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  1. EleonGameStudios

    EleonGameStudios Developer Staff Member

    • Developer
    Oct 20, 2014
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    Welcome to the Documentation of Emp Admin Helper (EAH)

    Please make sure to search / read here first before asking how the tool works in particular.
    If we didn't cover your desired topic feel free to ask in the proper threads.

    Please also check our documentation page. This will be moved soon, but until then you get most information here.

    Table of Content (TOC)

    1. Introduction .............................................................................................................. [GO TO]
    1. Use case of EAH
    2. Administration vs Features
    3. Limits
    2. First Start .................................................................................................................. [GO TO]
    1. Prerequisite & Installation
    2. Start / Init of the tool
    3. Dedicated Server Config
    4. Tool Config
    3. Walk through common features ............................................................................... [GO TO]
    1. Chat
    2. Playfield List
    3. Player List
    4. Structure List

    Further details can be found here
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 3, 2018
  2. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    1. Introduction [Back to TOC]


    1.1 Use case of EAH
    Not only because Empyrion is still in Alpha but in general to provide the best way to administrate your servers we give you the option to run them with the Emp Admin Helper (EAH) tool.
    It not only provides in depth possibilities to administrate but also on top features to enrich the game-play on your server like the EAH Auto Miner or Chatbot commands.

    1.2 Administration vs Features
    It is up to you if you only want your server easily to administrate or enhance it with features EAH offers.
    However the focus is of course to be able to easy administrate, manage and maintain your server - non stop. You can look almost in everything into, gather information and data or plan the way your server should run with the tool carefully.
    The idea to also implement features into EAH is kind of a dual test pilot where not only mods can be activated / deactivated but also see if these mods / features can even make it into the game core - sooner or later.

    1.3 Limits
    However of course EAH has limits, edge cases and is still in active development. Even though EAH offers its own Anti Cheat System it does not mean you are always clean of them - as it is with any ACS.
    Especially the API is a quite new implementation into the game to offer more and more abilities to control the game outside of its area.
    Last but not least any feature of the tool are not coming out of the box and are eventually subject of change all the time - depending how the game progress.
    If furthermore bugs, unclear interface or other circumstances hinder you to enjoy the tool please feel free to raise your opinion in the proper threads.

    Thank you and happy server administration!
  3. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    2. First Start [Back to TOC]

    Over the last year we made sure to make the initial start process as simple as possible. However here are some advises and hints.

    2.1 Prerequisite & Installation
    The tool will be downloaded over steam the same as the game(server) itself.
    Just locate the EmpAdminHelper.exe in the game/EAH directory and double click on it.

    Keep in mind though that it only runs on Windows 7+ / Windows Server 2012+ and requires the latest .NET dot framework to be installed.

    2.2 Start / Init of the tool
    After you started the tool you see the following Init window with a 4-6 step self explanatory walk through


    If you are running EAH directly on your server:

    1. Select the option that you run EAH on the Server
    2. Set the path to your dedicated Empyrion server.
      Keep in mind that you have to download the Empyrion Dedicated server over the Tool library over Steam
    3. EAH automatically detects the dedicated.yaml file
    4. If you are running a dedicated server activate that checkbox and set the proper .cmd file
    5. + 6. are active if you set in the 1. step a remote server. That way you need the server IP and Port there

      Keep in mind that you can also start the NoGUI version of EAH on your dedicated server
    If you are running EAH remote on your PC (Slave/Client) while the hoster or you yourself runs EAH on the Server (Master/Server:
    1. Select the option that you run EAH on your local PC while the Game runs on the Server
    2. If your hoster runs EAH contact your hoster for the Options 5,6 and the Sync Password. Usually the Hoster provides also a step by step installation guide.
    3. If you have a dedicated Server and run EAH on that Server as master, then simply enter your server information in 5,6 as well as the Sync Passwort you set on the server.
    If you use the lite version:


    1. Select the option that you run EAH on your local PC while the Game runs on the Server
    2. Enter the IP of the Server (do not enter the port here!)
    3. In case your hoster uses a different IP for telnet (like Nitrado does) enter it here. (do not enter the port here!)
    4. Enter the FTP port for the Server
    5. Enter the FTP Userfor the Server
    6. Enter the FTP Directory for the Server. Please check the Path by using another FTP tool. It could be simply "/" but it could be also something like "/127_0_0_1_12345/" depending on the Server
    7. First Set the Passwort for the FTP
    8. Click on this button to check if FTP works. If not check your settings again. If you can't get it running click ok and then go into the "Config"-"FTP" and play around with FTP Old/FTP Type. Each time click on "Refresh from FTP" to see if it works.
    9. Please make sure the dedicated.yaml name is set in the "Config"-"Setup". Otherwise a message about him not been able to download '' is shown.
    After setting this up, please restart the tool.
    Now add the "Load" Action into the Timetable to tell the tool to refresh all FTP data every x minutes


    After this click on the "On" and "Whos On" Button to start the connection


    2.3.1 Server Config
    After you set everything correct the tool will start and open automatically the server config window so you can setup your desired multiplayer server such as the server name, players, scenario, etc.
    It's mostly self explanatory and from server to server individual.


    Keep in Mind: if you click into an input field you get more information at the bottom about what you are trying to configure

    2.3.2 Server Config
    To make a more unique game you can open Functions\Config\Game. Here you find all options that are contained in the GameOptions.yaml. These give you the ability to set some difficulties as well as some basic options.
    These options are set for each scenario and change when you switch the scenario or start your game.


    2.4 Tool Config
    You could now already start the server and use the tool. However one last step is recommended and important to do: setting up EAH properly for the best experience possible!

    Click on the left Functions Fly Out Menu and then Config > Tool


    Here you can check your previous settings you made and more. Each of these settings is explained by a Tooltip. Just hover over a field and see what it is for.


    For example in the Features Tab at the top it is important to activate the "Auto Ban", "Chat Bot" and "Combat Log" Feature for best integrations with other EAH features.

    Keep in Mind: temporary deactivate the "Auto Ban" feature after a new major release and check first if everything is showing and working as intended. Then immediately activate the feature again.

    For more information about the other options you see there, the Autominer Tab and other settings check the TOC.

    Keep in Mind: After you setup everything restart EAH once so all is saved properly.

    Good job. You can now start your server over EAH!
    Last edited by a moderator: May 28, 2018
  4. RexXxuS

    RexXxuS Rear Admiral

    Jan 31, 2016
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    3. Walk through common features [Back to TOC]

    3.1 Chat

    One of the most important things you want to manage is the Chat of your players. You can not only see global, faction or personal chats but also chat to specific players by right click on the name, select it, type at the bottom to him/her and press Enter.
    The background colors help you to identify quick if it is Global (white), Faction (blue) or Server Chat (green).

    For more information about the other options check the TOC.

    3.2 Playfield List

    In the Playfield List you can see where each player is located on your server.
    By right clicking on the name / playfield you get couple of more options such as "Unload playfield" or open the "Playfield map".

    For more information about the other options check the TOC.

    3.3 Player List

    The most important feature is the Player List. Here you can see every player on your server, if he/she is online or not, the location and some other meta data.
    The biggest power comes now if you right click on a player and choose of one of different options you have.
    At the beginning the most used option is "Restart/Delete" to reset a player so he can start on a different starter planet, Warp a player or Edit the player' inventory for example.

    For more information about the other options check the TOC.

    3.4 Structure List

    Last but not another most frequent used feature of all of them. In the Structure List you have almost every information about structures of your players you can get. Most importantly you can right click again on a structure and play with a lot of options to restore a lost ship or warp a ship for example.

    For more information about the other options check the TOC.

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