Hello! Thank you for your interest in learning about the decal system! If you are here, you are probably already a creator and interested in discovering ways to bring your creative ideas to life in this game! The decal system is an excellent alternative to LCDs in the ground and space-based POIs. Decals - How it's done! Technically, a decal can be anything (gif, png, asset (fbx/UnityStore), video, sound) Make sure that it’s not a copyrighted asset (we can't add this) Share your decal (here on the forum or PM with Taelyn) We will do the Unity Setup and add it to the project, and setup the DecalGun Once it’s added to a public Build, then you are able in CreativeMode or DefaultRandom to place the decal with the DecalGun from the ItemMenu You can scale the decal, Rotate it and place it in your POI (see below for keybinds) Save the POI like normal; this will create the .ebp and the .decal file. Share both files in your submission for Hummel If you wish, you can set up the decal with the DecalControlBlock to control the decal with sensors When submitting, make sure to let Tealyn know if it is meant to have collision --- Keybinds & Usage Info --- Primary Documentation https://empyriononline.com/threads/v1-3-decals.96511/ A youtube series on Decals & how to make them. Post Decal submissions in the comments below!
Important NOTE! Decals need to be the last thing you add! If you clear the pivot point or change the pivot point decals will retain their previous locations! Clear the pivot point and respawn the blueprint before adding decals, then save the blueprint and submit it. - Thank you, Alessia, for making me aware of this.