Custom Playfields by Vexray

Discussion in 'Planets & Playfields' started by Vexray, Jul 17, 2016.

  1. piddlefoot

    piddlefoot Rear Admiral

    Mar 4, 2015
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    If you want to add something to these maps that would really change the overall world , right now it would have to be more custom POIs, on the servers I have visited these custom POIs that server operators have been putting in have been a HUGE smash hit with players, and when them planets are re-newed I watch the rush of players flock to these PvP areas for the chance at an Epic weapon and they fight eachother for the POIs, its been really fantastic, so if your looking for ideas to improve your maps that would be my number one suggestion.
  2. microman

    microman Ensign

    Aug 6, 2016
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    You have probably seen this but there is a Lenovo planet contest going on for anyone interested ;)!view
  3. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I'd like to use some of your custom planets in my next Let's Play series. Let me know if you're cool with that, and if you have any recommendations or favorites. :)
  4. Vexray

    Vexray Captain

    May 12, 2016
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    @piddlefoot , The folder i gave you actually has some of my custom POIs i made, they arent located on the custom planets yet but if you look at the "Lorien Contested" areas you should be able to find them! The Lorien Weapon Facility was added but is cosmetically incomplete. Still working on textures and stuff, but its a T6 Raid Difficulty POI. Very Very difficult but lots of fun to raid!

    @LiftPizzas your more than welcome to use them. The files for everything needed should be on the orriginal post (google drop box near top) Alot of players would claim that Andromeda, Ovus and Mios are favorites, Its very hard for me to choose but I think Ovus and Piercia are mine.
    LiftPizzas likes this.
  5. Spikaner

    Spikaner Lieutenant

    Jun 2, 2016
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    Where can I find what Ores are on the planet?
  6. Vexray

    Vexray Captain

    May 12, 2016
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  7. Thamian

    Thamian Ensign

    Aug 13, 2016
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    Hi there Vex,

    thanks for releasing the planets and thank you very much for all the great work you have done on your server. I´m trying to keep the spirit up with the Story of Scarab vs Lorien on my old server and i used the planets you released here cause they are just outstanding looking.
    Now i have some issues you may help. On Vulca the Bedrock don´t want to spawn and on all planets the creatures won´t spawn like on Akua or Omicron.
  8. Ganelon

    Ganelon Commander

    Jun 1, 2016
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    Vexray... thanks for sharing your passion! Question... I've tested adding one world to an existing vanilla nitro server.
    I added Lumia to the SE quad of the sector map. I added the planet folder to the save folder's playfield.
    The world did spawn... but the space map was all out of proportion... I then stopped the server and made Lumia closer to Akua (12.5 AU).
    Back in the game, the mapped looks okay, but would crash the server if I dragged the map in the UI.

    So: What I am asking is... what is the proper way to add the planets to a dedi server based on if it is a new dedi or existing dedi?
    Also... it there a limit to the planets you can safely run on a server?
  9. Vexray

    Vexray Captain

    May 12, 2016
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    Each planet runs as its own process, so the more the planets the more total ram usage the server is going to have. This is what actually caused the closure of my own server. We were up to 30 gigs of ram usage wich is astronomical. I sincerely hope that they optimize how planets or playfields are run in the game because as it stands right now i cant see it being even possible for them to add procedural galaxy in its current state, the cost of resouce usage would alone fry computers. As far as the planets go, im not sure what your refuring to with "space map" were you using my sector file?
  10. Ganelon

    Ganelon Commander

    Jun 1, 2016
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    That makes sense. I was only starting up with the base planets + Lumia.

    As for the space map, I was describing the Map that shows the actual planets in the sector UI. I originally added Lumia t good distance SE from Masperon. it seems like the planet spread got all out of wack, and when I dragged the map to see if I could find the other planets, the server crashed. Once I moved Lumia closer, the spread looked okay... but dragging the map (to see how far I could) initiated anouther freeze/crash. This may simply be that the server (low ram) reached it's limit.

    I had no idea about the 1gb limit. I imagine they would flush the ram on a system where no one is present... then load up on visitation. So... does that mean if there are 8 players, each on a planet... it would load 8GB?

