@Jascha @RexXxuS Success in transfer to new server, maintained EAH settings, with new IP. If this interest you, and you want to know what was done, DM me. I am happy to help anyone who may be troubled with setting up a server, and configuring settings. I could not find anything on the HWS EAH setup/troubleshooting pages that pointed to this. I knew the issue was on the server config side, but found no details in the "dedicated.yaml", or the "EmpAdminHelper.exe.config" to conflict with the settings in EAH Tool UI configurations. It has to do with the EPM Config file settings.Contained in {EMPYRION SERVER FOLDER}\Content\Mods\EPM\Config.txt The file is not updated with any changes made to EAH; Requires you manually edit them to current machine IP address hosting the server. Hope that helps any one who experiencing any headaches trying to find a solution with no avail.
I would love to know more about the specific tool you have used for integrating the bot for discord. Please DM me, as I would greatly appreciate your knowledge on such.
Hi, I am getting a problem in the TS Akua on our server. It seems new Npcs are getting spawned but the old ones keeps there, I tried to reset the intire server, no luck, after a few days it starts to grow again in numbers. Do anyone are getting this bug ? There are any work arround to delete those bugged npcs ?
Hey, I think you are in the wrong forum. this is only about the EAH Tool. Try this forum: https://empyriononline.com/forums/bugs.24/ Hey, I'm using the DSharpPlus package. But actually I have not much clue of discord. Just the basic to get around and use the tool.
I know its an bug, and I already reported, what I want to know is that if this is possible to do something to fix using EAH, I mean, like listing the npcs inside the structure and delete it or delete the area or something ?
It sounds like you have loaded a poi multiple times and they are over-lapping. And before restarting it, check the playfield.yaml for the POI in question. Ensure that: A - There isn't multiple entries for one location (the co'ordinates shouldn't be repeated) B - (ADM) admin buildings are not set with re-spawn rule on them. C - The template in your save game directory that would coincide with said playfield is cleared.
There is a updated version inside the dedicated server steam intallation. There is no link and its not compleet bug free either. But it works
Hello! I have a space station in PVE. This is my home spawn. This have been working all the time with no problems. I do also play with a friend. This person do also have this base as spawn home point. We do drive on planets and some time die. Then we start back on the base! Today we lost a CV and are stuck on Skillon. Normal no problem. But now out of no where we cant spawn on the home base! Why ? , we did not change or undo the main base as home spawn. We are now two players stuck on Skillon. no way to get back. Player name Ken-Lurky wolfi Home base is located at Akua Orbit. Some one did pick me up!! - But still do not understand why the respawn location just whent off.
Hey I think you are in the wrong forum/thread. This topic is only about the EAH Admin tool. Please try the forum of your server, or if it is one of the official server, the appropriate thread .
Anyone willing to walk me through the process of setting up my in game chat to post to a discord text channel, Or point me to the information. I can't seem to find it here.
U have to make a bot in discord. Use the bots tokem in set discord token. Then if u add the developer tools on in discord u can right click on the the channels to get the ID's coppy those to EAH More info : https://eah.empyrion-homeworld.net/documentation/features/discord
Hello, I have a question in the pic were the red outline is will that regenerate all of the pois on the server or do they still have to be set in the yaml under poi property's, the second pic in blue is from Empyrion playfied designer. I know its a different tool i'm just using it as a example. It would be really cool if i didn't have to set each poi manually to regenerate.
Hey, the regeneration changed/should change with 8.0. I'll have to ask what the current status is. I am not much into the Playfield creation or yaml settings. Maybe someone else knows more about it.
They still have to be set in the yaml. If u declick the option in eah then they wont regenerate at all even if its set in the yaml. This is more for sp players that they dont have to edit the yamls if the dont want regeneration. So if u want regeneration add it to the playfield.yaml AND check the box in EAH