database reconsiliation command

Discussion in 'Suggestions' started by Hawkie, Feb 18, 2021.


Do you?

  1. Totally agree

    2 vote(s)
  2. Totally disagree

    0 vote(s)
  3. Agree, but dont want option for other db engines

    0 vote(s)
  4. I have no clue whatsoever

    1 vote(s)
  1. Hawkie

    Hawkie Commander

    Dec 7, 2018
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    After you started using SQLite, you got a performance degradation, and as you tried to correct it using WAL in memory changelog, it has become really worse. Especially with respect to API/EAH and other stuff that will just get the committed data and not the delayed in memory data on their queries. This is among the reasons you have several issues, but i am not going to touch them.

    One example i can give is that right now i positioned a SV in a playfield, and 45 minutes later EAH still lists it as positioned at another location. querying API shows same delayed positional data.

    What I really want to atleast give server owners a chance to help with some of this stuff, is a simple console command to reconsile memory data to file. (checkpoint as its called in the SQLite world).

    For example a command like: database commit that triggers SQLite checkpoint

    In total i would like to see a console command like database with the following sub options:

    dump - dump the whole db to a copy file
    size - to list file and in memory size
    info - over view over number of tables and items, as well as last write to disk

    My main wish was to get a SQLite = true/false with a corresponding mssql-connstring and mysql-connstring option in config. That way we who have access to better database resources can utilize them.

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