction: Constructors make items faster.
    • Better Scopes: More scopes are available to switch out and can zoom farther.
    • Laser Amplification: Laser weapons are now more powerful.
    • Breathing Tool: Player breathes more efficiently and oxygen tanks last longer.
    • Genetic Remodification: (This can apply for a lot of things, but here's an example: ) Wild food can be altered to be healthier for the player.
    • Space Boost: Thrusters are more powerful and are easier to control.
    • Interstellar Travel: Light Speed unlocked.
    • Improved Bullets: Bullets are more powerful and adjust to the best type according to the identified creature that is locked on target.
    • Etc.
    Bonsai likes this.
  11. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    We need a refinery to refine all the ores.
    Take all the ores out of the constructor they don't feel like they belong there.
    We also need a new fuel source for large space ships because running them on these fuel cells is very grinding and not very much fun.
    I would suggest Thorium and Thorium reactors that can only be built on large ships or space stations.
    Then you still need fuel cells for everything planet bound and it doesn't effect the games balance, but it does allow for factions to actually have wars, instead of everyone in the server just trying to survive .

    I would also suggest you can only find Thorium on a different planet, for example an E class planet. I chose E for Eleon.
    Star Trek use M for habitable class planets, that's the idea here.
    Or maybe on asteroids, whatever.

    Long term power source is desperately needed.
    Refinery is pretty important to I recon.
    Bonsai likes this.
  12. Bonsai

    Bonsai Ensign

    Aug 6, 2015
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    Since I am a new player (since the alpha release on steam), I may mention something that has been mentioned in this thread before, but I did quite a bunch of reading through every post to finish mine.

    I definitely like the idea of having more machines/devices like:
    They should be researchable in the hopefully upcoming research system as well .
    I'd like to see a complete overhaul:
    - I would love toat least be able to "scroll" through the crafting menus with the mouse wheel!
    - Being able to filter the crafting menu would also make it easier to not accidently craft e.g. a thruster for a GV when you wanted to craft one for a SV (The 4 colours are a nice start but are not enough imho). I have 2 ideas of how to achieve this: 1. "Clicking" on the "new" buttons View attachment 749 to only see the selected one/ones. 2. Having more tabs for devices.
    - Overall having more crafting tabs would help.
    -Having a "search" field would also greatly improve the survey. Not just to filter the typed-in letters but also to see the use/uses of the searched item/resource/device.
    Maybe you could have a voice telling the player when "selected" templates in the craftingqueue are ready. This should be heard even when the player is on a mining trip or far away(maybe needs to be researched?(Communicationsystem)). For example when a Fuel Tank or even Metal Components are ready and you selected it to be told about: "Fuel Tank constructed." or "All Metal Components assembled." or "Craftingqueue from Large Constructor (1) is finished.".

    Give the players an option to rename devices/bases/vessels/ships/etc.

    I am also a Factorio player and i love to be able to see the "Total Raw Input" e.g. the raw input for a device + its total craftingtime.
    To make a new system not used by any game (atleast as far as I know) is:
    Having to turn off the Constructor to clear stuff out does apply quite nice to this.
    I do like to have to turn off the constructor to clear stuff out, but if for example it started to craft a template you should get back the items it took when you clear the last one from the queue.

    I definitely like the ideas of Shroomworks.

    I can only agree here!

    All 3 suggestions are great!

    I really like this one.

    This is all for now.
  13. Captain_Brian

    Captain_Brian Commander

    Aug 5, 2015
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    The constructor absolutely needs to reserve all necessary components when queuing things up. It only does the 1st item currently.

    Right now, the queue allows you to add items that you wont be able to build because other items in the queue will use up needed components. Then it just silently removes them from the queue when it gets to them. This is an ABSOLUTE NIGHTMARE and a pain in the butt when trying to queue up items. PLEASE ADD THIS!

    Additionally, it needs to be smart enough to build all required components so that you could just queue up a higher tier item if you have all the necessary components/ingots.

    • Player adds a Hull Block to the constructor queue.
    • Constructor checks inventory and sees that there is only 1 metal plate but a lot of iron ingots.
    • Constructor adds 1 metal plate to queue before the hull block.
    • Constructor also reserves the metal plate in inventory so that additional items in the queue wont rely on it.

