Custom SpacePatrol Vessel issue

Discussion in 'Planets & Playfields' started by TheRogueX, Mar 17, 2018.

  1. TheRogueX

    TheRogueX Lieutenant

    Jan 17, 2018
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    So I converted a blueprinted CV into an alien patrol vessel and put the appropriate code into the playfield.yaml file. For some reason, if I set it to the SpacePatrol mission it will not move. Not only that, it immediately shuts down its engines and then will not allow me to turn them on again (if I do, they shut off again immediately). Drones spawn from it and its guns all fire without hesitation; I just can't get it to actually patrol.

    This same ship, if set to Freighter mission and given a path, will fly just fine.

    Here is the contents of the playfield.yaml file - perhaps you all can also help me figure out why the local playfield map won't open (I get a CME error every time I try to open it).

    # Playfield Configuration
    # IMPORTANT: YAML files use spaces as indentation. Please don't use TABs - tab indentation is forbidden:
    # Playfield Characteristics
    Gravity: 0                          # Please don't change
    AtmosphereEnabled: False            # Please don't change
    PvP: False                          # Set to True to allow PvP in this playfield, default is False
    UseFixed: True                      # If set uses fixed drones
    Radiation: 21
    TemperatureDay: -130   
    Music: orbiting                 
    # Playfield difficulty (has impact on experience gains)
    Difficulty: 3                       # Between 2 and 5: larger values indicate higher difficulty
    # Planet or Space
    PlayfieldType: Space               # Please don't change
    PlanetType: Space                  # No functionality yet
    Description: "Legends amongst the Xenu say that a Human ship was destroyed in orbit of Vulcanis, yet it still hunts any who dare tresspass..."
    # Sun                             
    SunFlare: EnvironmentalEffects/SunFlareWhite4Space
    # Stars
    Stars: SkyboxStarsBlack                     
    # Nebula
    Nebula: PrefabNebulaBlueGlittery
    # Drones
            - Name: MainDroneBase
              Pos: [ 5000, 200, 5000 ]      # position coordinates
                - Name: SpaceDronePlasma
                  Pos: [ 4000, 200, 4000 ]
                  Radius: 350
                - Name: SpaceDronePlasma
                  Pos: [ -4000, -200, 4000 ]
                  Radius: 350
                - Name: SpaceDronePlasma
                  Pos: [ 4000, 200, -4000 ]
                  Radius: 350
                - Name: SpaceDronePlasma
                  Pos: [ -4000, -200, -4000 ]
                  Radius: 350
                - Name: PV_Ghost_Hyperion             # Name of the prefab group or name of the prefab
                  FixedMaxSpeed: 35
                  Mission: SpacePatrol                # Mission among : {SpacePatrol,Freighter}
                      Position3D: [-3000, 1500, 3000] # Center of the patrol area. On planet cooridnate-Y has no use.
                      Radius: 800
                      DistToGround: 0                 # Distance to the ground of the patrol. In space it has no use.
                    - Name: SpaceDronePlasma          # Name of drone 
                      Amount: 5                       # Amount of drones in stock       
                      Extra: 0                        # Type of drone 0..3 -> see comment above
                    - Name: SpaceDroneLaser
                      Amount: 10
                - Name: PV_Ghost_Hyperion             # Name of the prefab group or name of the prefab
                  FixedMaxSpeed: 35
                  Mission: Freighter                  # Mission among : {SpacePatrol,Freighter}
                    DelayBetweenRespawn: 360
                    - [ -8000, 2000, 0 ]
                    - [ 8000, 2000, 8000 ]
                    - Name: SpaceDronePlasma          # Name of drone 
                      Amount: 5                       # Amount of drones in stock       
                      Extra: 0                        # Type of drone 0..3 -> see comment above
    I really appreciate any help you guys can give me, this has me stumped.
  2. TheRogueX

    TheRogueX Lieutenant

    Jan 17, 2018
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    I tested this with a regular carrier.. it seems that SpacePatrol vessels stop moving and shut their engines down once they start attacking. They then seem to never turn them back on and start moving ever again. Is this a bug?
  3. Hummel-o-War

    Hummel-o-War Administrator Staff Member Community Manager

    • Developer
    Jun 15, 2015
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    Possibly yes. Please add a bug report so we can track it!
    spacefarmer likes this.
  4. rucky

    rucky Rear Admiral

    May 29, 2017
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    Space Patrol Vessel and Combat there is extreme buggy sadly:
    Still the Ghost Ship Bug is ALWAYS happening at least once when facing 4+ AI ships

    The Turret-related Bug affecting fixed weapons on Space CVs and Planet HVs is still existing too:
    Non-user-controlled automatic Reloading of the actual fixed weapons when some Turret is reloading hindering firing that weapon type

    I'm in the Making of a Combat Test Scenario for both land and space combat, where the Space Combat is about finished.
    It's extremely fun, but these two Bugs (especially the second one) do really get frustrating.

    Not really noticed my AI Ships do stop though besides I either destroyed it's Power (tanks or gen) or the Core.

    edit: to make that clear, "Ghost-Ship" means that AI Vessel is still moving, also creating Drones (which are existent and massiv) but itself is NOT shooting and also NOT massive, that is can NOT be shot/damaged and can be flown through.
    This is ALWAYS happening at least at one AI Ship when facing multiple ones.

    edit2: and the third Bug still coming once in a time (already logged as I had already provided a Save with that reproducable Bug): you get blocks even full sections of other structures when flying near them / the other structure get that from you
    Last edited: Mar 17, 2018
    Sephrajin likes this.
  5. The Tactician[ Λ ]

    The Tactician[ Λ ] Rear Admiral

    Sep 8, 2017
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    hope this gets fixed in near future its my favorite thing to do in pve on this game
    Sephrajin likes this.

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