I've been expiramenting on Destiny server with custom AI CV's. It works very similar to creating custom AI bases. 1. Build it in creative mode 2. Replace core with Alien Core 3. Blueprint 4. Create a unique group name (no spaces or characters) 5. Transfer the file from the blueprints folder to prefabs in content 6. Open up your favorite orbit yaml in notepad++ and replace "freighter" with the group name you gave your AI CV. This works perfectly fine in single player running on the same machine/Empyrion install. Question for the community... Has anyone been able to make a custom AI CV on one machine and transfer it to another machine running a dedicated server and not run into issues. (I believe this has to do something with the "group") If so please post! Below is a link with a decent size CV painted and all with Alien weapons, containers, and Alien Core (the fixed weapons are there for decoration) https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1PqytyyTmFQR29VZEd0QjdJSE0
Its the same process for dedicated servers. In the group, you can have 30 or more BPs, the game then selects one of the 30 randomly to spawn. If you have just 1 in the group, only one BP will spawn always and always the same BP..
Thanks, that narrows things down a bit. The custom AI in the link is still not spawning. I created the group "Galori" from my blueprints using the Empyrion install on the server. In the yaml I changed Freighter to Galori in the orbits located in the template folder. Wiped the orbits and restarted the server... still nothing. I did notice that only 2 out of the 4 orbits (SpaceAsteroidFeild) that use "freighter" are spawning the AI CV. I am wondering if it is nothing to do with the custom CV but maybe the game is only able to handle so many at one time with all of those playfeilds running.
The custom AI CV's work!!! They fire at players, move along the path points, and fly backwards, upside down, and sideways instead of forward. Lesson learned: whenever creating the custom AI CV, the orientation is based off the pilot seat of the original Cv starter block. I now have a playfeild with two red moons, alien bases and satellites in orbits, the Dreadnaught flying in between the moons and Z & E Asteroids instead of sathuim. Alpha 5 is awesome! If anyone out there is trying to get custom AI CV's to work on there server feel free to message me and add me on steam. Steam Name: Timotiagilmorious
How many waypoints (path) can you set for the frieghter (CV)? and it will disappear and a new one spawn at the timer respawn interval?
Waypoints - I've only gotten 2 to work in a straight line. Think 2D. Respawn - It will blow up in 30 minutes after the Core is removed, disappear and reappear. God mode Invisible - Do not approach it as GMI will instantly glitch it - froze the game client side on my single player tests.
Im testing around with CVs, POIs working great so im not a beginner, but where i can find the POIs, CVs in playfield.yaml which spawn in orbit? Guess im still a beginner lol
Ah, that is a sign that your not a beginner especially if you customize literally everything in your playfeilds folder. You need to get ahold of a current unedited Orbit from Alpha 5 (you may have to delete an orbit from your playfeilds folder in contents and verify your files via Steam) After that open up the playfeild in notepad++ and the code for the "freighter" will be at the end of the yaml.
Note: The link with the Alien ship in this thread has not been tested yet in 5.1 but it's sister ship had to be edited for the patch before it would spawn. I recommend creating the vessel in Alpha 5.1 Creative.
Awesome. I'll have to try out the three waypoints Again. Could just be my buggy dreadnuaght that can't decide what direction it wants to fly lol.
Great Post! I recommend that anyone interested in AI CV's refer to Reytag's post. Everything is clearly explained and the code is available their.
yip. but the 5.1 update breaks it. and i was thinking im still made something wrong lol, before i found the pot from Reytag.
Isnt broken for me at 5.1.0, and now Im on 5.2.0 and its still working on my server fine. But better than that, you can create a new group called war or whatever and send a heap of war ships to escort the freighters for those who want a real challenge, I had 5 escort ships spawn in all around the freighter, I have the freighter at 5 m/s, and the warships from 4m/s spread to 8m/s and spawning in just behind the freighter, looks like a real pack of organized ships on a freight route, works like a charm even with multiple ships in the group, just spawns the as 01 02 03 04 etc on end of nametag. Damned hard to beat 6 ships in total like that all moving. My planets update in the hanger bay section has edited into most space playfields these very 5 war ships in todays tests, spawning in with the freighter, if you want an easy way to see it in action, there it is. Only set up for dedicated servers though at this stage. PS, the 5 warships are straight off workshop, modified and put into the game, I even used that huge sandcrab from starwars, cant remember the builder but what a great job , its a CV .
One of my CV's did spawn that was in the freighter group with the name "CV_Echo" I forgot it ever existed lol. It was flying without issue. My other ones would spawn and instantly self destruct or spawn with an alien Core that said "player Core" What I discovered with 5.2 is that once the alien Core is placed in your AI CV... instantly save the blueprint and don't modify it in anyway... don't use a device, don't press "P", don't move, just alt-O as soon as the alien Core is placed. Group it as freighter and your AI CV will be perfectly fine. Was curious if anyone has gotten an AI CV to work an admin Core... if they fix the group issue I'm planning on having some decorative ships to fly around my peaceful worlds.
Puddle your awesome... that gave me the idea of a "Zirax War Fleet" to circle around my "Zirax Home-world" will be posting it on the planet sharing thread when the bugs are worked it. So far it has 3 Custom POI groups, 6 Custom AI CV, and Defense satellites in orbit.
We had this idea since 5.0 but it wont work with 5.1 anymore. Freighter with an escort. But every other group name than "Freighters" will result in spawn of the original freighters. Now 5.2. is stable will give it another try now. If this really works what you are saying, why not sharing them?