    Basically, the constructor should never let you add something to the queue if you can't build it, and it should be smart enough to add per-requisites to the queue if you can build them.

    Also, you should be able to break everything down (deconstruct) to it's smallest parts (ingots).

    Also also, is it just me, or does the constructor not work when you're not around it? This is really annoying as I'd ideally want to go out and mine or explore while it's working rather than be forced to sit around staring at it.
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2015
    Tinfoil Chef likes this.
  14. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    This has been brought up before. The general consensus and the developer rumblings indicate that, as this is an alpha, you can expect better options to be researchable down the road once researching is implemented. Starting equipment is going to be barebones functionality so that you can build it in a hurry, expect to be able to research more advanced models and blocks with superior functionality after future updates.

    Also, read/search forums/lurk a bit more.
  15. Captain_Brian

    Captain_Brian Commander

    Aug 5, 2015
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    I know it's been brought up before, I don't need to read/search/lurk more. Seems pretty rude to tell somebody that.

    If everyone just clammed up about what bothered them as soon as a single person brought it up then there'd be no way to measure what issues bugged the most people. Right now this is on the top of my list of things that bug me in this game, so I'm gonna bring it up if someone asks for my feedback on it (this thread).

    No need to basically tell newcomers to bugger off when they're trying to express what is bothering them about the purchase they made, in a place that was specifically designed for it (this thread). I mean, unless you just want to drive them off and disrupt word-of-mouth sales. If you want to self-moderate since you've been here awhile then fine, but just know it doesn't help anything if you're doing it when it isn't appropriate.

    P.S. Spaceballs is the best movie ever and your avatar is awesome.
  16. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Yeah, but it's also annoying when new people make the same suggested fixes as though no one else could think of it. Kind of insulting to everyone else's intelligence.

    Also, those were options, not a suggestion that you do all three. That being said, people who don't do their research are well-advised to keep their own counsel if they want to avoid looking foolish, no?
    Last edited: Aug 7, 2015
  17. Captain_Brian

    Captain_Brian Commander

    Aug 5, 2015
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    You do understand that you're actually making things worse, right? You're at least doubling or tripling the post count for every "duplicate" suggestion since you come in after and tell people to quit posting duplicate suggestions, not to mention discouraging new posters who are trying to help with feedback in a forum designed for feedback.

    It would be more productive to just ignore it, since the next newbie isn't going to read your posts any more than he's going to read prior discussions on the topic. As far as duplicate suggestions insulting everyone else's intelligence and looking foolish, come on man. Take it easy, it's a discussion forum.
  18. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Mn. Internal consistency is not your forte, is it? If no one is going to read it, why does it matter if I'm doubling or tripling post counts? And your fallacy here is that you assume I'm doing this to every newbie. It's just you and your suggestions that I'm objecting to.

    So far as taking it're the one that was apparently provoked by my suggestion that you educate yourself before posting, and then responded with the rather snooty claim that you don't need to read or search the forums. Heed your own advice.
  19. Captain_Brian

    Captain_Brian Commander

    Aug 5, 2015
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    Snooty? I give up. You're right. This isn't a positive experience for newcomers and comes off as elitist and hostile, but fine. I'm done either way.

    P.S. Spaceballs really is awesome, too bad we couldn't get along.
  20. Nydilius

    Nydilius Lieutenant

    Aug 8, 2015
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    I also love that system. But I can understand why they didn't go that route, so you can't just yank up a big complex piece of machinery and throw it back down right away.

    I would like 3 things tho:

    1 - Follow the SE method just for armor. Being able to make/cut hull would be a godsend. Hate missing 2 corner pieces and having to go construct 2 more back at base. It would be nice to be go out with a bunch of plates and build the hull, trimming and modifying freely without worrying about running out of corners, ramps, inner edges, etc. For anything other than armor I'm okay with going back and rebuilding at a constructor.

    2 - Eventually if empyrion plans on adding heavier armors, a way to directly upgrade light armor without pulling it apart and replacing it.

    3 - Please change the repair tool from a kerchunk sound when removing to a cutting torch sound. :p

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