
Discussion in 'FAQ & Feedback' started by EleonGameStudios, Jun 26, 2015.

  1. Otterbear

    Otterbear Commander

    Oct 24, 2015
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    lol, If my LIGHTS are fridge is on. I don't need the sound of a 747 sitting next to me to remind me of the fact. :)
  2. Nick

    Nick Commander

    Dec 20, 2014
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    Agree with everyone who would like to be able to click on an item and have it automatically queue up all the subcomponents. For a machine that should be an easy thing to do.

    For a human we either need to scribble it all down on paper, work up an excel spreadsheet or download a crafting calculator or visit a website. These are all things which pull you out of the game and that's not ideal.
  3. Otterbear

    Otterbear Commander

    Oct 24, 2015
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    I think the advanced constructor does that...right?
    The Less-advanced constructors do require a bit more work...but that gives me a goal to achieve. "I got to get me an advanced constructor!" (Yes, you can get all the required components to make one, without leaving your starting planet. But, you may have to work a bit for em.) *Bring ammo!
    HeadHunter likes this.
  4. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    Right ;)
  5. Nick

    Nick Commander

    Dec 20, 2014
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    I noticed that looking in the wiki last night. I'm doubtful there'd be much sense of achievement though.

    Just from sitting in my base and letting drones come to me I quickly build up a large stash of components. So by the time I can make an advanced constructor that advantage is effectively gone.

    So it's only annoying at the beginning of a game. Given the internet it'd be much easier for most people to google a guide to find out what to queue up rather than work it out and that's what this game mechanic will achieve.
  6. Frankyln

    Frankyln Rear Admiral

    Sep 13, 2015
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    That the thing with the crafting system it is designed for progression limiting not as a survival tool. If crafting was a survival tool you would have two options repair using raw material or de construct for parts. For repair you would need an available broken part recovered from human tech. for de construct you could take a broken part and deconstruct it for parts. Random amount salvaged of broken and functional. I would also add a research function to break down and retool alien componemts as substitute component for repairing. In this way you need to salvage and recover. Ore could be used as a sorta base cost. Base cost + functioning parts to repair a salvaged component. So in general you ca no longer make components. You need to get your components threw scavenging then repair/retooling them.
  7. Scruggs

    Scruggs Ensign

    Nov 20, 2015
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    With the addition of tech trees and the inability to make the advanced constructor for a very long time, crafting is tedious. Without auto-crafting, you're almost forced to sit next to the constructor to make sure the object you're making gets completed. I feel the faster crafting speed of the advanced constructor would be enough of a benefit to warrant it later on, and that ALL constructors should auto-build required components. Auto-build would be much more newcomer friendly and would allow you to do focus on other things in the early game while the important parts of your base are being built.
  8. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    I have to disagree, it's not that hard to have a stock of components built up. By the time you can get the advanced constructor, you're basically full of loot from drones and POIs that there's enough of the components to not need autocrafting.
  9. Otterbear

    Otterbear Commander

    Oct 24, 2015
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    Yes, and no. You will/should have a pretty hefty supply of spare resources by the time you can get an advanced constructor, BUT...IMHO, auto-crafting is a VERY nice feature to look forward to, and does take a LOT of tedium out of crafting. Its the first upgrade I work for. :)
  10. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    My 2 cents on constructor vs advanced constructor.

    To me this isn't about whether it's hard to use the pre-advanced constructor(s). I play games for fun, so I like to reason in terms of 'fun' and 'unfun'. What I experience as unfun is having to manually select all the parts I need for an item. It's tedious really, especially before I had discovered the item calculator. Sure, once I start mining some ore I just make 100+ of each item but before that I prefer to only make the parts I really need (limited starter resources and all).

    For me the noticeable differences are:

    Advanced Constructor - no tedious fiddling around with parts; makes me a very happy man
    Pre-advanced constructor - unfun and costs more time than I would like to spend at the constructor

    What I do nowadays is just use the item calculator (see Hangerbay section on forums), have it calculate exactly what parts I need and set the constructor to work so I can make the items I actually want upon returning. It's not like it's a major issue but if the majority of players is using the constructor + third party tools, the devs might want to reconsider making all constructors function the same way as advanced constructors do.