    Yeah... I cannot see procedural galaxies based on that.
  11. Vexray

    Vexray Captain

    May 12, 2016
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    Sneak Peak for the new planet! Alphine: Planet of the Scorched Forest 2f6f887486beef493f71683aaaf865a7.gif
  12. Vexray

    Vexray Captain

    May 12, 2016
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    New Planet Available! Alphine: Planet of the Scorched Forest
    2f6f887486beef493f71683aaaf865a7.gif 4e6e8e897bc82c7804f689b1dfface96.jpg 6f3d6f030df053e2006d7840922fe589.gif 64387dea41f37e1c4395af14c61603ae.jpg b9ed28ddf792e71775b0cf274fcfc2c7.jpg bbe15e1835063d201737fba74eb1671f.jpg ccef4ac87f94e349d8143579b017c36e.jpg e8e98fd99fd9af836d23c5761825b567.jpg

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  13. Talk2Rider

    Talk2Rider Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Alphine just has area files? No playfield.yaml?
  14. Vexray

    Vexray Captain

    May 12, 2016
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    Oops, did i post the wrong zip? Ill double check, sorry bud
  15. Talk2Rider

    Talk2Rider Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Thanks, Vexray. I will add it to my map. Do you have preferred coordinates for Alphine? I assume it is way out there....

    In fact, it might be kinda fun for us to have a shared map where our planet builders can claim a spot in the universe. Kind of like the internet DNS .
  16. LiftPizzas

    LiftPizzas Rear Admiral

    Sep 28, 2015
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    I wanna claim all the good coordinates and then try to sell them for 5000 times what they're worth with spammy "parked" planets.
  17. Talk2Rider

    Talk2Rider Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2016
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    I placed Alphine really close to Akua...looks pretty cool in the night sky! lol.
  18. Kihoju

    Kihoju Ensign

    Aug 25, 2016
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    Hi Vexray, very nice job you have made! I downloaded all your planets, and added them without any problem to my save (SP). However, when i try to add them into \Empyrion\Content to be able to start a new game with them, the game crashes, sending me a cyclic error (continue/send mail, if i click continue the error pops up again). Any idea of what i might have been doing wrong?

    I added the planet into \Content\Playfields, changed the sector.yaml and added the prefabs files & the Template folder to \Content\Prefabs.

    I suppose the problem is the template folder, but honestly i have no idea where to put it :\
  19. Talk2Rider

    Talk2Rider Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2016
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    I am having a similar issue. I have a game I am playing that has a bunch of new planets and that save game works fine. But I can't start a new one. I imagine we can figure it out....I think the problem is probably not limited to Vexray's planets, but any additions to the game. There is probably something we are unaware of. I'll keep you posted on what I figure out. I'm sure that if we all work on it one of us will find the solution.
  20. Talk2Rider

    Talk2Rider Lieutenant

    Aug 21, 2016
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    Alright, I was able to get my New Game issues fixed. I don't have a lot of answers for you on what the issue was, but I can tell you what I did. First, starting a new game takes a lot of memory. I would recommend you reboot and have as much available RAM as possible. I only have 8GB of RAM, and I believe it took about 14GB of RAM to start a new game with all the planets I have.

    Next, I made sure that all of the planet playfields had map.raw and map_n.raw files . I just copied the ones from Desert to each playfield. They should be about 10.6MB each. Don't worry, the game will make you new ones in your game save.

    Lastly, I made sure to remove spaces after each of the lines in the sectors.yaml -- so after the last ] on each line there is just a carriage return (ENTER key) --- except for the very last line. On the very last line, after the ] leave two spaces and NO carriage return. I've attached my sectors file with 36 Coordinates to this message so you can see what I mean. If you choose to use that sectors file, be sure you keep a backup of the original one and any others you are working on and remove from the sectors.yaml any playfields listed in the sectors.yaml that you don't have. You can leave playfield folders that are not referenced in the sectors.yaml file where they are.

    I hope that if you are having issues starting a new game this information might help. I have no real idea which of the above is truly the problem, but maybe we'll learn which thing is the culprit soon.

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    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016

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