    So to sum it up, I agree with Scruggs' earlier statement; it would be more "noob" friendly and the advanced constructor is still rewarding if it constructs faster than the constructors before that.
    Nick and Otterbear like this.
  11. Muffinman

    Muffinman Commander

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Allow auto-crafting in all constructors. Reduce crafting time in advance constructor, with increased energy expenditure, and allow for a small bonus to crafting such that you get 1 free item for every five crafted of the same due to more efficient resource use.
  12. Navonil Mukherjee

    Navonil Mukherjee Captain

    Aug 14, 2015
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    If every constructor become like Adv constructor, then there would be no need of any intermediate items.. it would like feeding Iron, Copper and Silicon Ore to the constructor and it will make a computer for you... which seems very illogical (more illogical than only one constructor can make every types of item, from bed to ship thrusters)
  13. Muffinman

    Muffinman Commander

    Aug 16, 2015
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    No, the intermediates are still needed since they are still part of the recipe. The only change is you don't have to deal with the intermediates and the tedium. Factorio hit it right with the autocrafting and auto-queuing abilities. There are more interesting things to do in the game than playing around with the constructor.
  14. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    Eh, partially. Things like cables that you get two per ingot and sometimes are required in odd numbers throw it off, but if autocrafting becomes standard, there really is no reason for anything other than ingots.

    Or even refining them, honestly. Just toss in raw ores, energy, and bam. Fuel tank, cockpit, turret, whatever.
    Otterbear likes this.
  15. Muffinman

    Muffinman Commander

    Aug 16, 2015
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    Sure you can still allow the intermediates to be useful. Make things breakdown and have a service timer or need some intermediates to work. There is always a work around to reduce tedium without reducing complexity. I don't mean to say everything must have consumables, but just some things.

    For example, the core might need electronics as consumables. The generator might need reactors and electronic as consumables. The turrets might need controllers as consumables. The enhancements in the slots of your suit could be made to need consumables.

    So, it is not either this or that. Of course, one can say that these consumables add another layer of tedium. I would agree if it is implemented in a way to make it so; say instead of dropping a stack of electronics into the core the devs allowed only one.

    Regarding recipes with odd number, a simple fix is to change it to even number. :)

    I think even if you disagree with my approach, you would agree that the fun in this game does not revolve around staring at or queuing things in the constructor, but building stuff with those things.
    Otterbear likes this.
  16. Alo

    Alo Captain

    Oct 20, 2015
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    My initial reaction was: "But we can just as well use ingots if we need to repair items that have broken down". However, I then realized I'd probably experience this as somewhat 'immersion breaking'. The repairtool is just a handheld drill/magic-fix-wand and it can't produce items out of an entire ingot.

    So yes, I kinda like this idea. To me it makes sense to create some electronics and cables to go fix X item instead of just keeping my mouse button pressed while some promethium powered drill magically fixes everything (dissing the repairtool to make a point, not trying to be a dick to the repairtool mind you).

    Then again; immersive as this might seem me I'm a bit hessitant to vote all-out yes on this because it will also create another "timesink" (albeit an immersive one). I guess I'd have to experience a feature like this before I can pass judgement :)
    Otterbear likes this.
  17. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I agree with having the auto-craft in all of the constructors. Maybe not the survival one, but all the others. The improvements should be in crafting time and efficiency or whatever.

    If anything in the game is grindy at this point it's not the XP but the crafting, at least with my style of play where I like to build things. It took me something like an hour and a half to make turrets for my CV, with two advanced constructors. That was just the turrets, not even counting the thousands of blocks I had to make. You might be able to speed that up a bit by having a large army of constructors, but then you just spend a bunch of that time dividing out the ingots/parts between all the constructors, or trying to keep up with moving stuff back and forth, which is even more annoying because you can't even AFK for that.

    Also TFW you have 3000 blocks queued and you realize you need to craft something else real quick. When, "maybe it'd be faster to empty out and destroy the constructor and then build a new one," is a consideration you know something needs to be fixed. The constructors desperately need the ability to alter and rearrange the queue while it's running.

    And also a way to share resources between constructors (and food processors) or have them all pull stuff from a common container.

    And a way to add/subtract 100 at a time instead of just 10.

    And that's all I need. I don't need anything else.

    And a way to clear a stack from the queue.

    And the ability to make a survival constructor and pick them up.

    And this lamp.
    Otterbear likes this.
  18. Otterbear

    Otterbear Commander

    Oct 24, 2015
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    "...and this remote,....and this chair."

    I do agree with all the other stuff you said as well. In fact I think ALL the suggestions sound good.
  19. Eviscerator

    Eviscerator Commander

    Nov 12, 2014
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    I'll grant that building thousands of blocks for a CV is going to be a pain once there's a reason to make one.

    But their recipe is so simple that autocrafting can't simplify it much further. It seems like part of the issue is how construction is handled. Perhaps we need basic blocks, and to upgrade them with a tool and raw materials instead of needing a constructor for everything?
  20. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    Yeah, faster constructors as an upgrade you earn through research or whatever means. Something. I mean, if you're building a CV that doesn't include thousands of blocks, WTF are you even doing? ;)

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